We are seeking some input from our members to help make the next release as amazing as possible!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

We are asking all our members quickly comment below your feedback for few simple things.

  1. What is your CPU speed and Ram?
  2. What is your primary method of accessing steemit? Mobile phone, Tablet, chromebook, laptop, desktop, etc?
  3. How fast is your Internet Connection?
  4. How often are you on steem and creating content?
  5. What is the best aspect of ShadowBot?
  6. What would you change about ShadowBot?

Simply answering these 6 questions will allow us to know much more about our users and ensure we can grow the system even farther! The next phase of our system will begin to put more power in your hands! We want to ensure all our members are able to utilize all of our features!

For more information on ShadowBot:

Getting Started: https://steemit.com/steemit/@shadowbot/top-3-tips-to-earning-more-on-steem-and-shadowbot-pro-tips

Latest Post: https://steemit.com/steemit/@shadowbot/fvl-reduced-to-625-in-preparation-for-next-week-s-big-upgrade

FAQ: https://shadowbot.us/shadowbot/faq.php

Signup/Login: https://shadowbot.us/shadowbot/login.php

  1. Quadcore, 4gb ram
  2. Desktop
  3. 150mb/s
  4. Daily
  5. Guaranteed votes
  6. It seems to be working fine

I'm increase my SP as much as i can but achieving the 1250sp isn't easy and isn't cheap, over $4000 worth of SP for a new user. I can't have an opinion on the new upgrade until i've seen how it works but as long as its fair to everyone then i'm ok with that

Thanks for the update

Thank you for being such a great steemian and caster! We wouldn't be here without people like you! Keep on steemin it up!

  1. No idea
  2. Ipad and microsoft surface pro 4
  3. 25 MPS
  4. Daily
  5. Sharing upvotes with other content creators that are weighted by post quality and supporting smaller accounts
  6. Greater clarity over how Shadow Rank is calculated, plus how pool priority works. What is shadow Queue etc. I allowed shadowbot to vote for me for most of last week but my voting efficiency is only 28% What do all these terms mean and how are they calculated.

I have purchased steem power and want to work as shadow caster , signup 3 month ago , but not much benifit from shadowbot what i do now to up my shadow rank .. Thanks @shadowbot.

If you are under the FVL the best thing you can do is begin getting all your rewards into your SP. The goal of our system is to reward users who reinvest in their accounts and power up. We have made a pledge that we will not harm any good steemian and promise to work with everyone who works with the rest of the community to ensure no voice is unheard and that we do the right thing for all!

  1. 2.7Ghz i7 and 16gig ram
  2. 75% Laptop and 25% iphone 5S
  3. 50mbps Fibre
  4. I try to make a post at least once a day, but I'm on Steemit every day.
  5. The best aspect of shadowbot is that it tries its best to honestly be fair to everyone. I think the system works quite well at the moment to be honest.
  6. Honestly, if I were to change one thing it would be to have control over my voting power. I know that this could easily be abused and destroy the whole system so my suggestion would be a compromise. Say if you want to lower your voting power, you would receive less votes or something like that. I only suggest it because my voting power gets absolutely destroyed by Shadowcasting, I'm lucky if I average 55% these days. It's still well worth it for me to be part of Shadowbot though so I'm not complaining :)

Keep up the good work!

Our next release is working to offer a huge amount of control that currently is not available to casters. As we expand into Elysian Fields we will be able to expand more power and control to our members! Thank you for being part of this community it is great steemians like you who make all this possible!

Awesome, can’t wait to see what you have in store :) thanks for the compliment as well, I really love steemit and I think that shadowbot is doing a great thing for the minnows here!

1 1G RAM
2 Mobile phone
3 3Mbps
4 Daily
5 The Voting Spacing and economic rewards
6 I would require more power up necessary for shadowing up

Fair, to 6 we are working very hard to ensure this update is not going to stop the good steemians from earning. This is why we constantly ask our members to provide us with both good and back feedback. If we don't know what we are doing right and wrong we can't make things better!

4gb ram, laptop,1mbps , always,trying not to be biast is wht i love about shadowbot.
But i really hate the fact you don't stick the rules you create for long , you are always changing.for instance i don't understand why my vote was reduced from 2.9% to 1.5% without me knowing whats going on , yet my shadow rank is still 34 , i mean thats not being fare .

In order to reduce the FVL that leads to a reduction to the calculation of voting weight. However, more users are now fractionally voting which means they will vote more of the pool and in turn lead to more over all vote distributions. We truly do try to stick with our rules, but we are more inline with the mission, and adapting, trying new things, and making changes as we determine things are just not perfect yet is the process. We appreciate you so much for all the input and helping us get to that ideal spot we are seeking! Every update we are learning more about how to create a fairer system for all and we always ensure that if something is not fair to give back boosts. We even go as far as manually upvoting posts/comments from our members who are not getting enough while we work on ensuring they do! Our mission and pledge to all is to ensure all voices are heard and everyone that works hard gets a fair amount of earnings!

It,s painful to see something i hv been working hard for be taken out just like that, even if its a fare distribution it means my 7 weeks of hard work is gone with the wind .i really don't understand my why i should be affected by the fare distribution weus i earned my position farely.

