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RE: Why Steemit is Great for Your Homestead

in #steemit7 years ago

I love how today's homesteading combines traditional income streams like livestock and produce with ultra modern things like Steemit.

I can only live part of the homesteading dream on my urban acreage -- no livestock allowed, although I'm hoping they open up the rules to chickens. But at least I have ample room to supply my family with fruits and vegetables -- especially if I use square-foot gardening ( And I can always homestead vicariously by reading the many great homesteading posts on Steemit. 🙂


You're right though, it's fantastic that there's so many different aspects to it now. HOWEVER. You absolutely sound liek a homesteader! An URBAN Homesteader! For me, I believe a homesteader is someone who does what they can to provide themselves via means of gardening, livestock, and doing things themselves like make bread and such! A little bit of sustainability!

Have you really looked into the rules? Does it say anything about quail?? I know a lot of people get around that livestock deal with quail and/or rabbits! Quail is on my next animal list!

I tried to garden this year, and was going to use some squarefoot gardening aspects... BUT THE GROUND SQUIRRELS ATE EVERYTHING! Except the garlic and onion. Ugh.

I think I actually have that post open already in my tabs. FUNNY. :D Thank you so much for stopping by and taking a moment! <3 I very much appreciate you commenting and starting a conversation with me! I look forward to your posts and more interactions!

My parents raise quails on their farm, but I never considered it here. Something to look into for sure. My husband is also interested in bees -- I don't think there are rules against that and it would be an interesting experience. It never hurts to ask. Thanks for the suggestion!

Usually there are maybe rules stating somewhere about bees. I would triple check that one! But yes people do get around the livestock with Quail... but I don't think they ask before doing it. Knowing me, I'd ask. But you might get a no. Usually though, people get away with it cause it doesn't say specifically. Haha.

You're very welcome! I'd be dying to provide myself with eggs somehow! I think quail will be our first meat bird... I hope I can deal with that, anyway. Lol.

I know how that is, I have the same situation with animals.

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