Steemit Milestone: Massive PAYOUT!!

in #steemit7 years ago

Hey there my followers who I appreciate to no end!

It's @shayne, with a pretty impressive milestone.

Biggest payout yet!


Holy crap!

It kind of sneaked up on me today... and what a pleasant surprise it was!

I put this into the CoinMarketCap Calculator and got this:

Screenshot (129).png

My mind is completely blown!


I simply cannot thank the Steemit community enough for all of this.

If it weren't for the goodness of all of you, none of this would be possible.

But because Steemit has such a great community, I actually have a place to share my ideas where they are disseminated, responded to, and valued.

And for that, I could not be more thankful :)

Thank you!


Follow me @shayne


It's nice to see you doing such a huge success here. I started in May and I am still working on it and I only had a few SBD payout in the previous weeks. I guess it takes time and effort to become successful in Steemit, hope I can do so one day, anyway STEEMON.

I'm seeing you doing some huge success on this comment! lol it's worth way more than my post right now XD

Haha, maybe got noticed by some dolphins or whales accidentally, pure luck, and you have got over 900 followers, that's really nice and you have great writing skills.

Congrats Shayne! thats really a massive payout, it surely encourages everyone to keep contributing to the steemit commmunity by sharing valuable and informative posts! keep up your work, stay tuned ! :)

I hope that it is edifying and encouraging! Sometimes I worry that I might be coming off as braggadocios... if so, that's not my intent! I really am hoping that I can help others to see this an more :D

What do you get with SBD to Steem conversion, is it worth? I don't mean only a conversion but market exchange, which is more effective? Or there is no difference?

Depends on what you want to do I suppose. Are you looking to speculate or spend?

Congrats @shayne! It's so good to see the success happening here on Steemit and I'm so glad it's going your way. You've had some really awesome posts here that have helped me find my way around this great community and I appreciate it very much.

I appreciate you telling me that! :D

Thank you.


@nba05 Steemit's 13 Year Old Blogger!!!

Here is to many many more! insert Dicaprio Gif Praise steem!

Truly great. A big WOW!!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 65128.68
ETH 3442.23
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.52