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RE: in the name of migraine : my proposals for HF 23 (and the subsequent 24 made in quick succession in the name of politics and sudden bugs)

in #steemit5 years ago (edited)

no no no no no

proof-of-id on Crypton ? whats weird ? where i live you are legally obliged to vote or you might get a fine (despite that people are SO sick of the b.s. a lot simply dont show up, theyd rather risk paying than get out of bed for b.s.
so to speak ?
literally ...
but in the leaders of the free world land if i understand correctly
you need to provide proof of id if you CHOOSE to vote ..

so ?
what's new ? a lot of americans still think the internet lives between the east and the west-coast anyway, nothing new there ... (no im not anti - american, i'm anti b.s.)
it would help to (something the suits on tv talk a lot about but dont do anything about) restore faith in politics =)

and you get motivated people who care and


what's so odd ?

its me , right ?
its because its me
whatever, the dishes havent done themselves (i was hoping someonne would downvote them but they wont go away ...)

tsch c'mon, before i start saying shit like "don't argue , just buy it" or something authoritarian elite like that, you know i'm right ...

that's NOT like facebook FORCING you to ID in the name of fake news so they can track you better
it's making sure there's no election fraud in a place you care about, as for the rest you can have a gazillion accounts, just only ONE to witness vote, thats all, its not that hard really

what's to lose ?
(for anyone but self-voting witnesses ... o yeah, forgot that one)

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