While I'm NOT a Fan of @TrevonJB I think we Should think Long and Hard about Ganging up on People on Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


So I'm sure many of you have seen the Butthurt post by @TrevonJB about how he's not posting anymore. I imagine most people's reaction is good riddance asshole.

That said, just to play Devils Advocate, I think we need to think long and hard about ganging up on people and running them off the platform.

Steemit is based upon and founded upon being cencorship free. Unlike Youtube or Pinterest, or Instagram there's no central authority to say you can or can't do this or that, and that's part of what makes Steemit so awesome.

In regards to @TrevonJB , if he's posting about Bitconnect or Davor or another HYIP Ponzi Scheme I'm all for the community downvoting that type of content as it provides no value, potentially harms crypto in the eyes of the mainstream, and it in a way protects noobs from getting scammed.

That said if @TrevonJB is posting about baking a cake or a great new crockpot recipe he has my attitude is we should leave him be.

I get it, everyone is pissed off at him and Craig Grant and CryptoNick, and rightfully so. After that whole incident I was hoping they would kind of be shamed out of the crypto community and to some extent that has happenned.

That said I would say rather than downvoting content that is not scammy in nature is wrong to do. If you don't like it leave it be and don't upvote it, and quite honestly I'm hoping people as a whole don't upvote or support what he's doing, but ganging up to downvote everything he does and run him off here in my humble opinion sets a dangerous precedent.

I guess my point here is it's a slippery slope. What happens if moving forward people just decide to gangup on people they disagree with and run them off the platform.

I guess my point is this, we as a community are the monitors or admins of this great ecosystem, let's make sure we keep it a place for free speech and no cencorship and I think we do that by not supporting stuff we don't like, but also by not ganging up like a mob and trying to take someone down.

Just my two cents. Your thoughts?

*** One last thing I wanted to add that I think ties in. On Reddit the purpose of the downvote button is not to downvote content you disagree with, it's to downvote content that doesn't add anything to the conversation or which is spam. Somehow however it has turned into a disagreement button. I think the Steemit downvote/flag system should be used in the spirit of how Reddit was meant to function and not what it has devolved into.


No one is censoring him bud, because anyone could easily see his content by hitting the show button, he's just not getting any money for his posts... which isn't censorship:

Regardless my point is let's just think long and hard about ganging up against people because it's a slippery slope.

Obviously this is just my opinion, we all have our own vision of what Steemit should be. To me personally the flag button is meant to be used for stolen content with no attribution, pure spam content, maybe someone adding the "introduce yourself" tag to every post they put up, but isn't really meant to be used to attack people we don't like or flag people we disagree with.

If I don't like some content I just pay it no attention. Again if Trevon is doing Davor content flag away but if he's sharing a cooking recipe I think we should just leave him be, again just my 2 cents.

I hate to say it my friend, because I really love Steemit, but let's face facts here... Steemit is a pay-to-win system, and nothing more. If you're here because you believe it to be a fair and uncensored community, you are definitely in the wrong place mate.

Just had another interesting thought as well. I totally get your argument about how he's still able to get his message across he just can't earn from it.

Youtube does the same thing. Very infrequently does Youtube actually remove content, it just doesn't allow creators to monetize it.

While I can totally relate to the frustation of Youtubers who have their content demonetized, everyone last one of them makes Youtube videos crying about censorship and in reality very few if any of them are censored, they just can't monetize in which case most decide it's not worth making videos anymore but few of them are actually being outright censored.

Not being able to monetize it is in some ways a form of cencorship. I think it's a little disingenous for us to tell people to come over here where you can earn unlike Youtube, yet as a community do the same thing that Youtube does to people. Again, I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you jsut trying to argue this from all angles.

Not being able to monetize it is in some ways a form of cencorship.

Not it isn't, be we can agree to disagree.

As for the:

I think it's a little disingenous for us to tell people to come over here where you can earn unlike Youtube

I think that whole idea is stupid, and no one should be telling people this. You come to Steemit for the ability to earn on your content, but if you are pulling people over with that reasoning alone, it is going to backfire on you, because let's face it... how many people actually earn anything when they first get here?

