Steemit Graphics for your Blogs (Package #1)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

As I continue on with Steemit I am finding I now own a surplus of random graphics. Some I have slapped together myself and others been shared with me by other awesome STEEMIT community members. Maybe some of these will be useful to you guys so feel free to grab whatever you wish and use it, no worries

Just right click on the photo you would like to use and save to your pc

I will upload more as I grow the Steemit graphic folder I create and find on the internet...ENJOY!!!

Created by user @sflaherty


Created by user @tarekadam


Created by user @sflaherty




Created by user @dreamache

Spice up your blogs and have fun!!!


Follow me @sflaherty


Thank you so much for the artwork :-) that was very nice of you ;-) following you...

Anytime, I will try to randomly upload more for everyone, may even get into animating a few things here soon. Followed you right back, really appreciate the support

Thanks man, you're awesome ;-)

Anytime. By the way if your interested I started up a Facebook page for the Steemit community. Plans are to RESTEEM articles for users, help them grow a following and I plan to go also full time to educate non Steemit users about the potential here and drag them away from the mainstream social media system lol....everyone here calls it my Trojan Horse plan lately lol.

If you like I can try to hook you up later and see about helping you reach more people, I am here to help and figure we all need to do this thing together to get really effective in making this thing skyrocket.

If your curious my page is here:

I know a lot of us aren't fans of Facebook but its where the majority is so I figure I will bite the bullet and work the crowd over there, hopefully Zuckerberg doesn't kill me for this lol

Thanks my friend, you are a true freedom fighter :-) I could really need some help when and where you can spare it and I really appreciate when people post cool and helpful things like you.. my english is bad so it it very hard for me to write in dept material (two fingers typing).. so you pictures just hit the spot for me, to be able with no words give my posts a certain vibe and at the same time illustrate my passion for steemit :-) I am really not into facebook i have maybe logged in to my account 50 times since 2005.. I really never liked the concept, .. so when i heard of steemit 4 weeks ago i knew it was something I just had to a part of.. I feel like a newborn who has to learn to crawl and everybody is running around ;-) hehe
about 1 hour to write this and spell check ;-)

No worries, great english from what I see...totally understand. Well I am not a fan either of Facebook but sadly that is where the majority still are so I will try to use some marketing tricks I know to go there and hopefully give them the option about Steemit, maybe get us some new people here....going to be a lot of work but I am with a lot of free time lately being between jobs so figure make this a job for myself for the time being.

I did make you a post on the page, try to get you some more followers. Hopefully that helps you grow and you can reach more people. Always down to help, just let me know if you need anything and I will do my best to help.

Just went to the facebook page to check it out and can't thank you enough.. so I have put you in as a rule in the steemvoter bot as a small thanks ;-) just found out about it couple a days ago and I am not sure if i am doing it right because my voting power seems to be all the way down at 23% ?? have 78 rules out of 100 maybe too many at my stage ? thank again for all your help..

Are you using the bot that is like an extension to google chrome? I have that one, I use it now and then but its best to turn it off, let that voting power raise back up and commence again. Think your rules are fine, I haven't used mine too much myself but that should be okay if you use it now and then. I am finding lately though to more or less hook up my actual followers at random. Really nail them with full force Voting Power so they can get a slight boost but I won't be super effective till I grow some more with Steem Power, slowly getting there.

No problem helping you out, that is the true concept of my page to pay it forward and unify the community even more. I can't do this alone and be a success here, I firmly believe its all of us helping each other that will be the way we grow as individuals with Steemit

How does this have that many votes and nothing for value? I don't get it.

It just happens that way lol. Mainly probably due to people with not enough voting power hooking me up but hey its a sign that I am creating useful stuff so I am not too worried about the revenue as of yet. I figure just keep on blogging and get my Steem Power up and that should help rise the upvote worth eventually. Guess you say I am more in it for the long haul and sure with time it will become something if we keep at it. I do think that Facebook page i created maybe a gate to helping a lot of people here, its starting to grow fast so maybe in the end that will generate something for myself and others

@sflaherty Thank You for the graphics !!

UpVoted & ReSteemed...

Nice! thanks for sharing. Steemit graphics for the win

Anytime, I will try to upload a few more like this from time to time as I create them or find new ones online. Following you

Thank you. I also followed you as well

Thank you for sharing this. :)

anytime, I will try to put more of these together for the community now and then...always down to help everyone out where I can

Great idea sharing these @sflaherty! Doing a little good every now and then, way to go ;)

I couldn't thank you enough for spreading this around buddy. I figure why not do what I can, it helps others and will in the end probably help myself with effort. I am kind of a blue collar type guy and rather earn my income than sit back and pray for riches lol...a curse and a blessing...makes me a work a holic sometimes lol. I will do what I can for everyone, try to share a post or two for you as well my friend, hopefully it gains you a little something. Got to grow this, something in my gut is telling me this is needed and something I might be good at doing, see how it goes

Hell yeah man

Anytime, I will try to put more together as a usual thing I do. I did only a few of these, gave credit to the other guys but will try to create more originals if I find the time. Followed you my friend, feel free to come here anytime and comment. All about making new friends in the Steemit community

Thank you for sharing your great artwork! What an input! Bravo! This is a real motivation for me to educate myself even more. That's what steemit is all about: we are a community, helping each other, sharing content with real value, so that no one who wants to improve his skills or even wants to learn new ones is left behind! This is a real social platform! Made for the people by the people... you're already resteemed! Thnx, dude!

I really appreciate it, mostly just some copy and paste work with a little tweaking on some shading and adding some extra's but figured it could spice up my articles and always about sharing with the community. A few of these came from new friends here, not sure if they did the work or just googled it lol but we are a community like that to help one another so I wanted to pass them along. I will make more and try to start a little series of these from time to time. I just followed you and I really appreciate your resteem.

I also just fired up an official Facebook page for us Steemit bloggers if your interested, I plan to resteem peoples work, about to go full time trying to drive up LIKES so everyone here can connect. If ever you got something you might like me to post for you, just let me to comment it on my posts or you can message me directly on that page @

Guess you say I am doing everything I can to get us all off Facebook by using Facebook lol

I've never been on facebook and I never will, but your approach of using facebook to make it one day obsolete is absolutely brilliant!
Like the Chinese (or Japanese) wisdom: "Your friends should be close, your enemy even closer."

Oh trust me I get where you are coming from, I am not a fan of it either but sadly that is where so many of the non awakened souls are stuck so figured it be a good gate to swing open towards Steemit lol. I use it actually because I also work in PIVX with their social media marketing, and sadly its a place you gotta tap. I am more or less still helping PIVX but freelancer....lately I am getting more involved it seems here with STEEMIT so wanted to see about helping generate some mainstream buzz where I can. No worries, do not go to FB if you can at all costs, I can't wait for the day its shut down myself lol

I appreciate it, well I take credit for only a handful of them, the first one I did...mostly copy and paste work and the mad scientist one is me. The rest been handed by community members I call friends who pushed me to share with everyone and mix mine in. I will start working on more and may do some animating for you all here, I have a pretty wicked gaming rig just recently built so I might want to be more productive for us here at Steemit lol.

Get a chance I also just fired up a Facebook page to resteem everyone's articles, trying to grow that so I can help everyone connect over there to awesome if you check it out and toss a LIKE if your on old FB:

Either way, if you got anything you would like me to share on that let me know, comment here or message me on that page and I will hook it up

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