Daily Steem Price Update 24/10/2022steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit2 years ago

Good day Steemian and welcome to today's Steem price update for 24/10/2022.
I have been posting the Steem price update since almost the very beginning of Steemit.com back in 2016 along with other content.
Many have came here to discuss the daily Steem price's and recent STEEM changes for over 6 years.

If you tire of addictively looking at the charts every few minutes then instead just relax and look here for the average STEEM price for your daily plan or strategy.
And even if you are not planning to do anything with your STEEM I still recommend checking out these updates every so often.
So without further ado lets take a look at today's Daily Steem Price for 24/10/2022.

Should you be trading with STEEM today...?


(Images By: @simonjay)



Steem Daily Price MoonTemplate24102022.jpg


Things haven't been going right since our leap to "Octuple Dolphin!" which means holding 40000 Steem Power you can see the post here Octuple Dolphin see apart from all those annoying birthdays which October seems to always come packed with lol "and is also why I initially missed one of the price update posts" as by the time I arrived back from the outing it was already too late for posting. Not only that but the day had already passed to the next but the reasoning was amplified because I needed to get at least some sleep for work early in the morning and I already wasn't feeling well. We missed out on two days, I mentioned feeling unwell this didn't have anything to do with the celebration itself "I did behave responsibly I promise" but because I was already getting a flu which I must of caught from someone in the family. The following day after the outing my body was incredibly achy, had high fever, but yet getting many cold chills this was no matter how many layers I put on. I still went into work that morning but that was a mistake as I could barely perform the simplest tasks without feeling fatigue. At one point enough was enough and I went home, and straight into bed and that's where I remained for a full day and a half. I'm now feeling much better but still not myself as I'm sure it will take a while to recover, however it's annoying to miss out on days. Let's try not to let this it hinder us, instead we can try our best to get in as much Steem Power as possible before the year ends. Thankfully we still haven't generally used that much heating since energy price increases spiralled upwards. But October doesn't bring much better with the weather slowly getting colder and the food and power supplies running lower. The cost of living is getting out of control hitting hard especially on those same costs when it comes to keeping warm. The cold is the sign or the excuse to bring back covid, it's supposedly on the rise. Let's just not fall for all this covid nonsense again, I already see reports of covid going upwards, apparently by high 40% blah blah new deadly variant etc wear face mask blah. Still the on-going war is a terrible moment in our history as Vladimir's army doesn't stall at the boarder, they instead attack, strike up fear, call treats and cast sadness into the lives of many. A war that if we are not too careful could just be what spells the beginning of the end. Best keep an eye on those politicians and refuse war at all costs.

As for Steem it's said to be in the "top 5" it was reported by "Yahoo Finance" that Steem is in the top 5 of new web3 social media platforms for possibly disrupting big governed sites such as Facebook and Twitter in the future. The article is interesting as it touches on how the giants of social media are abusing the content of it's users. Or in other words these sites are using the content that their users are producing to make themselves very incredibly wealthy while it gives it's actual users "if lucky" peanuts. If you want to see this article in full for yourself go here Steemit Yahoo Finance. With Steem I at least believe you can take this matter into your own hands by simply holding Steem Power. There as also been the news on how Tron as been affected on the Steemit Blockchain, there was a shocking announcement and "from what is understood" users will now receive only "half" the Tron rewards they used to earn from Oct 15. Why exactly this as been decided upon is a bit of a mystery but it seems there is a a hint towards it being due to new initiative of the Steemit Development Incentive Program. Apart from that the team don't really give any other real clues or reasoning as to why they think this is the best decision going forwards. Also to note that since this change there as unfortunately been no received TRX in my wallet, I know this as happened to others also and that it can sometimes take a few days for it to arrive but it's now going way past the usual wait time. And with this issues specifically there are again no answers from our team which is very sad. Steem itself took a big fall ever since the bitcoin downwave from 60k this sadly initially also took down the value of SBD's however it's been mostly holding around that important $3 mark which is great for when Steem does eventually go back. Still the effects of Bitcoin falling as made it so that there's a lot of cheap Steem out there and that's been catching my attention. That's what I like about Steem it still offers so much opportunity for those investors who realise the enrichment that comes from holding such a token. In one way I wanted the crypto market to remain on the lower end for longer and that seems to be the case right now as it still offers some amazing discounts on various cryptos to hopefully get a small ROI. There's no doubt initially many were already taking up these opportunities, and at a much quicker pace than I anticipated. Still we have been given another small opportunity to do a little better with this latest fall before the next bull run starts. Our end intensions with these trades is to simply continue having a means of building-up a little more Steem Power.

