The Dead Have Risen! Checking Your Dead Followers On Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

Believe it or not, some of the accounts that follow you are not active.

I know, right?!

The truth is, sometimes people drop off the face of the earth (or Steemit), and are never seen again.

But fear not!

There is a way to check your Dead Followers

Use the DeadvFollowers app by @mynameisbrian



There's just something about the Mexican Day of the Dead stuff that's really cool to me.

Like, I've always thought the Kah vodka bottles were really cool looking:

Anyway, I did entered my name @shayne into Dead Followers, as you can see.

The resluts


These results are actually quite good.

I remember using this tool back when my following was in the 900s and there were actually over 100 dead followers... which means some of you have been resurrected!!

Congratulations on your zombiehood!

What do you think about the Dead Followers app?

Go ahead and use it and tell me what results you get :D

Follow me @shayne


Yeah sugar skulls do look cool. I haven't started posting yet, I've just been commenting and checking things out but this could be useful in the future. Thanks!

I am here since 2 weeks and 4 of my followers are dead since forever.

So it is just the posting or upvoting?

You know, I'm not sure how it is determined. It's possible that these accounts could be curators who don't engage with original content.

I'm not sure :D

I believe it just checks on content and not voting. There are a number of accounts that just upvote. However even with that check there are still tools like steemvoter that are automated and would give false positives.
Either way, it is a nice simple check.

Hey, some of mine came back to life over the course of a few weeks... so, zombies.

It's interesting, but I have to ask this: What difference does it make? Dead followers don't clutter up our HOME stream, and, while they don't upvote our work, their numbers provide a perception of higher followers numbers than really exist...from a PR point of view, that seems like a plus. In short, while one could delete them, why bother?

It's for your own benefit to know, as far as I see it :D

How? They provide no negative influences that I can see - and while they're irrelevant , they still boost viewer's public perception of your followers count.

If you are interesting in gaining an active following, it is helpful to know what percentage of your audience is active. That way you can calibrate what works and what doesn't.

I do agree that knowing is helpful - but there are other ways to determine the active level - upvotes, for instance, and their value. I once had a mailing list of 43,000+ leads. At one point, my weekly newsletter would generate over $1000 in affiliate commissions...until that number dropped almost to nil...which told me that my autoresponder wasn't properly tracking bounces. I am far more interested in zeroing in on which topics generate the most interest, ie upvotes. I take it as a given that over a period of time, people who followed initially drop off anyway, once they start to focus on their interests, rather than their followers count.

Although I have 411 followers, and 7% of them are dead, both figures are meaningless...the real number is the 35-45 upvotes received on every post. That tells me that only a handful are interested in my conservative political views - and those that are are the people I actually want and need. The other 360 are just window dressing.

That is a great ratio considering the number of followers you have! This is a cool app!! This was my first time seeing this!

Yeah, I like all of this stuff. There are a lot of independent developers with Steemit.

did good 51/51 no zombies!

Holy cow! That's a fantastic ratio!!!

I've only been around for 2 weeks. everyone's alive. good app I bookmarked it.

So what is the result of this what does this really mean?
if your popularity drops does that affect your steempower?
Maybe they are on vacation for the summer...

Oh, I don't think it has anything to do with your Steemit influence. Just an interesting metric to keep track of.

And I'm willing to bet a good number of them are curators and just don't post.

little reward for the minnows like me. I've been curating and commenting but rewards/system does not seem to add up if your low on steempower so I can see why there are Dead Rising. Many bloggers give nothing back ~ I see this as a Big problem.

My question is will the hard fork happening soon/tomorrow change this racial of rewards for curating? 0_0

wow this app is great !!! i regret why i didnt know about it earlier.

I'm glad I could help!

@shayne dude, your most awesome! Ome of my favorite Steemians! (insert fist bump)😉

(insert... fist bump)

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