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RE: TRUMP Executive Orders and a great first week..!!

in #steemit7 years ago

Thanks @lifeworship. That's very kind of you. "Getting JFKed" assumes its an inside job... and I don't work for the IC. How could that implicate me?

I think the world would be better off without a "leader of the free world" that polarizes people and spews hate. His lack of transparency is also disgusting. Someone with such an inflated ego should not be holding the country's nuclear launch codes.


Cheer leading assassination is one step away from "material support for terrorists", and would, at least, spur the Secret Service to investigate.

I can think of better ways to bring about individual liberty than publicly hoping for a figurehead to be murdered. Any disgust you can conceivably dredge up for anything Trump might be doing could as easily be said of any and all presidents of any country in the world, for as far back as we have records. None of the other candidates would have inspired me with any more confidence, if they were handed the nuclear launch codes.

Please explain how is intangible free speech is "material support"? Because I said I hope for a morbid outcome, now you think I am explicitly supporting terror? Sometimes I say crass and offensive things, but truly @lifeworship, I do not wish death upon anyone. Peace and non-violence are far more optimal outcomes. As far as "better ways" to bring about individual liberty, does making a statement mean that I am also not pursuing other avenues to spread autonomy of self? My original response is an outlash to how terribly incompetent and inexperienced he has conducted himself while in the public eye as a politician. With his rhetoric, he seeks to ravage the environment by removing it from the model by which governments analyze policy decisions (i.e. "running it like a business"), and in all likelihood if he succeeds, he will profit from it. Of course, how would we know for sure he is going to profit from it if we can't analyze his tax returns? I don't understand the mental gymnastics it requires to support censorship resistance and transparency (i.e. blockchains and steem) while not holding an elected leader to the same standard. He has already ordered that government scientists conducting climate research be silenced. What is the point of such an action but to further his own selfish agenda? His selfish, short-sighted and bigoted decision making effects us all, and effects future generations. And just because I think Trump is an incompetent tool does not mean that I endorse the other candidates. The only person I thought would make a decent president in this year's pick of the litter was Bernie Sanders (which is funny, because I also advocate for limited government), because he actually spoke from the heart and not from the annals of a flawed ideology (Populism, Nationalism, White supremacy, etc.).

When someone's decisions have the ability to effect billions of people's lives, they deserve to be scrutinized more than the rest of us plebs. So now I ask you this: ethically, is the loss of one worth the lives of many?

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