Please Welcome and Meet a New Member of our Steemit Community -A shop owner , Also I created a Youtube Channel to Spread the word about Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago

If you tell someone that there is such a community like Steemit, people in less urban areas with zero knowledge of cryptocurrency won't believe you, and that is why it is hard to make them join here. Moreover there is this language barrier, because if you are into local business in places like Himachal Pradesh, you won't need English.

Yet, I bet that they can be a good contributors to our community. That is why I was advising few of my friends to join in here. I had told @blackcobra /Anil about Steemit a month back, just after I joined here. And finally, yesterday I helped him with making an account. And I saw that within one day he learned to post some photos.

I also have some friends from NIT Hamirpur, who seemed excited about the platform. I gave them the site address, and one of them had applied for an account on the spot. Somehow I forgot to tell him to follow me, and we didn't meet after that. 2-3 other friends are going to join very soon, after their vivas are over. I see that young people are excited and also they have the potential to learn the platform fast.

Apart from those young guys, there are shop owners and retailers like @blackcobra, who have to sit all day long at the counter. They haven't got that good English speaking skills, or even a laptop, but they have got smartphones and they can use the eSteem app to post or read the useful stuff here. Here are the reasons why they can be valuable members of Steemit community.

They Learned Facebook so they can Learn to Steem

Everyone is on Facebook and Yutube, and they learned to operate well without any good English skills. It doesn't matter if they have good skills for English or not, they can converse in Hindi with the Hindi speaking people, or Chinese speak Chinese with Chinese. More important thing is that they must have the like minded people in their circle. And the best ones are their friends, right? So when they join, they will make their friends join, and that is how we grow.

Small shop owners Have most of the Time of the day

You see that small shop owners generally don't have a flock of people gathered thronged around their shop. A customer may visit in 20 minutes or so, and doesn't take more than 2 minutes to buy a thing. So almost whole of the day they have to sit on the chair, either surfing Facebook or watching some random stuff on Youtube. What if they do the same on Steemit, and altogether earn for doing so? Seems a very good proposal.

They are the ones Who definitely know a thing or two about Money

Yeah, they are the businessmen, and they know how the money has to be earned by doing sales. They know what sells, and how to sell it. I won't know much about all that, and maybe I can learn from them few things about money.

They can post product reviews

They sell the products and they know which one has got the best reviews from the customers. Small shop owners like @blackcobra are the people who deal directly with the customer and they definitely can advise you on the products. So, if they create review videos for the product, those videos will be in good demand. People search Google for product review, and that will link them to Steemit.

As far as my contribution is concerned, I post music, run Billionaires Quiz contest everyday, and share personal trekking stories. Today, I thought of making a Youtube Channel separate than my music channel only for Steemit. In this channel I am going to spread the word about Steemit.

Today I shot a small video with @blackcobra, a gesture to welcome him on this community. He doesn't speak much of English, so maybe he will opt for Hindi script to write post over here.

Please welcome him, by visiting his introductory post here.

Thank you, leave a comment about what you think, or an idea about growing together.


HI BLACKCOBRA and sanjay91422

Hello Shla-rafia.. how you doing? :)

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