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RE: Warning Do Not Invest in APPICS!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Do you ever tried to ask a question to some big companies? You will end up on a FAQ page, thats the reality. Not all of the team members be able to answer questions immediately, thats totally normal and we managing our Telegram beside our daily business. We have no time to manage bad vibrations in our telegram, so that´s why i have blocked you. Everyone can asking questions, but keep it civil and don´t stress our team and call them ignorant. We get stressed everyday from scammers and bored people, who thought this channel is a conversation or spam channel. Our community is very important for us, so thats why we build this channel and started this conversations about the "APPICS" project. Iam sorry, if your questions was´t seen from the team, you can send me a mail to [email protected] and i will answer it and you can move on asking in the channel, if you are still interested in our project and want to support it. regards


"Who thought this channel is a conversation" well it is a conversation? Most of the time it was only we that was talking in the channel. We understand that you want to keep it on topic but the truth is also that we invest in not projects but in humans that are cool and laidback.

Better to have topics being discussed than dead silence? We actually kept up "nice vibration" by having a laidback style we asked deeper questions but when the best questions wasn't replied to in the telegram post then it gets a bit weird. At least you could have said we get back to you or we will think about it. Some laugh around creates a more relaxed environment where everything doesn't have to be so dead serious all the time.

We also understand the issue with scammers and bored people but I really didn't see it in this channel. Mostly curious people. I run a YouTube channel with over 1 million followers so I understand how it feels to get spam on a daily basis or ungrateful people. The only thing appics need to work on is better communication.

We didn't know the team is stressed if we would have known than we would have understood. So sorry about that. This new instant communication definitely will be stressful since it's a new fast way of getting feedback it can be a bit overwhelming we understand your team is trying the best to bring out an awesome service.

This is a new time where people expect higher from companies like be able to have a conversation style. Look at Telegrams official twitter how they engage with their audience in a playful way but still keep stuff on topic. Or how Gary V is replying to everyone with kindness. This is what people expect these days. The reason why joke and humor works so well is because it creates deeper trust and long term connections.

What we as creators is trying to see is if the team is serious with the project or if they are looking for a quick cash profit. Creators have been living under the YouTube and Facebook tyranny for a long time and now they are looking for an amazing team.

Thanks for leaving me an email shows appics is learning and becoming better at communication already. I know it takes time to make adjustments so I will have a look at the projects in a few months to see how it's going. Most companies wouldn't reply to a post like this and I didn't expect appics to respond so it shows a dramatic improvement already good job.

Well you're a start up.. so throw that big company reply out of the window.
Your own example then works against you. For, if you are the opposite of a big company.. it should mean that you would do the opposite of their PR system. You have more than enough staff active so quit pretending that this is the real reason why you ignore serious questions.

Anyway, you are not a stupid person. You know the truth.
You don't want to face the truth. Simple. The truth catches up though.

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