Steemit User Satisfaction SurveysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Please take a minute to fill out this quick survey to help me compile some data for the future of Steemit. In no more than 2 or 3 short words or sentences please answer the following 3 questions.

  1. What do you like the most about Steemit? (ex. curation rewards, author rewards, community, steempower, steem dollars)

  2. What do you like the least about Steemit? (ex. I think we should change the way Steemit does curation rewards, author rewards, voting, reputation, steem/power/dollars, etc by doing [this] to fix the problem)

  3. Do you plan on staying on Steemit(and powering up) for the forseable future or not(and powering down)? Why?

I will compile the usable results with the most mentioned answers and answers that I like and make a post about it as soon as I have analyzed the results of the survey.

Please number your answers and be as clear and concise as possible. Thank you in advance.


What do you like the least about Steemit? (ex. I think we should change the way Steemit does curation rewards, author rewards, voting, reputation, steem/power/dollars, etc by doing [this] to fix the problem)

I like that a platform exists that is exploring how to use the blockchain and cryptocurrency as a social media tool that rewards it users directly. This contrasts with other popular social media platforms that get content for free, but give zero reward for that content. I came to Steemit from the perspective of seeing it as an investment both of my time and money. I'd watched the price of STEEM bottom out and joined the community to see if this bottoming out had any substance, and to make a judgement call on whether it would be a good long term investment. It appeals to me because I like writing, I like commenting, and I like making money. There is plenty of that going on for me. The greatest value I look to achieve is to improve my writing, and achieve capital gains on my money in the long term. I'm not really looking for short term gain.

What do you like the least about Steemit? (ex. I think we should change the way Steemit does curation rewards, author rewards, voting, reputation, steem/power/dollars, etc by doing [this] to fix the problem)

What I like least about Steemit is the pettiness of some of its participants. It's a grand experiment. It's very early in it's development. There is a lot more ground to be covered for us to truly understand what impact it will make. Short term thinking and outright greed are ugly to look at. I try not to dwell on the negative though, as it is not the most productive way to use my time or to move the platform forward. While some people are bickering, others are quietly getting stuff done. I keep my focus on the good stuff, but I'm human. We are all too human, as the saying goes.

Do you plan on staying on Steemit(and powering up) for the forseable future or not(and powering down)? Why?''

I plan to stay on Steemit, My investment is modest. It is not more than I can afford to lose. I power up all my Steem. If BTC wasn't going so strong, I might put some more cash in it. For now the attraction of other cryptocurrency investment is keeping me from putting more of my limited funds into STEEM. I'm not a whale. I have some spare dollars that can earn more in a cryptocurrency than they can sitting in a checking account being consumed by bank charges.

The greatest thrill for me is the possible social and cultural ramifications of the wider adoption of cryptocurrency and the possible uses of blockchains as a mechanism for social change. This wider goal of being a part of a social revolution, both at Steemit, and through Bitcoin adoption is the real reward I seek. These technologies will be the catalyst for change in a period of history where change is reaching those exponential rates we had been told of decades ago. The graph of technological change has reached the point where it is going straight up. In very quick time, our world will be wrenched from it's ancient ways and catapulted forward into a great unknown. All I can do is hang on and enjoy the ride here on Steemit. :-) <----obligatory smiley face.

I like the decentralized technology of Steemit most.

I am displeased by the current lack of consumer support being provided by Steemit Inc.

I plan to stay on Steemit. I am currently powering down for financial reasons, but otherwise have faith that this platform will grow a lot in the future.

  • As a side note, I believe that Steemit Inc could provide better business transparency moving forward, such as a business model and strategic direction. I believe that they have relied far too heavily on what the community would like to see, instead of introducing more of their own solutions to the development of this platform. In saying that, if they are still looking for community input, there are two things I hope to see in the future:
  1. Reorganization of the trending page - The trending page should be organized by view counts, not by the value of the post. This solves the problem of subjectively valued posts being displayed on the home page.

  2. A downvote button - Because flags negate rewards and reputation, they become violent in nature. I believe we need a way for users to disagree with content passively in order to provide higher quality metrics, and avoid violent behavior on Steemit.

Good post @richardcrill. Hopefully Steemit Inc decides to take a note out of your book and do this them self next time.

  1. I agree. hopefully the roadmap coming out "soon" will make us happy, lol
  2. very interesting idea! I like the idea of using that metric.
  3. I also like the idea of "downvote" instead of "flag", because that is the way that it is being used a lot.

I think we should retain the flag option so that we can negate actual abuse on the platform, but having the simple option to disagree with something is one way users can voice a negative opinion without the fear of backlash.

good point. maybe those should be two seperate things.

Yeah. One for reporting abuse and negating negative behavior, and one for difference of opinion so that we can easily disagree when we want too. There is a lot of content on here that I've disliked but because flags are violent in nature, I choose to just ignore that content, which sucks because some of that content ends up on the trending page. It would be nice to say I don't like something without having to fight about it later.

