5 signs you are addicted to Steemit! [ I'm sorry, you know it's true ]

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Scary? Exciting? I don't know, I just want more steemit, maaaaan!!!

1. You need your fix, you need it now!

You can't go more than 5 minutes without refreshing the page, looking at your wallet, upvoting something, anything. You need to upvote something now!!
( yeah, i got to, brb...)

2, You can't stop thinking about it

Steemit is always on your mind. When you wake up, you're wondering what's new on steemit. You can't sleep thinking of steemit. You are acting like love-crazed teenager!!
You're thinking about new posts, new ideas, how to improve the website, how to improve your content. You're wondering if you should power up more or power down or buy more Steem or sell.
You're mind is full of steem!

3, You can't stop talking about it

Your friends all know that you are on steemit, they know they should be on steemit, they know they're missing out by not being on steemit and YES, steemit is the revolution we've all been waiting for but for the love of GOD, shut up!!!!
[ but steemit...]

4. You start to neglect your responsibilities and/or job.

You missed a day of work, you then missed another. You don't go to the nightly beer night with your friends and your partner barely sees you lately. You're all about those STEEM. Sweet sweet STEEM! Friends, job, non-crypto currency...who cares?! You're rich in STEEM, you're building the steemit community and they just DON'T UNDERSTAND!!

5. You start to judge everything by how much would be rewarded on steemit

Going to the gym? 0.01$
Going in Thailand and snorting soy eggs? 1010221.00$

Talking about your problems? 0.00$
Talking about a huge problem and how it has defined your life? 213112948.884$

Walking your dog, catching pokemons? 0.2$
Signing up your dog on steemit? 4958.3939$

This is it! Comment if you relate and tell me what's your thing!!

I'm off now...off to upvote..something..


That's me since I got on steemit 2 months ago...

You know what I love? When ppl find the PERFECT GIF for something. FUCK YEAH. this is me too [ 3 weeks or so unfortunately ]

I love that we can use gif on Steemit...just makes it so much fun

i know. gifs are the best thing that internet brought...

this one says it all - yes, @cryptoctopus. YES!

This is my life now. :D

When steemit was off for a few hours on Saturday, it was then I realized how attached to steemit I had become.

scary or thrilling?

Scary. I had to take a few hours to re-evaluate the way I've been spending my time. It's worth it though. On introspection, I should have spent more time writing.

oh, boy...if i only got these obsessed in june...oh boy...


I love this show!

haha. i know...

I can't stop looking at it. I have been taking cabs home to get more time to vote on posts than the subway even though it cost me way more than my votes earn.

haha. an upvote for your dedication. the power of steemit is real...

Wow. Like you've been staring at me staring at my phone/PC!

i know right?!?!?!?1

I'm already addicted. Scoping out multiple projects to hire engineers to build integrations with current tech we use in our different companies.

Waking up and going straight to Steem. Already amending our content strategy for our agency to use Steem as a primary money site.

Love this platform!

:) that's great, man. As more and more companies will wake up the opportunities...things will REALLY grow. Keep at it and maybe drink a coffee before steemit :D or not, who are we kidding?!

Steemit is a new drug :-)

it's a nootropic...

Fantastic, Raz. Yes, all true. I had a faculty meeting yesterday for the upcoming fall semester. It was killing me. Gotta do something about this, somehow.

HEHE! I've seen your post and was like I KNOW EXACTLY that feel. I hope you don't geel that I stole the idea from you, the post was in my draft for a few days....
That being said, it's really messing with my mind....I kid but...I also not.

Are we opening the first Steemit Rehab Clinic??

Ha! I know, Raz. Yours was a different spin. We could all write these posts.

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