You are not understanding the math, if 100 people up vote your post at 1% it is the same as 50 people up voting your post at 2%, "fair distribution" seeks to ensure you get the earnings you should. We promise we will never make huge changes to our system that would ever negatively effect our great casters like you!

Thank you it's actually more clear to me now , i agree the math was the problem i understand much better now.

It is a little confusing we understand but trust us there is a method to the madness! We promise our mission is to always ensure everyone is heard and earns!

  1. i7-3770k @ 3.5 Ghz, 8 Gb DDR3.
  2. Desktop and sometimes mobile phone.
  3. I like hard working numbers: roughly 1.2 MB/s in Download from Steam.
  4. Online through the day, when i have time, posting a meme once per day, commenting on stuff from time to time.
  5. That it's profitable for red fish.
  6. Refine that delegated SP stuff, SB should only use the effective sp, not the total SP. Only counting half of the delegated SP to a SB user for the shadowrank is a good way.

Yes this is not how we designed the system and is rather an unfortunate bug that we are fixing ASAP! If a user delegates away their SP it should not be counted toward their total SP. Our team is working to ensure that is fixed ASAP! Thank you so much for you input great steemians and casters like yourself are what make all this possible!

  1. 2.3ghz i7 w/ 16gigs Ram
  2. Laptop
  3. In theory I have 40 mbps, but in reality it is more like 25
  4. I comment daily and write maybe 4-5 posts per week.
  5. The shared communal support of each other
  6. It seems like Shadowbot's calculations seem to ignore delegated SP at least when somebody delegates their SP away from their Shadowbot connected account. I'd like Shadowbot to take into consideration actual SP after delegations. I've had a couple of people who are above the FVL, but have delegated a good portion of their power away so they aren't helping fellow Shadowboters as much as they could be, but still getting the benefits of their high pre-delegation SP.

100% Agree couldn't agree more! This was an oversight our team never considered and (stupidly) assumed the SP returned by our calculations would remove any SP they were delegating. This is in our critical fixes and will be updated ASAP! Thank you for helping us make the system better we couldn't do it with out you!

  1. Intel I7 : 2.30 GHz 4Go Ram
  2. Mobile and laptop
  3. 5.7 Mbit/s
  4. I go every day on steem, and I post between one and three times a week.
  5. The best aspect of shadowbot in my opinion is to be able to have a minimum reward for the content you create.
  6. What I would change:
    The fact of having too much upvote for a certain amount of reward.
    I saw one person with 1xxx upvotes for $20 (almost all the rewards came from shadowbot)
    This raises two problems.
    Have lots of small votes instead than a few 100% votes that would be more "natural".
    And the people who post one article per day, who are upvoting only by shadowbot, and who have xx$ reward per article.

Even if these people offer a great SP to the shadowbot voting pool, I think it should be slowed down in this abuse.

Thank you for being part of this great system! 6) we are gathering more data as we grow and looking constantly to expand the voting distribution to be as fair as possible. Our goal is that every user earns, the big issue is balancing those with the big SP who contribute a huge portion of the earnings to everyone else with still rewarding the little guy who simply can't afford the big SP but makes good content. This is why we balance both SP and Shadow Rank and we will continue to make adjustements as needed. If we see we need to we will raise the limit of 25 Shadow Rank to where we feel it makes sense if the event arises. Remember we are "learning and earning together" this is a system for us all and we all have say in how it lands up being! No voice is too small to not matter to @shadowbot!

Thank you for your answer, and long life to shadowbot:)

Here are my stats:

  1. Intel(R) i3-7100 CPU @ 3.90GHz, 3900 Mhz Core(s) and my RAM is 8 GB
  2. Desktop
  3. Download 14.5 Mbps / Upload 1 Mbps
  4. Most of my time, I post twice per day and I read a lot articles on Steemit
  5. The best thing is that we are delivering the rewards in a proper way, we don't upvote ourselves and we boost motivation for new users to not leave the platform.
  6. In order to make SB more successful, I will limit entering Steemit accounts on SB to one Steemit account per user, this way the reward wont get ripped and we will have a quality casters.

Thank you for being such a great Caster and Steemian! We agree 100% with 6 and then have 100% disagreement with it. In our next few releases it should become clear why and how we will address this all. To your real point, the reason for this big upgrade before the big new release is to begin to punish those who create many "fake" accounts and attempt to earn abusing the system!

It's good to hear that, not that you just gonna do a lot of good for SB casters but you will help Steemit platform from getting overloaded with fake accounts that can hurt our community, I am looking forward to your next upgrade, keep up the good work.

To your point, we if you make 3 accounts, one that is an amazing food blog, another that tells us all about the surf conditions in the hawaiian beach house you happen to live in and a third about teaching people surfing and kiteboarding by all means, those all provide VALUE and are separate and make sense to be different accounts. We are only looking to stop SPAM, SCAMS and ABUSERS! You could have 1 account and be terrible and an abuser and we don't want you on board with us, just like you could have 10 accounts all that are amazing and deserve love. Plus how could we ever figure out who owns which account in real life? IT is impossible trust us! That is not the route we opt for! We want to begin applying the same tactics we employ for spam filtering on email to steem and improve our systems by rewarding the good and weeding out the bad!

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