There is a GitHub issue open specially for that change:

"I believe this is somewhere on our roadmap presently." - Sneak

Oh man, I will be spending a lot more time on the Steemit Gtihub issues thread. Thank you Tim

  1. Steemit is the best alt coin mining platform in the world! You invest only by blogging and curating.
  2. Lamented the fact that only whales give the dollar votes while the high rep account holders give the few cents votes even though they have invested blood, sweat and tears on the platform.
  3. I am Staying to fill a need for alternative income source.

Great, concise answer. thank you

What I like the most about SteemIt is the idea of a community that rewards engaging content with Steem.

What I like the least is the way the curation rewards, (meant to get people to read and evaluate content) are being used to promote specific posts and accounts each day.

I am in Steem for the long haul as far as powering up rewards I earn. I originally wanted to invest. At this point I wouldn't want to put money in.

  1. I like the vision (economy built upon a foundation of integrity that gives access to anyone and enables free transactions,) the lack of censorship, the quality of technology being demonstrated, the level of active development within the community, the quality of the Steemit community, the sense of creativity and innovation and the huge amount of valuable information being generated.

  2. I don't like the lack of social features on Steemit....not sure if that will matter once other apps go live, the divisive flagging mechanism...though i see flagging as necessary and hope we can improve it, the present distribution of SP....though the rate of improvement is both impressive and reassuring, the lack of competition driving down the Steemsports gambling rake which I think is too high.

  3. Steemit might be the most important platform ever...of course I'm staying ;) I'm not powering down (until I have to) because I want to help the platform grow and I believe Steem is extremely misunderstood and ridiculously undervalued.

(1) I power up all my steem I get into my steem power retirement fund wallet ! Lol ! So Steem Power ! And of course Community !

(2) Voteing - I also think there should be a downvote button instead of flags or along with ( flags only used sparingly ) and for good reasons !

(3) refer to 1 ! I'm saving to help build a small house on my small property ! I'm here for the long haul , power me up baby ! Lol !😉👍

There is actually a GitHub issue open to split downvoting and flags:

You know my answers but here goes:

  1. Great idea
  2. Poor User Interface; dreadful power structure; worse still how the power structure is usurped
  3. I am powering up but I think I would be best served - and so would everyone else if the playing field was flattened; otherwise, I shall start my own whereby people can have a chance.

Thank you @ebryans. I think the last part of your 2nd answer is a big issue. My next post will be on that topic.

  1. I enjoy the community here.
  2. There is a definitive lack of education in the functionality of steem particularly in new users. Which makes it hard for me sometimes.
  3. I am here for the long haul and power up unless I am running contests.

Not sure if you have seen it yet, but we recently added a welcome page:

New users who sign up will see this right after they create their account.

  1. I like the community mostly.
  2. The lack of having a definitive sense of direction of the platform's development & direction, i.e. a roadmap that is updated regularly.
  3. Definitely planning on sticking around, but probably not powering up. However I've never powered down and have no plans to.
  1. i enjoy most, the interaction with intelligent people.
  2. i dislike the abuse of the flag by people who are able to take advantage of huge inequities, not based, in any way, on merit.
  3. i would like to stay on steemit. it is an enormous time sink, and i don't really see myself continuing to post here if steem continues to stay at these abysmal levels, or sinks even farther. as it is, i am here, now, only for my friends, and the occasional inspiration. my vote means nothing. i am making less than people do in west africa, and even that keeps falling in value. i probably won't power down, as the pittance i've accumulated is worth more as a gamble on future gain, than it would be a help in paying my bills.

hope this helps. any further questions, please ask.

Thank you for your input. That will be great to add to the qualitative and quantitative data.

I don't think that being here to earn a lot of rewards is really the right expectation to have. The site is really in it's infant stages right now. If we can turn STEEM into the next Facebook / Bitcoin, then the few dollars of STEEM we have today could be worth thousands. I think working towards that is really the best mindset to have right now.

i never had expectations or i would only, have expected the bad behavior of the powerful.

Are you referring to issues with flagging?

yes, and also their failure to add any content of value, if any content at all.

You should check out this post on an alternate view on flagging:

When you say they have provided no value, what are you basing that off of? Just the fact that they don't post blog content? Could they have provided value in other ways, such as developing code for the blockchain, running mining/witness servers, investing money into the platform?

i read this post. it is a sad attempt to justify a desire to have more control than one person should have. at the very least the flag should be separated into several categories including, but not limited to, spam, plagiarism, abuse, and opposing opinion. abuse of the flag should be able to be penalized in the aggregate. also a cap should be put on the damage one person can do to another's account. if one person is genuinely engaging in a form of abuse, many will see it. it needs not be up to one self appointed "judge, jury, executioner". it can be handled in the aggregate.

What is the worst case of flag abuse that you have seen? How much damage was done to the person's account?

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