1,200 Followers: Steemit Has Saved Me From A Life Of Wage Slavery.

in #steemit7 years ago


You guys are so awesome!


This is such an amazing platform and I'm so happy to have the support of all of you!

I must admit, my growth on this platform is the most satisfying of any other in which I've participated.

I have 7,000 YouTube subscribers, I have 7,000 twitter followers.

Those audiences are worth one one-hundredth what any of you are, and I feel blessed to have any one of you read my blog or watch my videos.

Steemit has given me much

Because of this platform, I have been able to remain independent, as is my wish.

I had reached a fork in the road a few months ago: should I slug it out as a game developer and content creator, or should I go back to working for the man.

I reached out in both directions.

I applied for several jobs, and while waiting for their response I worked on Steemit as though it were a job.

At this point in time I can tell you this: I'm glad those other jobs didn't want me, because Steemit has paid off for me in more ways that I could have imagined.

The legacy economy -- you know, the bullshit of punching a clock and minding what you say for fear of being fired -- that economy didn't want me... meanwhile, the new economy, the exciting economy, decided that I was just what it was looking for.

I cannot thank you enough, and I know of no other way for you all to know how much I am thankful for you but to tell you.

Thank you.

Celebrate with me!!!


Oh, and Leo, too

Follow me @shayne


Hello @shayne

Congratulations on the milestone Bro.

You deserve every single follower you have and more.

I am close behind you. LOL


Yay good work! you deserve it :) That steem$$$

in the same position brotha, hope to reach your level one day! Followed you :)

THEE Tyler Durden? Big fan! Been following you for a long time online. Glad to see you on Steemit!

You just got another follow. Already follow @zer0hedge on here.

We are all Tyler ;)

Congrats @shayne
I hope to shed my Ball and Chain one Day in the Near Future:)


Have a nice day and a lot of money
UpVote from @burundel

hello @shayne
Set the goal !

That's great, I'm so happy for you! I hope many of us will follow in your footsteps! In the mean time, enjoy this freedom for all of us :-)

Congrats :) I hope that it can work out like that for me too. It's really slow going though

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