Kundalini Awakening ~ A Western Perspective

in #steemit7 years ago

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Kundalini, “the coiled serpent”, or Lady K as I affectionately call her is much misunderstood, especially in the western world where she is barely known at all even among those teaching yoga and meditation, practices whose basal intention is
to arise or Awaken Her. I found this out empirically and completely to my dismay. Whilst I had former knowledge of Her, had studied Her where I was intuitively drawn to read about Her, and had purposely intended to arise Her through various
practices, I found myself at a complete loss for finding external assistance when She arose. I was one of the lucky ones here as I was fully aware what was happening to me.

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A combination of those practices, academic study, as well as “Remembering” how to fully surrender to her kept my mind and body safe through the process. However, a prevailing lack of knowledge and purposeful mis-teachings regarding this Extraordinarily Powerful, ineffable, innate physio-psycho-spiritual process combined to leave me not only without assistance and support but physically, mentally, emotionally, and “legally” attacked, arrested, robbed of my BeLoved son, physically and emotionally abused, and imprisoned and poisoned against my will in a hospital that allegedly had my safety and best interests at heart. The allopathic medical doctors known as psychiatrists whose “care” I found myself under, with the exception of one, certainly were neither capable of understanding nor comprehending any of my assertions and later pleas that I need not be
medicated or jailed due to my Spiritual Emergence, of which I spoke clearly and with a compassionate, rational, and didactic tone.

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Clearly western “conventional” medicine and the majority of its‟ practitioners are doing far more harm than good whether they are just “doing their job” innocently...or not. My experience is far too common so I am inspired to address it in order to educate about it, create an evolutionary shift in our society‟s handling of it, and end the torture and abuse, for profit no less, of those arising Kundalini.

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The western allopathic model of medicine approaches dis-ease, or rather the imbalance of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energies by “attacking” and suppressing the symptoms. This does not lead to the eradication of any of these
imbalances although those that practice it are credited with the power of magicians and having performed miracles for “curing” the symptoms. While this only leads to further systemic dis-ease, imbalance, and life force~all the time, it is particularly dangerous with Kundalini as She is life-force itself. Imagine trying to force a wild stallion to do as you bid against their will and intention. One can not overpower Power itself with power. While it might work with a gelding, with a stallion it must be Inspired through love, respect, trust, and admiration. The same is true for Lady K.


Those who abide in societies that are aware of Her are cared for, supported, nurtured, and kept safe during their Sacred Union process the same as a newborn child is meant to be in our world...for the birth of Lady K is the Re-Birth of the Divine Child Within into this external world. To make matters worse the conventional mental “health” system attempts to suppress Kundalini with toxic pharmaceuticals that are dangerous alone never mind to the immensely intensified sensitivities of someone amid this process.

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Simply put it is easy to kill someone with these psychotropics as their system‟s responses are heightened. With the increased practicing of yoga and meditation in the west and its' upsurge in the numbers of people experiencing Spiritual Emergency as a result of not being either aware of or prepared for it, it is of paramount importance to bring this information to light. In addition, there is organically a rise in the numbers of people experiencing Spiritual Emergence without any practice or intention to do so as well which adds to the gravity of the need for this wisdom to become common knowledge at this time.

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Lady K is first and foremost a purification process and is the evolution of our nervous system, something not meant to be suppressed for so too many reasons to delineate, especially in these syntropic transformational times with much healing
needed collectively on our planet, not to forget the importance for each individual. While She takes and guides us through Darkness into Light on a personal level, She also does the same for our planet, the cosmos, and the Multiverse/Omniverse.

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For humans to suffer the delusion that they have the capacity to suppress her, prevent her, or even alter her course is displaying severe ignorance and lack of Respect for Her which I have tremendously acquired empirically. It also is completely self-destructive and in denial of our innate spirituality. It is now time to bring Her and her Wondrous Powers of Healing, Enlightenment, Bliss, and Love so that we may all share in her Gifts, known as Siddhis or “supernatural” powers/senses and Ananda, the Bliss of Being. Our human family must embrace Her Lovingly, Respectfully, and with Courage in order to be Transformed by Her Grace into Divine Humans, our Destiny.


For those working in any of the fields that I have mentioned I must impart that it was not my intention to insult or judge you but to bring into your awareness more truth with which to do your jobs in a higher manner in Service to your fellow man and
woman. Much in our world, our beliefs, our systems, and ways of being, is no longer valid. Lucky for us Lady K, like how a newborn babe in a mother's arms at her breast for the very first time erases all prior memory of pain and struggle as if it
never existed, is here to assist humanity to experience the Infinite Love we all are made of so we may Co-Create a new story for humanity, a New Earth, and then some...of which we had absolutely no idea was even possible...

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As I say in one of my affirmations given to me by Her, “Where we are All as ONE Simply Drunk on GodDess and Gratitude and everything else Mother-Father GodDess have in store for all their Children whom they so do Love to Surprise.”

Sat Nam!

Peace, Love, Abundance, and Joy...& Steem On!!!

Lisa Vunk @rwarriorgoddess


Great imagery in this post and I'm sure you've demystified this for many people! :)

Spot on... thanks for sharing your experience with kundalini awakening. I have heard other similar accounts, as far as a huge lack of understanding in the traditional medical establishment. The way my good friend's dad put it who studies Chinese medicine, is that western medicine is mainly good for emergency care. They can keep you alive in the case of an emergency. As far as the more subtle aspects of health, they are extraordinarily clueless. Of course western science as a whole struggles with the metaphysical aspect of reality, as the instruments we possess are not so capable of measuring it (at least the ones the general public is allowed to know about.) I am glad you made it through that trial to continue to spread knowledge and be a conduit for increasing awareness. Shine bright and Steem on~~~!!!

Great post....

Immense Gratitude BroStar @hanisullah!!!...Shine On!!!...Cheers...<3 <3 <3

Oh yeah...you are welcome

Now THIS is more like it! Really authentic stuff Sis-Star!
Upvoted and Highly rEsteemed for obvious reasons.

Interesting and thought provoking post. Thank you for sharing

Thank you for sharing on this subject. I am intimately familiar with Lady K as you call her. Much of my purpose and work is around sharing my story with my Kundalini Awakening while warning others of the seriousness of this energy and the substances that can lead to the activation. I would love to connect and learn more about your story. Bless you for spreading the word and for making it through the other side! <3

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