in the name of migraine : my proposals for HF 23 (and the subsequent 24 made in quick succession in the name of politics and sudden bugs)

in #steemit4 years ago (edited)

edit :
as usual anytime i say anything about witnesses losing their precious (whats left by now ? 200 dollar a week for people who talk about 'its only a hundred dollar' like its beer money ?)
bullshit producer rewards , 5 to ten minutes after my server crashes
its like EVERY time, lol

SO ... what i say here is sound, you have your precious smt's and tribes, so 'if you want to make money you need to do your own marketing' and 'people will have to get off their ass to get something instead of lying around and getting it for free' and other exclamations like that , smt's remain but they would be running on a healthy, SANE , democratic blockchain, not stale witness votes

what did you say ? witnesses would self-vote ... VIA PROXY ACCOUNTS ? THEY WOULDNT , THEY'RE DIVINE SUPERPEOPLE
like politicians
and judges and a lot of cops , untouchable ...

did that sink in, yes , good

everything i say here is sound , it gets close to realwolf saying to totally close the reward pool and leaving it all to smt's but he left out the bit where you can't use your million steempower to add a quick 1000 accounts (for free now since the last one if you have enough, bots claims accounts ALL the time, just check steemd) and use all that for witness votes

only with @null as the reward pool it would come down to whales and others putting a stake in it to make the actual social network attractive ... putting your money where your witness mouth is

all that would be impossible and that is the main reason why they'll never adopt that

yes, ofcourse, humans are not shit and when it comes to its only a hundred dollar people they CERTAINLY wouldnt cheat to get $50 more , the are immune to that, OFCOURSE I KNOW THAT !

it all sticks .. but it requires all that
and democracy, you dont NEED an ever-increasing supply of steem that's a throttle you can do with as you please just like you did to auther / curation , i said "NO MORE FAIRY TALES PLEASE" you're treating everyone like idiots

you dont want an even increasing supply, you want ever increasing value = money

MONEY = investors
bulk peeps = advertisers

you could get MORE than your cruddy $200 which, if you are who you say you are is like something you dont even need because you use that amount to light your cigarette with, right ?


are you gonna crash it again?

go ahead ...

do NOT wake the vampire by daylight hoping for some wisdom, PLEASE

o yea,

Edit 2 :

as i was walking at the risk of burning to a crisp all the way to the bakery (and cigarette papers) ...
You can not possible say that what i propose here is hilarious or unjust. In fact it's absolutely just and righteous (me : righteous ? well, where i preside it is a court of justice , not law as the reverse quote goes, and i found justice to be relevant to the position in spacetime with a culture modifier, just like law ... but justice less so)

It would actually be absurd to let stale accounts keep their witness votes. That's like allowing someone who move out of the country to STILL vote Trump or Hillary for president (just to name two, okay, spare me the debate, it totally ruined slashdot)
On top of that (you can pick one year and auto-remove votes on stale accounts or more or less) ... i prefer 30 days expiry date, why ? Because people who don't have time to campaign daily are exactly the type the would accuse , right ? If you don't have time to engage it's not your place to lead a place you say you care about ... am i right or am i right ?
excuses like "but i have business to run" mean exactly what i mean : you don't have to witness to run ?

me and my jungle tactics ...

the reward pool cleaning was already stated by @therealwolf, only more drastic, i would CERTAINLY keep the option to use @null as a reward pool (panem et circenses, listen to richelieu-cat) to show the ones who DO .. (patreon-style whatever, i am not the genius who came up with the idea of calling a glorified torrent a blockchain wink or calling 8bytes of json on said blockchain a smart contract woooo ... so that would make him delirious and thus and then , so

Read it three times and tell me again i make no sense, i know its not about the money but it's obviously clearly about the money ... and right now what you're getting i can understand if you say : that's not worth my time but in that case STILL you shouldnt be in a leading position ... SO ... the main chunk of my prop here is expiring witness votes and proof-of-id for a witness vote (a lot to ask in crypto-land but the only way unless you believe that superhuman morals automatically come with six figure accounts ...) and has them campaigning daily and , from all i hear, they're always on about competition ... you local CEO-class sociopath likes that very much ...

