I have $15,000 Thanks to Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

That may not sound like a lot to many of the dolphins and whales on the platform, but for me it's huge. 

I didn't bring any fame or following with me when I joined Steemit 10 months ago, I had none to bring with me. All I had was my art and a drive to write. Apparently that's all it takes on this platform.

Some nobody like me can end up with $15,000 that they didn't have before just by using a social media platform to share his thoughts and creations. 

Granted, not all of that came from Steemit rewards, a good chunk came from trading cryptocurrency: something I was too scared to do until about 3 months ago. Although a lot of my money came from trading, it was Steemit that pulled my into the world of cryptocurrency. So any earnings I've made, I still owe to this platform. 

I have made missteps and taken losses along the way...

  • I spent a few hundred dollars worth of Bitcoin before I realized the long term value of holding. The amount I spend would have been worth over a thousand now.
  • I lost about 0.5 BTC on DASH when I first started trading. This is before I learned the importance of diversifying my holdings.
  • I took a 5 month break from posting on Steemit. I'm sure I would have continued earning steady rewards over that time if I hadn't stopped writing.

Despite my errors, I've come out $15,000 higher than I otherwise would have been.

Steemit is an amazing platform and an unprecidented system for rewarding content. This is the future, and I'm so grateful to be a part of it. 

I want to say a big thank you to Steemit platform, to the Steemit community, to my followers, to anyone who has ever voted or commented on my blog, and  to @larkenrose and @dragonanarchist for introducing me to the platform.

Thank you!




Right? I feel so greatful for all theat Steemit has given us!

Everything else out there is ad-based, patron-based, or direct purchase. When I first read the whitepaper to understand Steemit's model I thought it sounded too good to be true. It's so different from every other platform. I'm happy to say that it's all true :)

Exactly! I feel like a lot of people on the outside think it's too good to be true! They just need to try it out anyways!

P.S. As a fellow artist/art-lover, I want to let you know that I'm doing a portrait giveaway. If you're interested in entering the giveaway, check it out here :D

Congratulations on earning $15k, and thanks for sharing this!

Right on this my goal next for steem just via blogging right on

It's amazing what can happen if you just stick with it.

Congrats mate ❤❤iam on my way 🚀

Excellent, well done!

So inspiring, Ive beenhere 3 weeks and have managed to gain about 200$, but beyond that ive found a place where i can share ideas, information and disucss real world stuff with intelligent people,

$200 in 3 weeks? Not bad at all.

i suppose not, My goal is to pay my rent next month with steem (700$)
maybe next month is a long shot, but eventually it will be a reality!

anyways followed and i hope to read more from you soon!

interested to know your initial investment when you first started

I think my first trade was with MAID. I traded a very small amount, only a few dollars worth, just to see if I could make any profit. I had some success. Then I poured most of my money into DASH when it was near it's peak. I had seen it going up steadily for a few weeks so I thought it was a safe bet. Boy was I wrong...

Great going, congratulations!

Thank you :)

in social media that important is appreciate and respect each other. Likewise, I am very grateful to the support and steemians who to support me.

Steemit has a really great, supportive community. I would have given up a long time ago were it not for the encouragement of a few followers back when I was making only pennies per post.

Creating wealth is always fun!

Agreed. We always value our own creations, but it's extra-fun when you have a community that turns your creation into something with real, tangible value.

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