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RE: Happy Holidays From Steemit!

in #steemit6 years ago

its their company ... steemit is not the blockchain , you are posting and reading on the application maintained by , they have every right in the world to pin whatever they like on top or bottom . If i were to complain about anything its why they're not lobbying for ad-money but i can think of a reason b/c i have the same problem : independence, they dont wanna leash themselves to having to explain yearly to the board.

No one's stopping anyone from writing their own program to run off of steemchain. #Busy did it , #musing did it , #steemstem did it ... anyone who wants can write their own pin-free application but as the americans say
"those who can, DO ... etc..."

happy merry

(i have no clue why i react to any of this)


technically that's what i said,, please read again

i stand corrected :)

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