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in #steemit8 years ago

I think this is a great idea. I think steemit really needs to rethink how they are going to keep new people here on the steemit platform. I have seen different post about how steemit accounts are growing, but active accounts are declining. I would like to see a report of how many accounts are just people starting accounts to mine steem. I dont know if it is possible to pull a report like that from the blockchain, but I have to wonder if that is not the reason why total accounts are growing and active accounts are not. But there also has to be a better way to spread the wealth, I dont have all the answers , But I think the whales need to start voting on more content then just the top 50 I see in everyone of @masteryoda top earners reports. People will only spend 4 hours to write a post and only get .10 so many times before they just give up, everyone has their limit, some may try for a few days and some a week some a month. But at some point if they are not making any steem for their post at some point they will leave. Lets be honest the only reason anyone is on steemit is for the money, if you tell me your not , i'll call you a liar. I'm just going to spell it out for the whales if you want steemit to succeed you have to find a way to more fairly reward everyone, you and I both know there is no way people are going to give up facebook or twitter for $2 a week. I know , Steemit should be in addition to facebook they don't have to give it up, LOL. NO ONE IS GOING TO SPEND 12-16 HOURS A WEEK WRITING POST IF THEY ARE NOT MAKING ANY MONEY. I have pretty much given up myself, I mean I write a good article and nothing one of the top 50 writes it BOOM $5000 I post a great picture nothing , one of the top 50 post one BOOM $2000. If you don't quit only rewarding the top 50, you are going to end of with only 50 people on the platform. I think a lot of people have wanted to say everything I have said here but are scared to say it, do to a whale downvote , downvotes should be for spam or abuse, not just because you don't like something someone posted, but since I don't make any money and this may be my last post anyway , I have no need to worry.


How true your words are razorwave8 and thank you for your input on this

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