My Fellow Steemit Minnows Don't Get Discouraged It Will Take Time But It Will Be Worth It

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Be Patient Great Things Don't Happen Overnight

Today's post is about Steemit. I'm going on about two weeks on Steemit and so far I'm enjoying the platform. My initial couple days were pretty amazing. I did my intro post and got a lot of love from the community, got some good upvotes and made a couple bucks as well.

My first couple days on the platform were great as well, one single post of mine made $74, another one made $23 and a few made $10. Even the ones doing less good were bringing in $1.50, $3, $5.

That said the past week or so had been pretty slow. I was getting a little bit discouraged that my posts weren't going viral and thousands of Dollars weren't pouring in.

That's a silly way to think though. First off I should be thrilled that in less than 2 weeks I have 180 followers which is huge for growing your account and your influence on the site. My account value has gone from $25 to over $400. Those are some pretty tall accomplishments for a side hustle 2 weeks in. That said I still found myself getting discouraged.

I saw two great posts and watched two great videos by Stackin and BrianPhobos and it really kind of brought me back to reality. Everything worth having takes time. Whether it be growing a Youtube audience, growing a Twitter following, starting a business, things typically don't happen overnight.

I know I'm always telling you guys to be patient and that you have to develope your skills and learn your craft and put in time before you can expect the rewards to come and I wasn't taking my own advice.

I'm really excited about being on this great new platform, really enjoying connecting with you guys as well hopefully bringing in some new viewers and some new friends from Steemit as well and optimistic about the future.

I guess my message to my new Steemian friends and fellow minnows is be patient. Create quality content consistantly, reward other creators, and comment on, resteem and interact with other creators as well. You should be spending as much if not more time doing that than you should be creating your own content.

Be patient, it probably will take time but it will be worth it.

Steemit Users Mentioned In This Post Are @brianphobos @papa-pepper @stackin


Keep plugging along bro ! Slow and steady wins the race ! Thanks for all the amazing YouTube videos that you make !

Nothing happens over night. I gave up for a while but now I am back and ready to go.

Patience is not the ability to wait but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting

Hahah you posted this at the right time. In my first week, I had someone upvote my posts and each one was at like $2.60. I was happy because I could see immediate results. Now, things have definitely slowed down and I have to figure out how to get my posts out there to a greater audience.

Thanks for creating the STEEMITREBELS group. I think it is helping me get some traction. It is also good to learn strategies that increase the likelihood of interaction. I find that asking questions gets more people talking then just posting one of your blog posts. Live and learn!

Those are still some pretty impressive numbers! What do you do to get to 100+ followers? How many posts do you publish per week? Curious for some insight :)

Hey @poehah while I don't think it's a huge advantage, comming from Youtube and having a decent size following over there definately helps. Some of my Youtube audience is starting to follow me over here and support me.

Also, it's actually a couple Youtubers who got me on here @brianphobos and @vogeltron1 among a couple other guys. Brian who's a bit more established on here has shown me some love which I'm sure has gone a long way so just to be upfront my having a background on Youtube probably has helped me to a large extent.

That said I've been pretty consistant about posting everyday, usually a couple times a day. My first few days on here I went really heavy. I try to spread a lot of love with votes, try to comment on a lot of peopel's stuff and I try to catch new people on their introduction posts and welcome them to the platform.

While I do think there's probably something to be said for learning the culture of this platform and what types of content does best and how to best format posts I think probably the best thing is just grinding it out being consistant. Maybe set a goal of minimum 1 piece of content created on here per day and comment on min 5 other peoples posts. If you do that day in and day out for say 30 days I gurantee you you'll have some results.

Thanks for taking the time to reply! Really appreciate it! I guess I'll have to step up my game :-). It's just demotivating when you put hours of work in a post and you get $0.50 in return.

I definately feel you there but it's not unique to Steemit. When I started my Youtube channel I would put in tons of time to have 6 people watch my videos and earn nothing. I did this for months and month and month and then one day all the sudden one of my videos went moderately viral next thign I know I have 10k subs, then 20k, now closing in on 60k.

Same thing with Instagram, same thing with starting an eBay store or rolling out an Amazon product. If you're not willing to put in say minimum 3 months with nothing to show for it dont' get started in the first place because you'll burn out.

Make a commitment to spend at least the next 90 days grinding every day and keep doing it even with 0 results. You will wind up finding a community or being noticed by someone powerful on here and you will be rewarded for it.

You're definitely right. Nothing comes out of thin air, we have to work hard, fail, fail again and then perhaps succeed ^^

Nice! Amazing content + time :)

Agree! Good things take time.

Hello mate thankx so much for your videos on youtube you are help me to understand a lot of model of buisness and strategies about making money online i wish to follow me 😀😀

@rulesforrebels, if steemit integrates a seamless video feature or something like LBRY, would you eventually leave youTube behind?

if a person comes on here only intending to make money its going to get old fast...just have fun with steemit

Hey mate, I just created an account :-) Will be doing some German content (It's me Thomas Brandon Kovacs from Youtube aka Sparkojote)
Greetings from Switzerland

Hey buddy awesome to see you on here, yeah I remember you were asking if there's a german audience.

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