
I have now been on steemit for 5 months. I must admit I am surprised I am still here. Many things get me down, but then little things pull me back up.

I am not here for the money. In the mathematical time v reward equation my level of financial achievement would make no sense whatsoever.

But I do enjoy recognition. I have spent my adult life a closet writer. One day when everything was sorted I would write.

Now just before it is too late steemit has given me that chance. An opportunity without bounds to put words down, any words in any ways.

And then I just hope. That someone will give a little gesture of recognition.

Even the shortest comment that says those words were informative, they were educational, they were intriguing, they were funny, they were entertaining, they were inspiring.

Or they were just worth reading.

That is steemit for me.

A perfect idea, imperfectly executed.

Hello @pennsif

I have always strongly believed that the Humans On Steemit are more Valuable than STEEM itself.

I am not saying that I don't need the Money, I will still like to get rewarded for my Work.

But anything I feel down due to low payout, I always remind myself to judge the Impact of my Content, not by the amount it made but how useful it was to others.

When it comes to comments, people fail to realize that Comments on Steemit is as Important as post. Steemit counts comments as post and it will be Important for us to pass out valuable Information with every post we make.

There are hundreds of comments that are made on this Platform daily that brings more value than full posts.



Yes totally agree re comments. Growing comments is critical to the health of steemit. Bots can vote all day long for sure, but only humans (so far) can make meaningful and useful comments.

"A perfect idea, imperfectly executed." I love your last line - as I read it my mind unconscious ly finished the thought - at least in my head "in an imperfect world"

Yes that fits.

Well said. I think that encapsulates my existence here as well. Although, I suspect I'm not as good a writer as you appear to be.

Great post. Thank you for taking the time to put it together.
Your perspective as a long time user gives your insight great value to this post regarding the steemit phenomena.

I will disagree with the notion which @stellabelle put forward though. The user is under the impression that it is a creator (the fundamental and valued element to the platform) which is true.... for now. However, with the roll out of SMTs in the near future. The truth is that the user will go from, valued as a creator, to existing as an audience, thus the customer.

No different to how YT existed before it was monetized. Everyone uploaded and in doing so was giving the system value. They were crucial to the system's existence and growth. When advertising kicked in though.. that user base then became the customer. That old line "nothing is for free" then became apparent, as it will become apparent here also (already to many). This is why steemit Inc. has detached itself from the steemit platform. It has made clear that this will exist as just another platform using SMTs.

Those SMTs are aimed at big business and advertisers. It will still work to satisfy those who are 'non-professional' posters. However, pay to win (just like in gaming) will be the central model here. This is also not just my opinion. Ned himself has made this clear on a presentation of SMTs to potential buyers of the system.

At the end though, this is my analysis. Anyone wanting to figure out what is true and what is speculation should do their own research. The steemfest live feeds are on YT and give a full insight into what the dev team and Ned are seeking in the future out of the steem project. They are lengthy but well worth the dissect.

Wow! What a post.
I went through a range of emotions reading this. Very insightful and thought provoking. This part sums up perfectly how I've been feeling in the last few weeks:-

For myself, it's been a crazy love-hate relationship with this platform over the last 16 months, fluctuating between waves of inspiration & elation, and discouragement & disdain. But, here we are.

It's a roller coaster ride from the day you arrive at Steemit and the highs and lows you encounter is what makes it so unique, hopefully the plethora of interesting, generous and talented people posting here will eventually find a concensus as to the best way the platform should evolve.

Decentralization is the best part. Bots and follow for follows are the worst part. I believe Steemit has great potential, but there will be inevitable growing pains. I'll be sticking around though...

I really don't get the economic death spiral talk. The price went down a bit... it happens, so what? Armageddon?

ha ha... I must confess, I too, have used somewhat sensationalistic headlines at times. Perhaps that title may have been overexaggerated a little, nonetheless, always best to focus out to the overarching concepts rather than get hung up on the precise literal translations...

