Steem Power Is Transferable

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Busted :

As no one in knows or is willing to answer

I tripped on this account @nicknick and saw Steem Power transfers

19 hours ago Receive 482.695 STEEM POWER from summon

1 week ago Receive 250.000 STEEM POWER from cass

1 week ago Receive 300.000 STEEM POWER from cass

1 week ago Receive 101.352 STEEM POWER from cass

1 week ago Receive 452.836 STEEM POWER from summon

1 week ago Receive 398.991 STEEM POWER from summon

2 weeks ago Transfer 400.000 STEEM POWER to nicknick

2 weeks ago Receive 400.000 STEEM from summon

I have never seen anyone mention this and I doubt it was a change in the hardfork as the last one was on the 26th of July and the last Steem power transfer was the 16hrs ago .

There's no option to do this on SteemIT.

Is this something CLI can do?

Specific users can?

or something else ?

Busted :


You can power up another user. It takes your liquid STEEM, though. Not your SP.

Under Power Up in your wallet, select "Advanced".

That's interesting! Didn't know about this feature.

I try to learn something new everyday and damn this was that! Thanks bacchist!

This would seem the most likely scenario.

You can transfer SP either by routing or transferring accounts however it would still take 104 weeks to complete the transfer. I had a similar discussion yesterday, more detail here.

So its basically the same as sending said STEEM to that user and him powering up?

Thanks for you heads up! Wrote a short HOW-TO to demystify - hope this helps

You can essentially power up for someone else that's doable.

im against transfering steem power becouse that will allow users to open fake accounts then transfering the free steem power to their original accounts.

This is the method bywhich whales should make more dolphins. Don't give them SBD and expect them to power it up. Send them steem and power it up for them directly.

Awesome thinking, can I quote you on that...

The real question is why are they transferring to an account that's not active in any way shape or form? @nicknick has not blogged commented or anything other than receive funds???

Investment, probably.

That makes perfect cents:)

I have never seen this before, id be curious to know as well..

Good find

I'm also interested in knowing the answer to this question. So far no one seems to know.

I saw you mention this in chat and was waiting for an answer.

I do not understand you post

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