As for the rest, i would never run for witness myself, i hate the daylight and the spotlight even more and my cronies would mostly consist of people with a past, latent criminals, mad scientists and women or hi-school girls to deploy Q-style to get passwords and dirty laundry to use as the sword of Damocles, i'd change my name to Catigula, put my cat in the senate and then on a black (nero, yes ..) , dark moment, set Rome on fire and play the violin

i'm not suited for politics :)

and also : it was kennedy who got shot , not his advisors :D ... a grand lesson to be learned from that ..

and now i really pray (proverbially to gods who dont care) that i quit talking :)

sleep the day away and get to programming, i dont quit but physically it just MAKES me slow down and halts me at every corner

what ?

well .. it , precious ... 'it' ... poltergeist ? aliens at 111, 333 and 555 ... call it what you want ... 'it' ...

quick because i didnt get proper sleep i got migraine , my eyes feel like on fire and in general on top of my shitty life thats been blocked, stuck and going nowhere, actually giving a fuck about this cess-pool has taken its toll and worn me out, im exhausted from the angry, so lets see, proposals for HF23/4

i call it the put your money where your fucking mouth is - edict (its a draft ofcourse made up in five minutes as i sit here) subtitled "no one believes your fairy tales anymore" but a lot of them LOVE steemit , heh ... if a coup d'état were possible i think the plebs would have risen and the sun king and his parliaments heads in a basked down the guillottine you dont listen much downside

i think ...

  • total stop of inflation, no more block producer rewards for witnesses (in the words of yabapmatt : 'people will just have to get of their ass and do something instead of getting it while sleeping' ... or something like that ...) , pure to try and give STEEM as a coin any value worth holding it , the vast amounts of liquid ninjamined can be slowly put back into the ecosystem and the total supply burned down to a maximum of ... (BTC has 21 million and 8 digits but ) i'll leave that in the middle, the way this is going is less than DOGE for sure
  • turn @null into the reward pool .. people with a stake in the matter who want to keep the social network running can divert a part of their whale (or the better part : the vast pool of ninjamined) to the reward pool, and from that from whence it came, switch from 3 to minimal 8 digits/satoshi
  • remove free downvotes
  • actually, remove ALL negative vote value and replace it with a curve that gets less rewards the more you post on a feed past a certain treshold making spam worthless (if you say too hard i'll never speak again and think you're a poser , not a coder, but just a millionnaire with daddy money and a degree)
  • the best past : make witness votes expire : 30 day limit ... only active accounts from people who are actually involved will have actual witness votes AND witnesses cant just lie back and sleep on 4yo-votes from accounts that are long dead but
  • piece de résistance : witness voting requires a registered account : if you're SERIOUS about the system that is NOT too much to ask, you get as many accounts as you want, but only one to your ID ... if you dont wanna you dont have to

that would certainly show the upper-scam-class means SERIOUS, not stripmine-locust-the-plebs-will-do-it-for-us-seriou and offer a massive counter to the fiasco of HF21/22

as you notice i dont say put author rewards back , i think that's not needed if you implement the other points

there you go, DONT PUSH TO TALK ME

i'm sore all over and i barely got anything done last night and


fine ... i'll remove the bottom part , but that's only because all the people from all around the globe who ever helped me out here seem to be peace-loving motherfuckers to the point that i suspect that all of them are on prozac or something (yea , well, sick humour)

and in case the smiley gets mistaken, its 2019 after all, and the internet : DONT JOKE, someone will be offended ...
but that wasnt an actual joke so the solution lies in debate and i'm not in posession of the patience for that anymore

but ... insert quote here about arguing with idiots ... it's usually pointless, people


i'm worn out, tired and sore and i wasnt gonna speak today again , so i feel weak

cos i did

and what ?
patreon seems to work ..?

yea it's bold, right ... most people would never get anything and under the current system i assume circlejerking would get worse

but the way things are is clearly not working

ma - ta - ku (-uh uh)

even the leader of the leaders of the free world can only sit for two legislations and CERTAINLY cant count on votes from the previous election, i dont see why that is so weird if you want to play little de-centralized democracy with less people in charge than a fucking single parliament (we have five like of those here) in belgium has ?
that means belgium is more de-centralized than your blockchain and believe you me


... yes, OR i'm taking it actually more serious thank you think because of the
put some effort into it for a three dollar vote after eight hours or more of working on the #stuff in it lol

i kinda grew to like the cess-pool, maybe feels familiar because hippicratic bureaucracy was invented here where i live

and SO , see ?

i shall cork me now

and hope i dont speak until next monday barring the standard posts needed

and don't ask again

and PLEASE ... there's not much honour in flooding a fucking €150 pc with a celeron as defense, whoever does that everytime