The weather in October continues a little colder but now I find that it's more often just getting downright cold "sometimes". And some days are already noticeably shorter and more of those gloomy type days are making their appearance. As for today I was in work for the late shift which I haven't done in like two weeks but it was a nice change and opportunity for me to catch some much needed rest from being ill. When I arrived one of the newbies was struggling with something I was about to help but one of the superiors got there first, funnily it looked like the superior didn't know what the heck she was doing either lol, well since they always know best I left them to it. Without the extra work in and most of the annoying superior having left already it made for a easy shift. I did however noticed someone new was in doing their training but I noticed my boss was taking a lot more extra time with this one and so I presume this new member is not one of us but a new superior. While I understand she must be under a lot of stress on her first day she still had a overly serious look to her which is indeed a little worrying. When I got home it didn't take too long for people to start letting off fire-works and while they are pretty they can also be downright annoying. Mostly because of the noise, I get people are celebrating but also think of those who are not and are trying to rest, sleep, who have babies or the elderly, from 8 o clock onwards do you really need to keep coming out of your house every 30 mins to let off more. Yesterday I was expecting to do the usual with mr.rich my only guess as to why I wouldn't be doing the usual was because of the strange time I was in for. I was still a little worried about going in as I was still feeling unwell but did have a good nights sleep just could of done with maybe another 2 hours rest. While I was correct on not doing the usual I was very surprised I wouldn't be working with mr.rich but instead it was working with mr.darkness. But then I remembered that mr.rich was on holiday for about a week now so it would make sense. We done a pretty good job we finished kind of early but I would say this was mostly down to another colleague who was working real fast. Also towards the end when staff started going on about planning their next secret Santa which I felt was too early, can we give Halloween some acknowledgement first? Anyway I didn't want to be part of it like the other years as there's definitely manipulation on who gets who. My refusal like always kicked up a fuss which I was really not in the mood for at that moment as being ill.

One of the superiors nearly gave me a record of conversation for something so miniscule it's ridiculous, it honestly felt like for a moment our old tyrannical boss had returned. However one of my colleagues quickly came to my defence and it could of been because of him that she decided to back down. While she didn't know about my ill situation it's still something I wouldn't use as a way to excuse myself from that situation because at the end of the day it was downright petty and draconian. As for the new people I was told by a colleague that after the starters this week begin their roles there will probably be one more small group to go through the recruitment process and that will be it for the year. Some friends who were travelling down here before leaving again for "their holiday" which well I actually wouldn't really call 2 days away a "holiday". I think it's more of a "trip" just to say "hey look at us we did it" or to take a few "hey look I was there" type photos rather then going somewhere to have a relaxing "holiday" as they put it. Then again Initially they were going for 2 days which I found kind of pointless unless you want or are going there for specific reasons but now we have noticed it's definitely been longer than 2 days lol, maybe it was a holiday all along. Which makes me wonder is it possible to go somewhere for 2 or 3 days and truly get a feel for what it's like to be at said country? I don't really think so.

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Also since votes don't always = $ and if you want to see more you can send me Steem Power Tips to @simonjay to help support me, not only me but also support the value of the STEEM currency as I have not powered-down a single time in 6 whole years.

[Follow Me Here @simonjay


Steem will go up.

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Steem will go up

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Steem will go down.

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STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63191.06
ETH 2551.41
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65