-400% Bandwidth? Not Getting Answers but Is There Something Wrong With My Account Due to Delegating SP?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

For the first time since last night I am able to get into my account. It appears if I make one upvote or even post something my account automatically dips down into the negative % range and found out this morning I was recovering from God knows how much negative amount of bandwidth but I come to find out I only was near -400% recovered since my last lock out of bandwidth exceeded issues last night.


Currently I actually harbor over 800 SP in this account but I have delegated most of it to @steemitbc so unsure if I am on edge here or if something is hugely wrong with Steemit but not getting straight answers but more just speculation.

Rumors are flying and I would like someone to step up and explain to users what is the actual issue. I have heard that witnesses have increased blocksizes and some have told me a small group of witnesses have decreased the blocksizes to limit minnows from the rewards pool which I am having a serious hard time believing is the case right now, just can't see witnesses risking the future of Steemit with such actions. I have also heard attacks are happening on the system and also that the price averaging system maybe the culprit.

Whatever is the true issue, I see it this way and may not be too popular for speaking about it but its how I feel at this stage. I have been locked out from my account here and on @steemitbc for 3 days with it increasing to happen more consistently and more often that in the last 3 days I was only able to make 2 posts, 1 on this profile and 1 on my other one. No matter if its due to my delegation issues or what....my potentials to make a dime on this platform have whittled me down to not even being able to participate in this platform at all lately. I spend a lot of time helping other Steemians full time with my Steemit Blogger Central project but this situation has seriously dived me into a scary spot to be able to help anyone or survive with this ongoing issue.

Going to a dip of -407% when your inactive on an account is really sketching me out here. So I hope someone can grasp some info my way because I am growing wary of holding this SP in here anymore with this account and may end up shutting her down just to see if delegation is the issue.I doubt it though because a ton of people are coming at me with non delegated accounts and this issue constantly happening. Hope someone brings to light something soon because the old hamster on the wheel in my head is feeling like taking a long rest with this constantly happening.

I won't be able to chat or comment to anyone here after this post, I tend to get the bandwidth exceeded issue as soon as I post something so I hope you guys have a great day, I am going to take some mined coins and day trade for awhile till something here makes more sense. And please, understand I been locked out from this for 3 days and barely been able to use this, I am quite sure my bandwidth should not have gotten as high as -600% last night seeing I had no access to this account. Hoping for a more technical breakdown of something system wide that we can do about this problem.

Very disheartened lately, time for a serious break I guess



You have delegated most of your SP away and now have only about 49SP actually counting towards your bandwidth allocation.

This means your account will very likely be blocked from transacting same as other accounts with similar SP.

Last I saw the available bandwidth was INCREASING albeit slowly. This is how it was coded, so as to fend off a DOS attack on the block chain.

The witnesses increased the size of the blocks, you can see this for yourself at https://steemdb.com/witnesses
Old block size was 65536 new block size is 98304.

Whomever said they decreased the block size is talking BS! This info is available including the full history since the first block was mined so anyone spreading that kind of crap is lying or needs to educate themselves.

Oh yes, it should take 3 to 4 days to settle down.

There is a proposal for a code update to fix this so that the block sizes can be restored.

The blocks are not full, but their size affects the equation or something like that.

Issue though, my delegated account has also been with bandwidth exceeded issues, over 900 SP and think that is now been locked out 5 times?? Get the reasoning you have but that still doesn't explain that.

What I been told and trust me I am very skeptical when it comes to hearsay around here but there was a few posts made I seen that said in order to fix this constant problem witnesses needed to up the block sizes to 113K and this should be a fix for now. On that very post they all said they are doing this but if you go to steemd its a very small percentage that has, rest are on smaller block sizes right this very second. Me I am clueless if that means anything for this certain exact issue but that is what is constantly going around. I am just put off personally due to being 3 days with the same issue. Rather the rumor mill stop and just someone really nail down my issue here and on my other account. What I am doing though due to this is just removing my delegation. I will wait out the 7 day SP return to my account and see where we all stand then to make further decisions.

Whatever the issue, I have enjoyed Steemit for what it is. For me though even without the issues right now this profile has tanked out in the last 3 weeks since HF19 and financially just not feasible to keep blogging away. So I am gonna hobby this maybe and just get back into trading crypto full time.

Have a read here, changing the block size is a temporary fix, as, like I said , the blocks are not 'full'.


Yes, some of the witnesses have not increased their block size, if you are voting for them as a witness I would recommend removing your vote and letting them know why.

Remember every transaction you do on the blockchain costs something, voting, following, commenting etc.

Really busy accounts with 1000SP will get these issues for a while as they are using up their full allocation, because the total allocation was lowered.

Hang tight, vote / comment less for 2 or 3 days and it will be better. Then the code ix will go out and you will forget about this for a while.

I am relatively new, but when the payouts drop, the spam should get less. Which in my mind is a great time to keep posting / active, so you can build a real following, i.e. people who read what you write vs the follow for follow trash thats flooding us right now.

Yea that follow for follow stuff is partially what is killing me lol. Seems I get the guys who have nothing to offer, nudge me with the occasional upvote to test phase if I will return the favor but I am like you here for providing good content and also to see good content.