Oh, I agree, of course. I just feel that most people tend to either be unreasonably positive or unreasonably negative. I think your post here raises a lot of good points and questions and walks the fine line between the two pretty insightfully.

This a brilliant synopsis and excellent extension of @stellabelle's post.

Every time I look at this issue, it seems to me there are four schools of thought on Steemit, and they are more or less "married" in pairs.

Short term vs. long term
Content creators vs. money makers

In the broadest sense, the "money makers" are married to "short term" and the "content creators" are married to "long term."

The thing I come back to is that communities-- especially in the long term-- have to be built by PEOPLE. I read @snowflake's post and appreciate the sentiment, but opting for "more profitable" doesn't amount to a hill of beans if the thing you're extracting "more profit" from ceases to exist.

But to return somewhat to your take on what we're doing here, perhaps what is most needed is more discussion on how we create LONG TERM sustainability here, regardless of WHICH format we settle on... we need to stop killing the goose that's (potentially) laying golden eggs, and I sense that means somehow reducing short term profiteering. HOW to do that? I don't know. Yet.

HOW to do that? I don't know. Yet.

Well my buddy @denmarkguy, I guess, I just offered some clue about how achieve a friendly divorce for that sickly "money makers-short term" marriage. And I explicitly deployed that clue through one of my usually weird comments in that same @snowflake's post you are talking about. }:)

Perhaps we don't need a complete centralization to reap the benefits of organization. With the introduction of sub-communities, we could have groups with centralized visions working together to achieve a goal.

Having a vision besides "me want make money" allows you to set up tangible steps to start from Point A to some Point B. And we can all agree that Point A isn't really want we want.

But everyone doesn't share the same vision and we shouldn't try to impose a particular vision on the entire community.

Steem is a newly discovered continent and instead of creating a giant government to rule all, we need different leaders to explore the continent and build their different towns and communities.

But with complete decentralization, it seems like all we are doing is adding new people screaming for attention. Only those who can afford their microphone can be heard.

GREAT perspective on communities! shifted my thinking on the topic... :)

and ironically almost everyone, even those who can't afford that @expensive-microphone want the price of the mic to go up :) Good prespective @greer184. Cheers

"You are creators, not a costumer" is inspiration sentence to me only one a plankton.
I hopefully i can to be success with my create. I mean is my writing.
Although still far from your ability, but I think not wrong if I try it.
Many thanks to your motivations. that chaos like this is bound to exist without a centralized vision, purpose, mission, and all those subtle cultural codes that form the blueprint of the system.

When I first found Steemit this is what I saw it as. An opportunity to form a community with decentralization as the major theme. Obviously, ​that is not on the minds of those who come here strictly for the financial aspects. Maybe we look at it as a great experiment like you say and see where it takes us, without the central control. I do believe you hit it on the head with the following statement,

Nonetheless, perhaps the simplest thing you or I can do to move in that direction is just keep doing our best to set an example, to be the change, and let such perspectives come out through our writing continuously. Maybe we'll never sculpt this space into what any of us would choose were it up to us alone - though maybe we underestimate the power of influencing even a few people, the ripple effects of which we might never fully know, but still do serve even a fraction of our highest vision, such that lives are touched at it does make a difference - despite what problems and imperfections shall always continually arise.

Who knows what that 1 person you affected will do with something you contributed on this platform. You're right, you may never know, but they will, and maybe that will be enough.


Great post! Yes, it's not perfect. We can expect Steemit posts/content to be as varied as the people creating it, which can definitely have it's disadvantages (ie. Maybe not everyone here is interested in seeing steemit succeed). However, this shouldn't be a huge problem if everyone else realizes their investment becomes more valuable when the platform becomes more successful and widely adopted. I think with everyone's best effort to reward original, high quality posts (and/or to create their own) as well as deterring content/posts considered "sub-par", we can keep some sort of standard that most users (new and old) will attempt to adhere to.

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