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RE: Challenging My Feelings - My Brain Working Through an Issue.

in #steemit8 years ago

@whatsup, this world is a big fat bastard and steemit isn't immune from being infected. the stemmit community will have police itself or it will join the rest of mainstream media. When the poopie-doo is on our path, hopefully we see it and walk around it, and not walk right in it.


It's true that we need to look after each other and the platform - especially if it's to be "decentralized." But instead of just walking around the poo, we should let others know that it's there and maybe clean it up, or at least spray some air freshener. Ignoring it will only keep things dirty and smelly. Pointing to the turd and saying, "Hey, watch out!" shouldn't be condemned and the person pointing shouldn't be vilified for it.

I like the poop analogy. Some will call me a hater or tell me to leave the platform (yes, that happened) for saying that. But they're the poop in the analogy, so...

Agreed, I was only looking at the part about the deceit, but I too want to see discussion of the poop.

Boy, isn't that the truth. Nothing is immune, my brain just takes a while to work through things once in a while.

@whatsup, why do i always use poop in my post? What's wrong with me? Another awesome post

You are a poopy poster

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