in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

100 WINNERS EVERY DAY This is my attempt to help STEEMIT solve some of the major problems that STEEMIT is experiencing . One of those problems is user activity . If STEEMIT would do a daily Sweepstakes and give away 500 SP to 100 of the daily entrants everyday using a computer random drawing to select the 100 daily winners . This would only be 50,000 steem of the 1,152,000 steem created everyday .

DISTRIBUTION MUST TAKE PLACE in order for steemit user growth to grow exponentially . At present users are on the decline .
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As part of the entry process the entrant would have to agree to the terms of the sweepstakes . As an example one of the terms would be for the entrant to allow STEEMIT to post an advertisement on the entrants facebook page advertising the STEEMIT DAILY SWEEPSTAKES .
By doing the sweepstakes in this way this would create a huge awareness of steemit and drive an explosion of new steemin members . A sweepstakes would increase user activity because to enter you have to upvote the sweepstakes . And when they go to up vote to enter the sweepstakes everyday a large percent will no doubt explore and begin using steemit .
The 100 winning steemins a day now have a vested interest in steemit and will begin to use the platform . This is just a very basic outline of an idea .

SWEEPSTAKES EVERYONE WINS. image credit pixabay

Now I know sweepstakes are not easy to administer, and there are many legal issues to evaluate and consider before going forward with a sweepstakes .
Go here :

DISCLAIMER THIS is NOT a sweepstakes but only a post about sweepstakes .

So what do you think about this idea ? Please feel free to comment below . Also if you feel this needs to be seen by many steemins please help promote this to the top of the promote page . I think something needs to be done to increase active users this idea is just my 2 cents worth .


great idea if these views of yours and other incentives were giving out to minnows like me it would make being on steemit worth it

I think they need to really think about how to get the minnows more active . Thanks for your comment bkasante

Also, I don´t think we are ready for mass adoption, remember that this project is still in Beta and we still have alot of issues to fix.

yes I agree steemit is very young but if steemit would decide to run a sweepstakes it would take several months to implement .

As a marketing tool and as a way to spread the wealth it is a good proposal although there are some caveats to it. Nonetheles you have my vote for the initiative.

perhaps this could also be done by individual whales.

there is nothing stopping any Steemit user for offering prizes to those who upvote or comment on a "sweepstakes post", unless I read the TOS wrong.

or even from randomly selecting a follower

Hell, if I had the money, I would do it for the pure networking and publicity aspects of it

There are a lot of legal hoops to jump through go to the legal link I put in the post . Also There are alot of companies who do sweepstakes I think steemit should be considering one . I believe if done right STEEMIT and all steemins would benefit .

Years back when I was working with a digital advertiser, we did a sweepstakes offer across mobile devices. I started out having to deal with the legalese, then when the media director left in the middle of the project, I had to finish bringing it to market. I can tell you based upon my own expereince, a sweepstakes is a double edged sword.

Let's put aside the lengthy (and costly) legal requirements of running a sweepstakes offer and focus on what goal trying to be accomplished and if a sweepstakes offer will help achieve that goal.

Consider a sweepstakes like an incentives based lead generation ecosystem. In the advertising game, incentives based leads are all known to be dog shit because, while you get registrations and numbers (which Steemit already is getting in droves), you do not get engagement and genuine product interest. People will sign up only for the free iPad, cash or (in this case) STEEM.

The goal should be more about engagement than registration, so the sweepstakes should have some barriers of entry, such as either engagement based upon contribution (such as only people who have written a blog entry within the past week are eligible), or engagement based upon curation and sifting (such as only people who have both voted and commented within the past week are eligible). The key to getting the quality lead/registration/action you are looking for is to understand how to incentivize actions which create the continued desired outcome.

A sweepstakes should not necessarily be a regular thing, because it will then become the reason people engage, rather than the reason you are hoping they will engage.

My $0.02 based upon my own experience for what it's worth.

lpfaust you raise some very good points and I agree the main goal should be to raise activity on the platform . If done correctly new members and increased activity can both be accomplished . Thank you for your input .

I didn't even take into consideration the rent-seekers and shakedown artists...oops...I mean the government. I can understand legal restrictions on lotteries to prevent scams, but not really for sweepstakes. Oh well.

I understand that you are discussing Steemit the entity conducting the sweepstakes, which is a good idea. I was wondering about individual whales.

It is also interesting how these laws would apply to those outside the US.

yes a whole lot of legal sh** to consider .

I just spent 1.0 sbd to help promote this post . I hope others will follow .I for one agree something needs to be done to help increase user activity . I think your idea is a good one

Thank you spinbunny I have not had any success with the promote but since you have started with your $1 sbd I will put another one in also . Thank you again

This would probably open up an attack vector where someone would create a bucket load of accounts and play the odds to get free Steem without adding any value to the community.

onthewayout I'm not a programer so I would think there would be ways to program around this problem . And I agree that anywhere thief's can find a way to steal they will do it . Thanks for your input

Interesting proposal. Maybe we could use funds from null account ?

If the null account got large enough not a bad idea but for now . In my opinion they should pull the funds from the steemit account . Thanks for your comment and suggestion oldtimer .

Someting needs to be done to kee the place active

I think it is a great idea.
💋 @halo 💋😇

I think this is a great idea. I think steemit really needs to rethink how they are going to keep new people here on the steemit platform. I have seen different post about how steemit accounts are growing, but active accounts are declining. I would like to see a report of how many accounts are just people starting accounts to mine steem. I dont know if it is possible to pull a report like that from the blockchain, but I have to wonder if that is not the reason why total accounts are growing and active accounts are not. But there also has to be a better way to spread the wealth, I dont have all the answers , But I think the whales need to start voting on more content then just the top 50 I see in everyone of @masteryoda top earners reports. People will only spend 4 hours to write a post and only get .10 so many times before they just give up, everyone has their limit, some may try for a few days and some a week some a month. But at some point if they are not making any steem for their post at some point they will leave. Lets be honest the only reason anyone is on steemit is for the money, if you tell me your not , i'll call you a liar. I'm just going to spell it out for the whales if you want steemit to succeed you have to find a way to more fairly reward everyone, you and I both know there is no way people are going to give up facebook or twitter for $2 a week. I know , Steemit should be in addition to facebook they don't have to give it up, LOL. NO ONE IS GOING TO SPEND 12-16 HOURS A WEEK WRITING POST IF THEY ARE NOT MAKING ANY MONEY. I have pretty much given up myself, I mean I write a good article and nothing one of the top 50 writes it BOOM $5000 I post a great picture nothing , one of the top 50 post one BOOM $2000. If you don't quit only rewarding the top 50, you are going to end of with only 50 people on the platform. I think a lot of people have wanted to say everything I have said here but are scared to say it, do to a whale downvote , downvotes should be for spam or abuse, not just because you don't like something someone posted, but since I don't make any money and this may be my last post anyway , I have no need to worry.

How true your words are razorwave8 and thank you for your input on this

"X goin' give it to ya." -Earl Simmons

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