
lol...don't feel bad I been doing the same thing and upvoting like a madman, its going down faster than it was before the hard fork but a blast to use. I appreciate the upvote, change, don't matter, as long as we are having fun. Hope that helped though, not everyone knows about the steemd trick and the behind the scenes look there...its a good thing to keep an eye on

I have realised that between yesterday and today... but I didnt knew the reason why! Cause I feel that I have been upvoting the same amount of posts.!

the percentage per upvote went up slightly with this HF, its always used it up but its a little more now so we have to let it recharge basically. If we just slam upvotes constantly it will only bring little to others, that is kind of the catch now for this...still can vote a bit but its also good to pay attention to steemd for your percentages

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