How to make your posts look professional - Introducing a new banner!

in #steemit7 years ago

Presentation is half of the work.

I've noticed that a lot of big users here on Steemit have some kind of banner, or signature, at the end of their posts. This makes it look more professional and people will have the impression that you put a lot of effort into your posts. It is also a question of putting forward your own brand. On a social platform it can be really important to have a niche in order to create your own community around you.

As someone who is pretty perfectionistic, I decided I needed a signature for my posts myself.

Up until now, I've always ended my posts with:

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this post, don't forget to upvote, resteem and follow me @rvanstel for more content like this. Have a nice day!

Now, instead of just putting in a boring piece of text, I will end my posts with a banner I created:

884x295 Steemit banner @rvanstel.png

The vault boy from the Fallout series has more or less become my brand in the social spheres. I love the Fallout games and lore, and the color combination of blue and yellow gives off a lot of positivity in my opinion.

If you're interested in having your own banner to end your posts with, I'm willing to create one for you.

Note that I can only do so much and it depends on how you all respond to this offer. For now, I'll say that I'm willing to make a similar banner to mine - but one that fits your profile and style - for just 4 Steem or 4 SBD. Let me know in the comments if you're interested or send me a message on (I have the same username on there).

I hope this little piece of advice will help you if you're new around here. I see a lot of new users putting out some great content, but struggling to be recognized. Hopefully this might give you (and me!) an edge in that. For now, I thank you all for reading and I hope to see your response in the comments below!

884x295 Steemit banner @rvanstel.png


Nice idea, Richard! Question: Isn't this character from Fallout protected with a copyright? Just curious
btw, I never played Fallout so didn't recognize this as being a game character. I actually thought you designed this guy to look like you, haha

Haha I don't look like the vault boy. It is technically copyrighted, but using it for fun on a social media platform shouldn't be a problem. Loads of people use the vault boy as their avatar. What's more, there is a lot of Fallout fan art which uses 'copyrighted' images. Take a look on deviantart and you'll find loads. I don't think it's a huge problem as long as you don't use it for your legally registered business.

Thanks for reading my post!

Upvoted by Emma

Thanks, Emma!

Cool banner! Using the Vault Boy is a nice little extra, because it adds more value to your content or your own community. You give your old and new followers a little taste of your interests and they might share that same interest. Very nice!

Thanks! And yeah, the vault boy has more or less become my brand :)

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fairly to say I just found out. Handige post :)

Nice idea! Can't wait to get a banner from you :-)
Please feel free to contact me for more details.
Have a nice weekend!

You have a nice weekend too! I've replied to the @steemaniacs account.

You've inspired me to work on my signature line by creating a banner, I have a graphic I pieced together out of clip art, but I feel like I need an upgrade!

I'm happy to help! You can contact me on at @rvanstel and we can discuss things :)

Thanks so much for checking out my profile!

Hey, i would love for you to create a banner for me (Something like yours) =)

Let me know and i will transfer the 4SDB :)

Hey @jtthefoodie, thanks for your interest! :) Are you on We can discuss it a little more there. I have the same username on, so just shoot me a message over there.

done just waiting for you to jump on now :)

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