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RE: I hate controversy.... but I love clever solutions!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Thank you @dreemsteem for this thought provoking post.

What do I think ?? Listen Iam apart of the same Fam( the alliance) as you @dreemsteem. And by default as part of our "Dues" we get the enviable position of @theMothership visiting our blog and giving us a $3-$4 nice Upvote sometimes more. Also @a11y is the same thing. But not required of Fam members, But I delegate to that as well.

And I have been given a freebie ( not sure) from @sneky-ninja which was really cool.

That being said Iam just one of those who is NOT going to spend any money with the big Bots that give $50 Payouts and for all intensive purposes is used by most to get on the Trending page. So it's a form of advertisement.

I am not going crucify these peeps from doing this. I know a few who are high quality producers and Fam members who are just trying to get a little Boost and more Visibility.

For me there is nothing wrong at all with that. No harm, no foul. Nothing unethical about it.

I just think there is so much abuse by other shady steemians who have crap Content and abuse these high payout Bots.

For that reason and also the fact I want to make it here at Steemit and be able to say I didn't use those big Bots. Not even once. So it's also a pride thing for me.

But to each his own.


Right! I feel pretty much the same as you... Or I should say "felt" lol

I felt so strongly that I was going to pay for bots for those same reasons. But then your point about the abuse....
THATS what started to make me think. If there is abuse, and we are just saying we won't use them.... Is that effective?
Would it be better for us to say we will use them and we will use them ethically.

See my question?

Not really trying to sway you to use them hahahahaha trying to state the point as.. if we don't use them and leave more money for financial rewards to be taken through the unethical use of the bots.... Are we actually harmining steemit?

(Does that make sense or am I asking the question in too odd of a way, @robertandrew?)

Yeah I think I see what you're saying. But for some reason I'm stirred up to see if I can do it without the big Bots. So I guess it's two reasons. The Abuse and also the Challenge ( even if it can be used ethically) to see if I can do it like @denmarkguy has done it without paying the big Bots to make it to Trending.

So I guess that's the main reason. Maybe kind of silly but I guess I like to make things harder than they need to be lol

I totally understand what you mean and I'm usually that way too! (honestly) hahahahahaha so I get you!

But - I think I COULD do it without bots. I think we all could! It would take more time, but... it's of course possible.

It's the same thing I did when I published one of my books. I did it without marketing because I wanted to see how far I would grow organically. In the end, I realized that marketing myself was not a skill that I excelled at. hahahahahaha and in the future - I will pay a marketing team to do what they do best LOL

I think part of that lesson is ringing in my head here... do I want to spend more time (than I might have) on attempting 100% organic? I initially thought yes. Now... for many reasons, I'm considering no. I don't really care about trending. I use the #teamgood tag from @battleaxe anyway :) I think that is a much more valuable tag than trending right now.

and I don't think your way is silly at all. I admire your determination! And now I'm cheering for you to do it!

Go Go @robertandrew hehehehehe

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