in #steemit6 years ago


well 2 years on steemit! YES 2 YEARS!! Woooooooo Hoooooooooo WOW it went soooooo fast and what a wonderful adventure it has been, I have seen this place go from nothing to the great platform it has become and is still becoming! I can remember looking back when STEEM was only 15 cents, Boy oh boy has it came a long way since then. I have seen a lot of changes and been part of some myself, for me Steemit has provided sooooooo much for me as a blogger and has also done a lot for me as a photographer/livestreamer by giving me a place to share my life and knowledge or just to share some photos.



If there is one thing that I have learned form Steemit it's that patience is a virtue. Good thing's don't come over night and the simple fact that most people here want to become a whale and get paid as fast as possible and this is something that is just not going to happen, I have had many good content posts and many many photo's shared yet I have never once earned more then 50 bucks on a post. It's not all about the money, it's more about the community and the fact that you make even 1 penny is more then you would ever make on Facebook or another social media site. That in itself was enough to make me wanna stay.



I have met so many awesome people here and still grow daily, it's crazy to me that a lot of people still don't know about Steemit. I can only imagine that when it finally goes mainstream it will be the best of the best! But today I wanted to share a bit about my journey here on the Steemit platform and my experiences with it. To start out with the obvious.. Have I made any money through usingthe Steem platform. The answer is yes. I have made about 2500 to about 3000 USD since the start of my journey and it has helped to keep me coming back that's for sure. One thing I can say that has been true for me is that you won't get rich and most likely you wont end up a whale for a looooong time lol It takes time and dedication to your blog to even come out making just a small amount but for me that's enough!



Over the past 2 years I have seen so many new apps and projects that have found much success here and have even started a few myself. One of my favorites so far has been DLive. It's an amazing community of live streamers and video makers that just envelops the true meaning of good community and like minded individuals. Steemit being one of my main sources to post to has become one of the things in my life that is now just routine. I wake up and hop on Steemit like I used to with facebook and I can see so many other people that are doing the same thing and that makes me proud to be a part of such an awesome ever growing community. I can't show enough thanks to the creators and people here making this the best blogging and content creating site on the net!



Let me be the 1st to say that without steemit my blogging/livestreaming would not have done even close to the amount of popularity that it has reached. Not that I'm very popular here on Steemit but I do have a decent amount of solid followers that do stop by and show some love, I have even made some really good friends as well. I will say honestly that in the start I was only here for the money and never thought that it would get to be where it is today. I think that a lot of people started out the same way and came to the same conclusion as me. Steemit is much more then free money.



For me I know that most days I sit down to write an article about my photography or live streaming and end up just about falling asleep trying to get the perfect storyline with my photos, it's not an easy thing to do when you come home with 400 pics that all need to be processed and on top of that need to have an engaging story along with it. But I love doing it. It's relaxing to just sit back and write. It has become more of a lifestyle now then just some website online that I visit. I always take pride in my work and seem to spend much more time then I planned on using just for a blog post lol.



But when it comes to blogging it's something I take quite serious even though I'm not the most interesting person on earth, but I try to keep them short and simple sometimes I seem to get a bit more in depth then I would have liked to go , not that it's a huge problem to have more then you wanted but sometimes it can get to be a lot to read. lol I can be a man of many words sometimes and other days I can't seem to write a single sentence. Either way we all have our ups and downs here and I can say with all honesty I wouldn't want it any other way but to be here on Steemit trying to grow and become more entangled with these roots I have grown. If you agree that this place is amazing and is the best place to blog or create content let me get a #Steemit4ever in the comments! Let's all take a min to give thanks to the platform that has done so much for ALL of us and let's continue to make this place the #1 spot on the net!



Looking back on when I just started I have came so far from where I was. I came here new to blogging and content creation and over the years have learned a lot and even grown a lot from the point I was to where I am now in my work. Sometimes I don't think I have any skills for blogging other days I feel very proud of my blog. It comes and goes but for me that's just the way it is, and I'm ok with not knowing everything yet. Sorry I'm talking your ears off I won't ramble to much longer I just wanted to share with you guys a little bit of what I have been thinking about and that is how I love Steemit and all the people here because none of this would be possible without all of us doing our part to make this place GREAT! Keep up the great work everyone and I hope to see you out there! STEEM ON!!!!!



Congratiulations on your 2th steemversary ... it has been a wonderful journey I'm sure. So much what happened in two years. I'm not even one year here and am thinking it's an amazing place. Wish you a real good third steemyear ... and steem on!

Thank's!! There will be many more to come!

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