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RE: The importance of making friends on Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

I am slow at making friends and following people. The same can be said in fleshy life, my best friend is my husband and I don't really need anyone else. But I try and follow people who seem real and I can connect with. I think this is an important message even for us loners like me.


I relate to this as well. I can count my best friends on one hand and I haven't spoken to 3 of them in almost a year! LOL That being said, I don't follow for follow because I am trying to find quality work, newbies, and "new-to-me" people that I can find some common ground with.

That's exactly how I feel...ha! I am not alone, even though being alone is my favorite way to be <3

I was like this at first. But then I decided to stop treating my Steemit account like it was my YouTube channel. I still won't follow or share content unless it is quality. I just don't limit it to my very particular interests anymore.

I hear that! I've quite expanded my own "interests" based on a few self-imposed criteria - quality, originality, verification, communication and how member interact with others. I am often more thrilled to see comments than I am watching the number of upvotes. And I'm always shocked and pleasantly surprised when I see any kind of monetary value on my posts. I just began following you but I think I have hesitated in the past, not because of your work, but the amount of resteems I have to scroll through to find your work! I hope you don't find that offensive, I'm just being myself. But hey, I'm going to think of it like you probably follow awesome people that I haven't seen yet, right? Making lemonade out of lemons here :)

Its not offensive, haha! Lately, I have been resteeming a lot because I've been making a number of friends on here in a short amount of time. I usually don't resteem this much!

I can relate! My best friend is my girlfriend.

I used to be real stingy with my votes, but I am taking a different approach to Steemit now. I want to help as many people as I can. Steemers will notice kindness! It is a great business strategy, and it helps Steemit grow!

Trying to round up introverts is as easy as herding a dozen cats....meow... Seriously though, I'm trying to network, read, and comment. I've even joined chat....even though I don't like chatting. Your posts reminds me to stick to reaching out and saying hello.

Yeah, I think the best way to reach out is to simply just submit a story! Pick something good to talk about, then let everyone answer in the comments! I've even asked steemers questions by submitting a story. One upside is that you get paid if a lot of people interact.

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