I guess due to the issues everyone is just trying to put a reason on the issues and freaking out. That GitHub convo is helping a lot so thanks for that.

I think I will do this tactic only because its tight for us at the moment, take a little of my SP for bills and wait out the flood of spammers and just test blog now and then to watch the real activity. I do not have a real quit it and move on mentality so maybe just focus on what needs to be dealt with and in turn stick by through this rough spot. I got a bunch of miners and probably will get for so I can always refeed some earnings there back into this.

My @steemitbc project is a support group so I think what I will do is focus on that for now so I can help get better content seen in how we are doing it. Got a lot of people in our Slack that depend on me and my fiance @cryptofrygirl so we are kind of locked in no matter how we view the current issues due to having people who need us in here. I guess its just gotten so tight for us lately its discouraging to go from being able to do this full time to scraping change, but that is crypto and what happens when you live fiat free, little dips are big lol.

I have been checking my Steemit bandwith lately and it will go down from -200% to -80% and then back again to %-200! I was not even logged into Steemit during that time. When do you think it will fully go down? Also I did a lot of follow for follows lately and that is what got me here. I mean I can post on Steemit but not other Steemit sites like Dtube.

Sorry I missed your reply, not getting reply notifications again it appears. I thought they had this problem fixed but if your seeing the same issue now after all this time then they must be in a situation with the same issue again. I haven't had it happen since this post but I will see if I hear anything from a few witnesses I know. I know the last time this happened to me I had to constantly keep buying SP to keep the bandwidth lock outs at bay.

Have resteemed with the hope that someone from #minnowsupport or #whaleshare could step in and help. i know I seen some sort of discussion on discord

Hope so because a few comments and I am down to the negative again. I been watching this and it appears it is going down mainly from posting and from commenting. Upvotes don't mess with it so its some weird issue. I lost my account 29 times now with this, keeping a record lol. Only a few times at the @steemitbc one. Due to this though I believe I am about to undelegate my SP on steemitbc sadly and maybe power down for now. I have been asking around a lot about this but get only speculative word back and I personally have not much more trust to leave money in here that i could be putting into something else that is stable and doesn't lock me out from using it. Lets just say 3 days of this has truly broken my spirit about Steemit....but worse the lack of care with the effects on lesser users has me come to distrust

oh no, after all your effort and growth. You do sound broken. I have just had the same problem for the first time

Its clearly a manipulation going on. I can't really go too deep here on it but we are figuring it out on the Slack pretty well at this stage. This is going to wreck Steemit if this stunt isn't corrected soon.

Hold on found out good news. There appears to be a fix done for this issue coming. Just was pointed to this by @stresskiller on their GitHub. They are increasing the reserved ratio rate which will keep block sizes in check from what I understand. Okay maybe Steemit seen something and countered it but when it will be put in I am unsure

Yes I am aware of the suspected conspiracy , but this is being talked about with whales for a resolution(good whales!). It has been suggested to me that I and everyone else contacts the top witnesses complaining. Have you contacted any witnesses?

It's some kind of crazy bug, I haven't delegated Steem and I'm having the same problems, it even does it when I'm logged out, see here: https://steemit.com/steemit/@purpleprose/my-steemit-bandwidth-remaining-is-fluctuating-without-me-taking-any-action

Issue is though its hitting undelegated accounts as well. Me I am just kind of planning a break, let them sort it out and return when it actually works again lol...money is not worth what stresses I endured the last 3 days here.

Not understanding any of this but truly hope it gets sorted out

I noticed this bandwidth whatever yesterday, but didn't know what it meant

I had the bandwidth exceeded error too other day and then it stopped. And I swear, some times when I upvote something with my measly cent, it actually makes their post go down one cent while registering my upvote counted at same time! How can anyone explain that? I have seen it more than once to be a coincidence of market adjustments, I think.....but who knows ?

I actually did a video screen capture of me upvoting and the same thing, it lowers their payout...think that is a few posts down in the profile. If you caught this expect many more bandwidth issues to come, I have had it happen so constant that I am sure when I comment here I will be locked out from using steemit for a couple hours again.

I had seen someone post on it somewhere (wouldn't know where to look now) that the reason we are seeing this, is because the upvote button also acts as a refresh button, which makes sense. But then today I heard about a "simple" hack done at, think it was "etharium" (sp?), but hacker got people some how sending their money to his account instead of were they thought they were sending. So I also can't help to wonder if someone figured out a type "salami slicing" hack on the blockchain. They say you should be able see every transaction, but I really don't know what to look for or at, and doubt any of this stuff can be 100% perfect, judging by what hacks have already happened across crypto history.

Sorry to see you having to deal with this, with all the excellent altruism of time, effort and SP you have devoted to making this a better platform via @steemitbc.
Not sure I understand why bandwidth is an issue if one is low on SP. Doing my best to understand it all.
Many thanks for all you've done here & hope it gets sorted asap.

Nevermind, whatever the cause was lol....they got a fix coming soon. Just posted about it. Guess they caught onto whatever the issue was, so this should cease soon hopefully

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