Hey buddy I can't disagree with you because of your second comment. I see a lot of people saying things like Fuck Youtube Steemit is way better, Youtube censors people.

No Youtube does not censor people, they do choose who can and cannot earn on the platform. I think Trevons issue is pretty much the same as Youtube. Trevon is free to post whatever he likes here but if the community decides he can't earn he's not going to earn.

Not saying your stating this because you clearly stated it's a poor way to bring people over but it would be disingenous to say Youtube censors people come over here to Steemit because the same thing can happen here, it's just that the community is doing it instead of a Youtube rep.

Honestly if Trevon was smart he would create an account not tied to himself because all the hate he's brought upon himself totally outweighs any fans or any name recognition he's built up.

He should anonymously create an account, power it up, not let anyone know it's him and just post photos and shit and upvote and all that jazz. He would make a killing and nobody would stop him. Nobody said he was the sharpest crayon in the box though and I think he probably has too big of an ego not to have his mug front and center.

Nobody said he was the sharpest crayon in the box though and I think he probably has too big of an ego not to have his mug front and center.

You just made my comment reply to your latest comment, and I have nothing else to say, because Trevon is nothing without making scammy YouTube videos, and plus like you said... he wouldn't enjoy it if his face wasn't plastered all over it.

Have you seen his latest video?

He is so delusional, that he really thinks he is going to get his reputation back... says it point blank in his latest video.

I get it and I agree with you, maybe I'm looking at it with rose colored glasses on, but honestly if we don't look at it optimistically or try to make it the best it can be we all may as well just setup bots, kiss whales asses, steal content, etc. And if we all looked at it that way the whole platform itself would just go to shit.

I'm torn, I know what your saying to some extent is the truth, however I do think at least among many of us there's a sense of community, there's some friendships, etc, I do see some generosity on here. I wouldn't say it's entirely just a bunch of people gaming the system for money, upvoting themselves 100% of the time, etc.

People like me take Steemit one up-vote at a time, and I say what I want to say, but I am no dummy, I know damn well that one thing said on here could easily be my last, and until they get rid of the flagging system, you can expect Steemit to be just like you said:

we all may as well just setup bots, kiss whales asses, steal content, etc.

I wonder how....


Suicide Hotlines Popping Up to Help People Cope with Crypto Losses

source: Decentralized TV


(fyi, this is NOT the first suicide / death scam case dear Craig was involved in!!!)

Just enjoying life with their millions.......

(first rule of a professional scammer? NEVER EVER EVER EVER! REFUND YOUR VICTIMS!!!!)

how many more deaths / suicides is it gonna take?

(just saying)




Suicide and people dealing with mental health issues is a very sad thing. Initially my reaction was fuck all these Bitconnect promoters, however seeing so many of the Bitconnect "victims" jump onto the Davor bandwagon just shows how dumb people really are.

With Bitconnect anyone who was new to crypto and really nieve thinking they were investing in crypto I feel for them, however I would say upwards of 90% of Bitconnect "victims" knew full well what they were getting involved with. They knew it was too good to be true, they thoguht they were smart enough or lucky enough to get in make some money and pull out, unfortunately they lost.

By no means does it make what Trevon and Craig and Ryan and CryptoNick, by no means does it make them any less scummy but greedy people are really dumb and just jump onto the next HYIP program so it's hard to feel sorry for them.

I FULLY agree with you! 100%
i expect Craig Grant and Trevon James, to JUST and ONLY to give back what they scammed....

no more no less!

but as i said:
first rule of a professional scammer? NEVER EVER EVER EVER! REFUND YOUR VICTIMS!!!!

I agree with you. Even though it remains possible, I don't think someone should downvote someone else's post if they disagree with the content.

If we start doing that, original and thought-provoking but impopular ideas will become non-existent and Steemit loses part of its value...


Craig Grant with your money Yacht - Jet Ski and a Captain

source: Luka you've been HACKED

Craig Grant = you deserve an "Oscar" for your acting performances here on steemit!


This post has received a 1.01 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @rulesforrebels.

good post friends. thank you for posting it

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