Not posting anymore.

in #faceless6 years ago

I’m done posting on steemit. May even power it all down. Faceless losers like @berniesanders flag all my posts with an army of downvoters behind him. No wonder his rep is -18. Funny how people who never show their face on the internet have the most balls. You guys will be the death of this blockchain. Going around policing the place like Mr. Layhey on Trailor Park Boys and then saying it’s for “preserving the reward pool” for the minnows. Just be real and say you have something personal against me. Don’t say it’s cause I’m a scammer that promoted Bitconnect. Say it’s because I have too much Steem Power and I just popped back up out of no where. None of the people who invested in bitconnect are mad at me or blame me. The only people that are mad are people like you who had nothing to do with it and think you know what my true motives are or were. The only people calling me names are the people who just found out who I was. So have fun playing mall cop Mr Layhey. I’m done. On second thought, I won’t power down. I’ll buy more Steem Power to piss you off and curate content I actually like and earn Steem that way. The way Steem was supposed to be used. Unlike you who spends his life watching for people he doesn’t like just so he can flag them. Hopefully you get a life soon and become a more positive driven force. Peace.


The thing is Trevon, you did make a nice profit from BitConnect (according to your videos) and many people took your advice and invested their money there, unwisely many of them put much more than they could afford and lost money that they really needed for their personal necessities, yes it is their mistake, but you helped them to take this decision. Now do I know you were aware that BitConnect would ultimately fail? I am not sure, maybe you too were deluded into believing all the hype this platform made or maybe you did know and acted just for your personal gain without the plight of other people mattering to you. Only you know what really happened. I think the thing that most people don't like is the attitude, not just yours but of all the people who promoted BitConnect and haven't even had the courage to say "Hey I was wrong, I am sorry I was also fooled". But I also see some of you have already started promoting some other shady programs, I think these are some of the reasons why there is so much negativity towards you.
Use your great motivational skills in trying to heal the wounds Bitconnect left and you might get back to being an admired member of the community. But complaining won't get you anywhere. I believe this is good advice.
By the way I personally don't like flagging and have never done it, but some people do think it is the only way to keep Steemit completely honest.

No offence but it has nothing to do with Trevon people putting money into Bitconnect he never explicitly said to anyone to go dump their whole life savings into it. Even if he was promoting to get referrals, which is fair enough. It's still the viewers that made the decision. I don't think he owes anyone anything.

No he promoted a ponzi scheme which is illegal. he will lose the lawsuit

You have no proof that he knew it was a ponzi scheme. He was just trying to help people earn some money.


Tell that to those that have lost life savings because of his selfish promotions

Class Action Lawsuit Against Bitconnect and Influencers (Yes, including your idol Trevon James):

Instead of giving some back power up and brag about how much you made...just 1 brings your steemit acount details to court and that will be siezed

and maybe giving back the scammed money to the victims would help too.....
(just saying)

There is a lawsuit against trevon

Are you actually stupid enough to think that Trevon holds the 'stolen' money gtfo

lmao look at trevons wallet bro... where do you think he got it from.

I've followed him for over a year now and watched his crypto portfolio grow... its called investments 'bro'

Some people took advantage of bitconnect. Nobody force anyone to invest in this lending platform. I mean its common sense , the whole thing was a huge gamble.

You are not the only one who is abused. Look at what is going on with @haejin acoount.

This is not something especially about you, this is specific about this platform Steemit - it is growing. New blood is coming in and old farts do not like it. But it is going to change - they do not have enough power for all of you.

Steem on! 🙌

trevon is scam shit , that surely is NOT wanted here or in any other crypto community. Haejin on the other side, tries to give valuable content and i made a fortune thanks to him.

You should decide what Steemit platform is - monetized Facebook with the same censorship or free speech platform. You do not have to like him, but at least respect his rights to post scam or whatever it is.

If you want to punish him, then get off from keyboard and go to police.

This is absolute horse shit. The whole point of Steemit is to have some kind of liberty , no "social justice warriors not allowing free speech . This is not Facebook.

Careful, they have a full army of bots. They after me now because of my comment.