: a wanker is you

yea, so , you see? this is not rehearsed, i'll add them :

reply 1 :

yes, but i dont get paid for this and it just off the top of my head ? not really .. i have been anti-downvoting forever
linear curves but different curves depending on the amount of posts is one thing
i dont see people getting really creative with ideas, its just 'patching' the old

stuff that leads to fiscal cliffs and stuff , like all the trillions in the world HELD by megacorp are somewhat akin to the ninjamined steem HELD by steemacorp
if they put THAT back into the economy less printing might be required
or diluting

whatever you wanna call it ...

there's so many smart people here

and me i am the wisest of all greeks ... that doesnt feel right

please dont make me talk more i dont have a head for that anymore

argumenteren, Piet ? social-cultureel werk is all about telling the governments why they NEED to give you money for the project is it not, BUT
shoulda let me finish that if thats what you wanted ... all those years ago then
i'm sure that's a nay, b/c that's like asking politicians to keep open books and let people re-elect them on EVERY decision or proposal they make so no one who's already in power except maybe Gandhi or something would yay that, so don't lose sleep over it , heh ... but you know i'm right :)

as for declining rewards on posts over time within a certain frame : if you're here to expose your product ... then getting the mullah for your post is secondary

ancient greek logic, now, before my server crashes again and i get a mob with pitchforks paid for by the top 20 :D

i need to rest a byte

the Q-reference, im sure yo can find something on that on ars technica maybe back when some security company guy was gonna oust all of anonymous (when that was still a 'thing' .. if anyone claims to be original anonymous i wouldnt believe them too much, those people are underground deeper than satoshi .. lulzsec and stuff ... they did not agree to that, if anyone remembers)
on how a 16 year old girl got the password from an admin in the company ... :)
turns out she was 'anonymous' lol
its a REAL GOOD READ ...
if you can still find it, i doubt anyone wants that pro-pagized, its makes plenty people look bad

reply 2 :

no no no no no

proof-of-id on Crypton ? whats weird ? where i live you are legally obliged to vote or you might get a fine (despite that people are SO sick of the b.s. a lot simply dont show up, theyd rather risk paying than get out of bed for b.s.
so to speak ?
literally ...
but in the leaders of the free world land if i understand correctly
you need to provide proof of id if you CHOOSE to vote ..

so ?
what's new ? a lot of americans still think the internet lives between the east and the west-coast anyway, nothing new there ... (no im not anti - american, i'm anti b.s.)
it would help to (something the suits on tv talk a lot about but dont do anything about) restore faith in politics =)

and you get motivated people who care and


what's so odd ?

its me , right ?
its because its me
whatever, the dishes havent done themselves (i was hoping someonne would downvote them but they wont go away ...)

tsch c'mon, before i start saying shit like "don't argue , just buy it" or something authoritarian elite like that, you know i'm right ...

that's NOT like facebook FORCING you to ID in the name of fake news so they can track you better
it's making sure there's no election fraud in a place you care about, as for the rest you can have a gazillion accounts, just only ONE to witness vote, thats all, its not that hard really

what's to lose ?
(for anyone but self-voting witnesses ... o yeah, forgot that one)

and then ... value ?

BTC got its value starting in obscurity on the promise of being 'out-of-control' of the powers that be mostly ,now it gets its value simply from having value, its has ZERO added value other than that, ... but so does a stack of gold bars in a vault, its not used in production, it's in essence worthless other than the fact that people are WILLING to pay a ton for it

where does EOS get its value from , or TRON ? both with virtually nothing to show for it, how did EOS get the billions before they wrote the code

why does Korea have pro-DOTA2 players as national heroes ? South-America soccer idols ?

-> popularity ? one of those guys attracts SO much crowd brandnames go out of their way to sponsor everything in sight ...

if @steemace or @creativecoin (happen to be two of my favourites despite low value) succeeds in exposing and gronwing the user base to a point where it becomes attractive you get 'chosen' topic posts in a sidebar, just like you have the top half page on google, only google wont ask you "what tags would you like in the sidebar" lol ...

kane ... kane da yo (pardon my bad japanese)

i'm not marketing and i keep saying my marketing girlfriend is gone

so i thought after that, next time i wont settle for less than a harem with each a lot of love for me and a very particular set of skills that makes us all a nightmare ...

but i'm working on that (not really ... i'm in no shape at all ... i'm like the blob, mentally and slowly physically too ...)

so where does it get its value ?

i think at current rates, all things considered maybe you should invite Justin Sun to give a lecture instead of me

he can back it up with actual dragons :)

is that "a post" for yow-ass ?


i wasnt gonna, i REALLY wasnt gonna say anything today


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