
If we have more than one of @rok-sivante in this atmosphere, it could have been better than now. You are a man of integrity, a man of vision and a goal helper.

You have showered your love to many, you dont know how much help you have rendered in our lives. I dont know what and what to say now, but remember the ast time, i dont you this place will miss you and your services.

When i read your post, it ignites and re kindles me, you are a true leader and thanks for supporting my dream.

how i wish i can say @rok-sivante please still stick to us your children, we are still in infant stage, we need your protection. Tears still rolls out of my eye because i am wondering were to get those amazing message from, who will i run to when i needed advice and when i needed help.


I know what you are made up of as you will use the music to give us something more inspirring and educative.

Sir @rok-sivante please check on my message on Discord


There’s no doubt you shall carry the torch with virtue as it is passed on, rising into your own greatness in leadership, and nurturing that within those whom you pay forward the inspiration... 🙏💖

What does @Rok-Sivante need to know to maximize the success of his next creative projects?

Wheel of Fortune, Tower, Magician

Looks like all you have to do is grab your destiny by the balls, make decisions/not get bogged down by indecision and be your Magician self. Looks like this is an area of natural talent where you have refined your skills for these endeavors.

The combination between The Wheel of Fortune (portrayed as Schrodinger's cat) and the Tower seem to indicate that all you have to do is collapse the wavefunction to get the desired outcome, because that is all an effective Magician has to do.

It is unusual for to get such strong Major Arcana cards for a question. I would wish you luck but you do not need it. Apparently, you already are luck.

Haha, wow.

I don’t know enough about tarot whether to be skeptic at and write it off as a cold reading or take to heart - though in either case, that’s a great summary.

And I really do appreciate this.


resteemed and thanks for all the fish!

really preeshiate you are suppart mang, hit me up on discord

The fish...?

Dang man, I’d have hoped my fishing lessons would have been rubbing off, instead... lol.

Joined. My username there is “Sivante.”


I don't know what to say but thank you.

You've given me more lessons than what can encompass a lifetime, and a beacon of life helps ships navigate safely to shores. I had a user once refer to posts that I've almost completely forgotten about—Steemit and blockchain truly is a display of timelessness.

Things I write may not be useful the week I write them, but readers can still find value upon visiting them. I don't know about everyone else, but I do know that there will be some (including myself) that will be reading your posts for months and years to come in times where we lose our paths or want to learn how to forge our own.

Paying it forward is not even a question. Whenever I write, I think about what I can share. What can I provide the world that I haven't seen a million times before?

And I write that. It doesn't matter if I can post every day or not as long as the messages and articles are written come from an experience or culmination of experiences that are unlikely to be encountered otherwise.

Everyone has something valuable to provide. No one is ever too wise to not learn more, and instead of a good-bye... This is a celebration of all the lives you have touched.

Godspeed Mr. Sivante,
Sheryl Kona

If you ever need to find me I will be there.



Oh woah Rok

Gonna be honest here.
My heart did a little jump and was sad for a while that you will not be sharing your words with us anymore.

Yet I completely understand it and am happy you are listening to yourself, your intuition and your heart.
It's a pretty brave step my friend!

And it's funny that this is your last post on here because this is EXACTLY the way I found you!
I searched for #authenticity and an amazing post of yours popped up and fucking blew my mind!!!
Love this circular digital journey!

Just know that I am here, you know where to find me and always up to have a chat with you!

Be kind to yourself

And this means I am just going to listen to your music whilst writing posts from now on.


It’s people like you and comments like yours that have made leaving all the more difficult. Lol. :-)

Has been a pleasure, privilege, and honour connecting & serving with you in the ways we have. T’was quite a gift crossing paths and having the inspiration reflected back.


I absolutely concur with you on the substance of this awesome article @rok-sivante. Truly, we shouldn't simply just compose, we ought to have the capacity to convey something advantageous by means of articles, something that the perusers ought to be appreciative for in the wake of contributing their opportunity. One thing is to compose yet something else is to convey. This is vital in guaranteeing the peruser gets an incentive for time and vitality contributed.

When I entered Steemit almost two months ago I already had a vision of the wonderful feeling I would have on the day I would let go all of this for good. I am not the type who has the great urge to share his feelings and thoughts with others. Nor am I writting my articles to get some external confirmation only because there is some lack thereof within myself. I wrote many articles on paper at home, and even then it took some time until I decided to create a blog out of them. Once I did, it took another almost two years until I released some of them on Facebook. I actually didn't really want that, but there was this inner voice telling me that I should do, and so I did. Then, three months later all my work got deleted from Facebook, and neither did I know why nor was I too disappointed. Yet then I had a dream where someone was telling me to partake in the "new currency system which is soon about to go viral". And about two days later I found Steemit. I immediately knew that this was part of new system I was told about in my dream.

And so I release my articles which I have written over many years, only sometimes I have a new idea which I write down spontaneously, but everyday would surely burn me out in no time. So I am more than grateful that I wrote so many over the years...but again, I am looking forward to the day where I can let this go and have my Peace. :)

Haha! I can definitely relate. Though in the meantime, for a reframe = this is a form of service - which is never entirely for ourselves.

I’d advise to pace it, and enjoy the ride as much as possible. Even amidst the downsides, there is still indeed much inspiration to be found along the way... 💓

Nothing to add! :)

It has always been a virtue to make imprints that stand the test of time. When we make these positive actions in the sands of time, not even landmines can cover them up. Light as we all know dispels darkness. Be it ones deep-seated in the society.

Fortunately, steemit has created an uncommon ground as well as media and opportunities to make valuable efforts in changing lives through posts. As much as we earn through them, a core question to be asked is what impact has it made in the readers. If the answer is not in the affirmative, it's immaterial how much we have made on them.

Thus, it is a virtue to help change lives. You really don't know who comes across your posts. Did you affect them positively or otherwise. This world will be a better place if we have ideal thinkers like this on the top. Your pacesetting has been of utmost importance to people in this community. Keep it up.

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