- CREATING NEW STEEMIANS - STEEM Evangelism Through Apps Like Steepshot, Dlive or Dtube

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


Explaining to your everyday Joe what the Steem blockchain is, how it's different then Steemit, what the monetary incentives are and how everything works is a tough nut to crack. Not because it's so hard too comprehend or because Joe is stupid but because it's so abstract to him that something like this is even possible, so he naturally either dissregards the idea of it or just labels it as a scam. Without even thinking twice about it.

Today you will learn the right way to do it

STEEM Evangelism 101

Telling your friend/family/girlfriend/random person on the street how great Steemit is and how powerful of a blockchain it is, processing millions of transactions daily, all in 3s with 0$ fees, how every upvote/comment/resteem is a transaction forever embeded on a immutable blockchain and how you earn cryptocurrency from upvotes will leave them in shock and disbelief.

Through the years they have thought of the internet as a fun time-kill, or an enciclopedia they can open when they need any information but they have failed realize how in the process of using it for their needs they are actually generating a lot of profits for certain websites. Hoarding and selling their data, these websites make billions but their userbase is clueless.... So naturally, they think that their time online is worth nothing as they do it for their plesure/needs.

These kind of people can't comprehend a system that turns that wealth away from the greedy corporations back to the userbase behind it. Because they have been conditioned to think otherwise for so long, they can't see past their nose and realise the potential of what you are trying to explain to them.

First, you need to spark curiosity and make them ask you about it

Whip out your phone and show them your Steepshot.io profile. First they will be like:"Ok, this looks like instagram and you got some pretty pictures here, but why are you showing this to me?" Then you point them to the part where it shows how much you earned on that picture and ask them how much they earn for posting on Instagram and Facebook.

giphy (2).gif

Not knowing how to reply they will stutter and ask:"Nothing of course, tell me more about how you are making money on those pictures. I post simmilar stuff on Insta and get nothing. Teach me Yoda"

And that's it!

Now you got a person who went from not being interested in your blockchain, cryptocurrency bs because they have been hearing about it from every news outlet in the past half a year, to someone who is genuenly interested in finding out how it works and want's to get involved.

This works well with other Steem based apps too

You can do this kind of Steemit evangelism with any other app that looks simmilar to something they have been using before. That lights up the first sparks of interest in their mind as they are looking at something they are using themselves already but aren't getting paid for it. And you are. 90% of the people you can get in that situation will be interested in finding out more, and with each person you have this talk with, right then and there you are creating a new Steemian.

Dtube and Dlive are also great for the purpose as they resemble something everyone is familiar with (Youtube) but doesn't earn money on. You simply show them the apps and present your success with them. Most won't be able to supress the curiosity and will start bombarding you with questions about how to get started.

I do this every day!

Whenever I'm in a situation where it's appropriate, I'll whip out my phone and start talking about Steepshot quickly moving to Steemit and covering all the basics needed to explain how everything works. All that to people who weren't interested in it before but in the end they were the ones pushing me to tell them more and help them get started.

Now it's your turn!

Stop harassing your friends by talking about the blockchain and show them the real world use. Make them interested and get them to ask you questions about it. Instead of being the one constantly annoying them with something they don't want to hear about, you will quickly turn into and encyclopedia of knowledge about something they are really interested in.

My other steemit-related post

Why LOW Steem Prices SHOULDN'T Discourage You From Producing Content But SHOULD Motivate You Instead


There are many SBDs being generated and sold every day, money is going out. Have you ever thought how can this persist without any money going in? Printing money out of thin air? Stupid idea and it was very stupid of me to believe it initially. I wish I never found this place or at least never invested in the crappy STEEM.

Why such a negative attitude? WHat happened? Who said that money isn't coming in?

Printing money out of thin air? Stupid idea and it was very stupid of me to believe it initially.

That's exactly how the monetary system works, yet we have used it for hundreds of years now. (not saying it's good but that's how it is)

Also, SBD can never be below 1$ worth of Steem and with the current inflation rates (3x Steem in 20 years) I see no issues with it. Demand will eventually start rising exponentionally anyway.

Lastly, most of the months I'm making more here than I would by working a crappy job at a corp I hate so I would much rather spend my time/money here to earn more than to climb the corporate ladder for the rest of my life.

That's what I thought buying STEEM for 4.5$. Look where it is now, this shitcoin fell much worse than the rest of the crypto. If only I was smart enough to early realize how it really works, feeding only whales and scams.
Sure, fiat money is even more useless in fact, but at least it doesn't fucking dissolve in your hands (unless you're in Venezuela or something).
And the only way for money to come in is if some poor sod like me gets his hopes up, buy in and eventually lose it. STINC wasn't smart enough to at least allow revenue from ads into the system or something. And what a pathetic job of a site, too.

Oh, well first of all I'm sad to hear that but at least you have learned a valuable lesson. Never buy into the hype, sell when people are hyped and buy in the dips. I sold @ 6$, bought bac in at 1.5$ You did a bad move there and are blaming the coin now. That's not the way to go about it.

Steem hasn't changed it's the same as it ever was and it's not the problem in how the sytem is set up but the fact people abuse it. Just look at @adsactly @exyle and all the other high SP circle jerks. They are the ones fucking this place up.

It hasn't dissolved, it just temporarily lost it's value. HODL and you will be able to sell for a profit soon.

Ads would ruin this place. Adless sexperience rocks! We need something else. I'm thinking about creating a service for Steemians where you could place a banner at the end of your posts to promote a ICO, coin or whoever wants to promote here and get most of the rewards for it.

This place just needs to mature, give it some time. And yes the design is crap but Steem.inc doesn't want to do anything about it. In their mind they are like: "fuck it if you don0t like it go to busy.org it's mutch better, we are taking care of Hf20 and SMTs first"

I know it was my fuck-up, should have kept away in the first place. Shame, I won't get a second chance.

Ads would ruin this place. Adless sexperience rocks! We need something else. I'm thinking about creating a service for Steemians where you could place a banner at the end of your posts to promote a ICO, coin or whoever wants to promote here and get most of the rewards for it.

In fact, I'm working on something like that right now. Like a proper social network based on STEEM blockchain with upcoming integration with other chains (APPICS, whaleshares) and Dapps like Dtude and Dlive for videos, something for music as well.
Profiles, photos/galleries, messages, communities, notifications, basically everything steemit lacks. The aim is to make a new generation social media that pays users, pretty much what steem was supposed to be.
But I also believe that the right kind of ads will benefit both the project and STEEM.
Are you a coder? Maybe we should join forces and make this happen? How about we discuss it on discord? I have a long list of features I want to implement, too much to do alone.

That's an awesome idea. We need something that can have all other steem based apps integrated and easily accessible. Would love to hear more about the ideas and the current state of the project so hit me up on discord.

I'm not a coder but I have an idea of how you can go about finding one.

Nice one, spreading news about Steemit and the related apps which makes our Steem experience much easier and better to our friends and relatives will make the interested.

Thanks for this motivational post.

Thank you for using eSteem and you have been chosen by eSteem curators for Encouragement Program .

Please join our growing community using this link and check our Mobile and Surfer (desktop) apps using this link.

Yep, it's the easiest way to promote Steemit to anyone and help the community grow.

Thanks for stopping by and appreciating my post!

Cool, I think you meant to tag this in #promo-steem - which has a larger following: and it is where you could get an upvote from @steem-ambassador for posting about your promotional activity. You might consider updating the tag.

Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. Thanks for pointing that out, updated!

Yeah, that's exactly
What I mean. Thanks for pointing
That out, updated!

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