THEY Should Fear Steemit Unleashed

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

THEY, who oppose freedom.
THEY. who oppress people.
THEY should fear STEEMIT.

  • 1984 by George Orwell
  • A brave new world by Aldous Huxley

Two of my favorite books on totalitarianism and control.

Orwell's vision in 1984 was DARK and permeated by lack of hope.
Those in power will crush our spirit with censorship and by controlling all our information and even vocabulary, they would always be the boot on our face and we will never, ever be able to escape.

Huxley's view was almost opposed but to the same dreary results.   That we would all be too distracted by entertainment and dumb things to care about any larger issue.   That we would be too lost in our screens, our minds, our pleasures to care about the pain elsewhere and the world at large.

So who was right?

In some parts of the world, Orwell is "winning".

Other parts of the world, mostly the western civilization, goes the Huxley direction.

So where does steemit comes in?

Steemit could essentially solve both of these control methods in one decisive move. BOOM!!!


The How


The decentralization of blockchain is essentially a way to stop one entity to control the information.   It is FREEING!

Problem is, most people don't get its power and can't use it and those who can are, at least for now, pioneers and rebels in their own way. A new way for blockchain to reach the "masses" is needed.

Steemit is the new way.   Steemit will familiarize the whole globe with blockchain [ I have no hard data but the sheer number of good articles about blockchain that have been written on steemit in the last 2 weeks might be more than everything written for the public in the last years...].

But Is this enough?

NO. Because Huxley! -----> what do we do about the other side of the coin " too much information" and "control them with distractions" ?

From this point of view one could say that Facebook /Reddit and steemit are on the same path because people will come to "lose time". The difference, THE HUGE DIFFERENCE?
Steemit is not mindless browsing.


Where's wealth, there's power.

I keep thinking about this a lot. @infovore lived with 3$/day.
Think about it, especially if you live in a western country, it is unimaginable!!
How can one do that?

But think deeper, how easy is to control a person like this?  If you have money and will you can esentially limit this person's worldview.   He was curious about the world and worked hard to get his info, but that's the thing.   It wasn't easy and probably more people in his situation would have accepted.

Now with 41000$ in his account, is a different discussion.   You can't just push a person like that.  It's harder because now he knows he can fight you.  He knows that he means something, and that he can get what he needs.  If you break his phone, he's just gonna buy another!

Now imagine a whole village with 40k+ in their account.


That's the revolution! That's what "they" should fear.
One day we might look back at this and wonder how so few seen it coming.

I can't wait to see what kind of world we'd be living in then.

-- I don't know who drew that webcomic but it's great. check the rest of it here


Awesome post! I think about the same thing in regards to everyone around the world that can experience a life-changing event like @infovore. I love this stuff.

Wow. I'm almost speechless. Its so heartening my story gave you some insights...Truly, the potential of steemit is mind-blowing. Truly hopes everything works out great. This was a great read man.

thanks, man. I think people might open up to this idea that we could distribute wealth everywhere and have a better world. maybe..

This is what this community is all about. Happy for you @infovore.

Indeed the revolution is coming and we are all riding the train there. Good post . happily upvoted.

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