
I hear you, but..

I feel I've dumbed myself down here
Don't! Please, don't.. The illusion of being understood is not worth compromising your thinking. More often than not it is clearly visible that you're holding yourself back, stopping a though right in it's tracks, or merely hinting at much greater depths.

As for -
[..]impatient with the speed at which others may be going through their own processes of development
I feel it is paramount to leave other peoples' development solely in their own hands and rhythm, because one can cause even more damage, by trying to force the acceleration on the process. It pretty much backfires. Be there, be open to share wisdom when approached, but.. this is the part where sit down, be humble comes back on the playlist. We only ever have ourselves to work with either way, so if ignorance bothers you, go deeper, ask why, sort that in yourself out, but don't try to paint a fake picture on the mirror, just because you don't like a detail you see in it.
(by the way, it may seem as if I'm addressing this to you, but I'm actually only writing this for myself) ;)
Hugs and coffee,

I couldn't agree more. You will find a lot of people in life who just don’t think there is a problem so there is no need to change. If this is you then do nothing. If you want to change you must think there is a need and you I I couldn't agree more. I will start to recognise what things need to change and it usually starts with your perception of life. Everybody’s perception of life is different, therefore everyone’s reality is different. I don’t live in the same world as you and you don’t live in the same world as me. That might sound a strange concept to some people, but think about it for a few minutes, it could change the way you see the world.

ahhh... comments like these are like a breath of fresh air.

so on-point.

thank you. 💖

Thank you so much. The fact is that someone will always be upset somewhere and that's not always our responsibility. Just as a psychological hypothetical exercise, take time to dwell on what you could be doing and experiencing if you didn't care at all what others thought. This doesn't mean you'll stop caring completely, but it will give you an opportunity to decide what you would like to say and do.

PsychoThetical™ I like it lol. Maybe even PsychoTheticise.

Great. I don't totally blame those who send the 'I upvoted, follow and upvote me' comment. It can sometimes be due to ignorance as a newbie, or wrong teaching from those who introduced them to steemit, or.due to desperation to make cent. When I started my steemit journey, I displayed some of these behaviors, but as I got deeper into steemit, I gradually stopped them. Yes these behaviors can be irritating at times, but please let's guide these people in the right path, giving them the support we can. I enjoyed your piece. Thanks

Hey my fave author on here.

Reading this, a lot resonated with me.

  1. Let your asshole freak intelligent flag fly!
    I really deeply believe that it's only by being COMPLETELY ourselves that we are really serving anyone in any way. No fucking point in hiding any part of yourself.
    This does however mean you could lose some followers or maybe even be upvoted less, but what'll you get back is honest true followers that really deeply believe in you. Quality above quantity.
  2. This space is changing. In the short 2 months I've been on here, shit has been changing fast. And now it's a matter of hopping onto that shapeshift train or being left behind on the platform. It's all up to you.
  3. I know that you financially depend on Steemit but this shouldn't hold you back in completely expressing yourself.
    And if money becomes a problem, I am 100% sure you will find a way round it. Someone with a brain like yours, such a deep philosophical yet earthly way of looking at life, universe and everything else in between, I think will always find ways to get the financial flow coming in.
  4. All that superstar writer stuff. I get it. But maybe it's time to take another route for yourself. Just to give an example, through writing a post that I totally didn't want to write, I found out that I am an intuitive writer. I probably will never write a book in this lifetime because I simply do not edit my shit.
    It took the pressure off of writing stuff that I was mega struggling with writing.
    I am just going to be me and that's totally fine.
    And I hope that you do that too.

ps. Thank you for putting me on your voting bot :) It is appreciated A LOT!


Oh Dear, there ya go again...

just when I got that sense as though 'my garden' is drying up, comes along a comment like this, that's like a nutrient-abundance sunshine dump and watering in one. lol.

at a loss of better words than that. this feedback of yours is much appreciated. 💖

You might want to take a few deep breath's. Obviously you are a very good writer. We all care about what other's think, and it really gets in our way. I think though we generate our own idea of what "others" think? So maybe you could give yourself a break, stop asking questions and just be for a minute. The creativity will come on it's own. You can write, you do have the energy. I can see that. Good luck with whatever you end up deciding.