Thanks. I'm not trying to make anybody mad. Trying to do positive things and contribute. I suppose I'm still trying to understand how this all works.

$10 says you're not done posting on Steemit

Have fun in prison scammer, you'll need those steemit powerdowns to pay your legal fees!


I was on the trevon bandwagon. I did bitconnect because it seemed likeit was working well for many people.I guess I'm just a sucker. I signed up for BitConnect using a Trevon referral link. He got a nice chunk of the sum of money I put into BCC. I'm fucked right now because of it. stupid me. Now I'm back to working a shit job in a restaurant to make ends meet. Fuck my life

Exact same here guy, exact same here
but the dream burns on a little lower down inside this time if you get me



Considering hes not the one that robbed them and doesn't have their money, I'm gonna guess never? Talk to bitconnect and the people that aided in getting it shut down if you want your money back.

It is illegal to earn from Ponzi Schemes in the United States whether or not you are aware that it was a Ponzi does not matter. So yeah, he is required by law to surrender all profits. As cited by a past court decision on a similar matter:

Scholes v. Lehmann, 56 F.3d 750 (7th Cir. 1995), cert. denied, 116
S.Ct. 673 (1995):

"It is no answer that some or for that matter all of [defendant's]
profit may have come from "legitimate" trades made by the
corporations. They were not legitimate. The money used for the trades
came from investors gulled by fraudulent representations. [Defendant]
was one of those investors, and it may seem "only fair" that he should
be entitled to the profits on trades made with his money. That would
be true as between him and [the principal or his corporations]. It is
not true as between him and either the creditors or the other
investors in the corporations. He should not be permitted to benefit
from a fraud at their expense merely because he was not himself to
blame for the fraud.
All he is being asked to do is to return the net
profits of his investment - the difference between what he put in and
what he had at the end."
(ibid. 757-758.)

The decision of a federal judge far outweighs what you fanboys say.

Don t let the door hit your ass on the way out. I mean are you really surprised that people are sick of you? You did nothing to redeem yourself. At least the others involved had the sense to just vanish. Your face is everywhere on youtube with people telling their stories about you. Your done in this space so this move on here is probably for the best. PS. it's not hard to not be a C*NT - Please at least learn something from all of this but I doubt you will.

Good work Bernie Sanders!! You have done steemit a solid.

Bernie Sanders probably has no idea was a bitcoin is XD

Excuse me, this is the work of Bernies Anders.

I see the value in having BS more than ever when he gets rid of two big scammers!

@trevonjb I'll start by saying I personally am not a fan of you. That said I do think it sets a dangerous president when everyone decides to gang together and essentailly censor a member of the community. Sure its easy to beat up on Trevon today but who is next? Who are we going to band together against and destroy tomorrow?

If you were making videos about Bitconnect or Davor I'll be honest I'm all for people downvoting you to obvlivion, however if your making a video about how to bake a cake I think its unfair for others to gang together and shit on your head.

I am out of all the drama, I just get curious when I see a muted post, since I like to see what happened.

Regarding your comment, I think I agree somehow. But at the end, who are we to decide who is a bad influence, or if someone knew and deliberately pulled us into a scam? At the end I came to Steemit because I liked the fact of being decentralized, but what if a couple of Whales with so much voting power can send us to oblivion just because we make a stance they do not like?

Is it any different than YT, FB, Google or whatever other Corporate Leviathan? I am terrified that all my efforts to produce quality content could one day be thrown to the garbage due to making, maybe, a bad judgment on the eyes of some undercover figure.

Someone mentioned above that this guy was the one to bring the Twins into Steemit, they have only one week here. What if Trevon has that influence on them to push for a negative campaign on Youtube against Steemit. I want to see Steemit thrive, and not get lost as another project related to a sh**coin due to these problems. I did not come here to see Dan and Ned fighting, and much less for this kind of things...

I hope there will be a proper discussion among the Witnesses to bring to an end all this drama. In any case, it has to be clear game rules for everybody, Steem should not become a Feudal website, a silly replica of the old world replicated in a blockchain project.

P.S.: I am not making any accusation or defense, just trying to pull us all into deep thinking on the path we are taking as a community.

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