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RE: What I Want From SteemIt - the Platform

in #steemit7 years ago

I would like the leaders (Stakeholders) to be interested and invested in the users/investors of the community. ... I want to focus on what we can work towards.

Personally, I don't need a leader and I don't think you do either. Here's my 4-step plan for everyone here to make an individual (leaderless) contribution to platform success:

  1. Vote for as much appealing content as we possibly can.
  2. Ignore stuff that we don't find appealing.
  3. Write/resteem the most appealing posts and comments that we can manage.
  4. If we want more of a voice in how the platform grows and evolves, then we should buy more steem power and return to step (1.).

IMO, exercises in herding cats will be unproductive or worse, especially when the cats are whales. It's counterintuitive, but accumulated over time, I think that our aggregate decisions to vote on appealing content have the potential for far more influence than our persuasive writing about how others should act.

One final caveat that's hard, but that I'm really trying to do, is to limit my participation in posts about steem/steemit (other than "how to ..."). It's hard to do because those of us here all share this common interest, so these topics seem valuable to us, and they generate a lot of feedback. But for outsiders, these topics are value-free or even disagreeable. (I realize that I'm violating my own rule to comment here, but I am trying very hard not to let that happen too often. A quick glance at my comments trail, however, tells me that I still need to get better at this. ; -)


I like most of what you wrote here, and I need to give it some consideration. Thank you for your point of view.

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