Lol. You are funny. "Impregnate each damn steemit post"
I can really understand and realte to all the "i wish i could"
But there are so many restrictions and we just wish we could be another person just to correct some errors we see daily. I will definitely read this post again


+1 on your comment.

Sadly, I see a lot of people here that believe they can create the million dollar baby in less than a month by having sex with nine women now!



Hello @rok-sivante,

Follow me I follow you I like your blog and very inspirational...

But really. That's probably why I'm like a bad lover that can't let go of this place. I can write whatever I want, share the most inner of my being, and maybe somebody else out there actually understands what the fuck I'm talking about. There's going to be ignorant people everywhere, Steemit's not immune. But I digress, sometimes my posts are garbage, and I wonder if I'm the moron that others are referring to in these very posts.

Just like Steemit, each person's gonna have their ups and downs. Taking breaks is not the same as giving up though. This post spoke to me about the things that pop up in my mind that maybe I'm living a farce with these bunch of assumptions.

Good stuff man,
<3 shello

Oh man, you didn’t really just open that comment with “follow me,” did you...? Lol. If you’ve been following me, you should know my stance on that approach...

A Priceless Tip For Steemit Newbies Seeking Followers & Upvotes... (The #1 Thing To Do And NOT Do)

However, given you left a quality comment after that, it’s almost easy to overlook!

And yes - quality comment. Appreciate it - there are some accurate reflections in there I can relate to intimately. 💖

I was just teasing a little bit... but after I actually revisited the comment, I realized that it was not cool of me. I'm sorry. I would be a little pissed if I was going through a tough time, and someone wanted to be a jackhole.

Thank you for reading my comment all the way through as well, and I'll make sure to check out this article ♡ c:

Lol. All good.

Nothing personal - it’s just a cultural code I stick to. And hopefully, a lesson may be learned not only for yourself, but others looking on - and perhaps you may pay forward the lesson and respond differently when it happens to you. So much of it, I see such as a significant conduct code that needs to be instilled in the culture here to upkeep the integrity and quality of the community. We all fuck up along the way a little, though it’s what makes us wiser... :-)

It's a good learning experience for sure, and Steemit does have culture and etiquette, even though there aren't any set rules. I think that keeping the integrity up will help to slowly abolish this type of rudeness and disrespect. Everyone's a person, and the only way to learn is to "fuck up" sometimes, to gain new knowledge c:

Nothing personal either, I see it! Thank you again for all the advice so far, I feel that the upcoming days will be very eventful!~

Isn't what we go through here simply a reflection of what happens IRL?
Perhaps just in a more concentrated form or figuratively enclosed space.

One thing does seem clear in your article - you are struggling to keep your authentic self from disappearing just to fit into societal boundaries. The Norm.

I believe this is an issue many of us, who feel a little different, struggle with every day. Like, why should I change to fit in, why can't others adapt to me?

You're certainly right, in that there is no easy or definitive answer. But I hope you do find your centre and can remain true to your essential self. :)


Spot on.

Btw, I am JaiChai. Pleased to make your acquaintance.

"Be the enigma. It makes everyone think a Hell of a lot more - especially you."



Haha, great quote.


Thanks buddy.

Regards to you and yours.



It was a really long post and I nearly skipped it. However, a part of me made me read it out and I enjoyed it. If I could vent out my emotions this easily, I'd be a much happier person. Thanks for the recognition from last week. I look forward to getting your support as you implement it.

Great post really. I understand how you feel. I have been there.
Everybody’s view of the world is different and it all comes down to the thinking patterns you use in your daily life. If you think life is wonderful you will notice the wonderful things in your life, if you think life is shit you will find shit things about life. I believe if people change their thoughts they literally change the world they are living in.

True that. We are the creators of our individualized “reality tunnels,” as Robert Anton Wilson used to say...

Well said. Am a personal example of this. For 8years I was depressed and has my mind surrounded with things that depressed me. But for the past 2 years, I've surrounded myswlf with good stuff and things changed. Steemit has been a big player towards this positive change, especially your posts @rok-sivante.thanks alot.

your welcome. glad to have served, and your feedback is appreciated. 🙏

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