
Hahaha Love the all seeing pizzagate eye at the end!

Ah :))) I was think this too :))))

This is what every newbie needs to read after signing up on steemit.



That's what brought me to this platform, the idea that the community itself would be motivated to reward valuable contributions and good citizenship. After all, this is how the business community works. You can't get a job with a huge salary without first proving that you can add real value to the enterprise.

When I wrote my first post the other day, I decided to share something from a TED talk that I thought might be interesting. But then I decided to go further and explain why the speaker's call for action (making machine learning algorithms more transparent and open to audit/inspection) was actually more complicated than it sounds at first blush. It was a challenge trying to explain the internals of an ML algorithm to those new to them. I wanted to avoid complex formulas and code that might scare people off. It took me hours writing that thing. But it was worth it. Someone commented afterward, and it was clear that he was a bit inspired by the piece.

Writing original content is hard work. But the rewards can't be beat.

A fine testiment to the attitudes that enrich this community... :-)

A fine testiment to the attitudes that enrich this community... :-)

Very timely, this one... I've been on steemit for just about a month now. at first, I thought it would be easy to come in here, post articles and get paid. I just recently found out steemit doesn't work that way. And I'm glad though.. Because this would make it really hard for greedy folks out there to come in and deteriorate the integrity of the system. The whole thing seem to be well planned.
So I made a decision. I shifted my mindset to contributing to the growth of the community rather that what I stand to gain. And though the rewards aren't here yet, im so sure they'll come naturally at their own time, and it would feel even more rewarding!

Great post @rok-sivante
How long have you been on steemit? 😃

Excellent! Your approach is indeed a testament to what makes Steemit great. 🙏

I got in during the first month, so about 16 months now - though was fairly inactive for the middle half.

posting is very good @rok-sivante.
Thankyou for sharing!

Another great post.

Personal Example: Yesterday I shared a link to a tool that made evaluating upvote bots simple with another user. That user dropped 8SBD of upvotes on me yesterday. I was just being helpful with no expectation of personal enrichment. When you do that the money will take care of itself. It always has.

I posted about something similar recently, I think that theres a mentality that people deserve upvotes and comments ,ect because they took a few minutes out their day to say something..HOWEVER there are times that I read essay type posts and after all that , I upvote and its worth an amount so little it doesnt change the value of the post. I hope the people with more power also have the time to read the posts of very young ensure that they are encouraged enough to keep pushing and working hard for their posts to have value.

For sure, there are challenges here. It’s an evolving system, far from perfect, and sometimes luck and randomness does play into outcomes of rewards. Nonetheless, we march on - and there is surely opportunity for those who step up in addressing such problems and present potential solutions...

You are correct, its no good just to bitch and moan about it, mostlg the only thing I can think of is to divide and conquer in the sense that , if there was one type of thing people had to choose that would always be part of their steemit profile for eg. Music then when posting anything people with the same tag will by default see that first and tbus making sub communities with the communities that already exist.. or even like profiles that are the same age type of thing so newbies learn together and support eachother. Just throwing it out there, I know the systems not perfect and nor will any suggestion be.

Beginning with Service is powerful. Humans seek community, and our collective effort is what makes us powerful. Coming to the table with your skills and powers to share is a way to build community. There are lots of people looking to make a quick buck though. I wrote about some of this in my post "Mining the Miners" if anyone wants to read it, based on my experiences touring Colorado this summer.

I like reading your post @rok-sivante, keep it up!

Great post. Thank for sharing @rok-sivante

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