I feel the future is bright (speaking as a tech n00b) - like seriously

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


There was a time when I had 14 bitcoins. I joined the bitcoin rush at the time they were taking a nosedive from $1k, the very first bump. I remember when my friend introduced me to them; he was bitching about how he had went all in on Bitcoin and now he was having to sell because they were falling faster than my underwear as a teenager. I remember thinking

"I want in with this"

At the peak of my bitcoin ownerage it was at the time they freefalled to around $200. I had 14 of them and I had just exited out of the whole Zenminer escapade because I was seeing the cracks, and I was super thankful that I bolted when I did. Sadly, I had to sell the rest off for food and bills, because, well, we were going bankrupt at the time. Damned that I didn't stick with them. Oh well, life, you know?

Anyway, I still had play holdings in a few other investments that I wasn't likely to get rid of anytime soon, which helped me keep my ear to the ground when it came to what was happening in the industry. Somehow I happened across Steemit one fateful evening and the rest has literally been history.

Steemit sent me to Germany that year after receiving two Ned upvotes and jumping all over my room in utter disbelief. At the time they were worth $1.6k a pop.

Steemit has reinvented my belief in content creation to the extent that I do believe the world is our oyster. I'm no tech genius, but I am a writer, and I'm usually a guy that sends in my content to popular Magazines only to be told "this will give you great exposure." In author terms this is basically, "we will hoarde your work and not pay you a single penny." If you're earning $0.01 then that's more than most websites pay for their content, so essentially you're earning more than some established authors -- we do it for the enjoyment too, so there's that!

We're still in beta, there's a long way to go until we start making big dents in common place mainstream, but it's a start. I can see us completely reforming the way people sell their content to other places, and also value their content more. I have worked with Authors in the past that have been SO picky where their work was submitted and how it was displayed. Yet I understand it now, because art has value, and writing is essentially an art.

We've seen absolutely amazing projects come out from here; one that I'm involved with, steembloggers, which is probably the most user-friendly discord room I've been in so far, partly because it's not stacked with people, and the other part because it's warm and friendly. There are rules to follow, but alas, everywhere has rules! Even Steemit!

What next?

Well, SBD is at $11, so there's that! A post that makes $20 is actually making $100, way to go us! Then there's Smart Media Tokens being launched in early 2018, and I swear, this will be big for me. Big for me in the sense that I'm a publisher. I have a magazine, and I'll be looking to create a whitepaper and tokenize my content. I get around 600-1000 visits per day on my Magazine and can you imagine the ways in which I could integrate my tokens in with my content AND create a buzz about Steemit and crypto?

People will question it, and the questions will come thick and fast, so I'll have to create a Q&A section, perhaps even an entire token-side section, and I'll lead them straight back here, and thus, the cycle repeats itself. I doubt I'll be the only author doing this! I'm sure there are plenty that switch between magazines/blogs and steemit that will be dribbling at the mouth to make a little bit of impact on the way content creators are used and abused in the industry.

So for me the future is brighter than a thousand watt lightbulb. I can see amazing things happening with 2018, with bitcoin surging past $20k and people being able to break ranks of the monotony of full-time work. Unless you enjoy that sort of thing of course, no judgements! :)

Check out some of my previous posts!!

How am I happy when I care so much?
Why I adore my friends
My podcast - exploring Masculinity (all about Men)
Why I'm trying to treat my wife better

Join us at steemit bloggers!!



Nice brother

With sbd so high becoming a whale for anyone is so easy. 1 sbd =5 steem
Wish I got 16 k a post lol
Nice post raymond

Thank you :) 1.6k - I wish it was 16k!!! haha

Forgot the . my bad

Dang, that sucks that you sold all your bitcoin. I wish I had gotten more. I knew about it early on, but I procrastinated until it was too expensive and I could only buy a little. Congrats on the Ned upvotes though that is super cool!! images.duckduckgo.pngimages.duckduckgo-2.jpg
I do think Steemit still has a long way to go, I think it will just continue to change and hopefully improve. I also think that the future is looking really bright here! Great stuff @raymondspeaks.
We are lucky to have you as a member of the Steemit Bloggers team!

Thanks man - enjoying being part of the community. You win some and you lose some. I'm not too bothered about the loss because I needed food and to pay bills :)

Long way to go, but man, it's going to be an amazing ride :)

Back when cryptsy.com went down I had about 8BTC worth of various currency. This was a couple of years ago and I don't really rue it as "what ifs" can be quite unhealthy. I'm happy that we can "mine" a crypto like Steem just by providing content and interacting now. It seems more sustainable and is awesome to boot.

I totally agree - definitely not stuck in the past! I mean that 14btc helped keep me above water so I'm mainly thankful for that :)

Cryptsy was the first exchange I ever registered for. I remember the hoops you had to jump through to withdraw btc into cash :)

Yeah, things have definitely improved on the useability end. Now have you have things like exodus.io that are super easy to use. The second exchange was Vircurex which still exists and has the same comforting simplicity as before. I'm happy I followed my instincts about mining and learning a bit about the blockchain back then already even though it seemed a bit silly and I subsequently lost the assets on cryptsy.com but the knowledge alone is worth it! The first cryptocurrency I ever mined was Quarkcoin, what about you?

Dogecoin suprisingly enough. My friend had mined 100,000 of them and I wanted to see what I could do!

You know, once it's a meme it's probably a rock solid investment. The tiny mining output of Doge that I had are pretty much the only thing that survived the Cryptsy Purge as they were on Vircurex at the time and are in fact, still there! Great Coin, Such Shibe :)

Yep! Still there, although I'm not too convinced it's a great investment right now haha

Take it with a pinch of salt ;)
My irony doesn't always come across so well. I'm working on t! ^^

To the Mun!

WOW! Great photo!!!!!!
I love balloonsssssssssssssssss

Amazing, dear friend. I have always known that the future of steem is great. Recently I could pay my bills through here. Sorry about your bitcoin, you can bounce back. @greatness96

Same, and no worries - the bitcoin helped us out of a muddle at the time so all is well :)

Thanks for this!

No problem Sumayyah! Exciting things happening with the Magazine next year!!

Hubby has been telling me for years that I need to publish my NYT best seller (which still needs to be written), so he can retire in comfort. When I tried to appease him by monetizing my blog, he grumbled a bit, but when I got my first (and so far, only - LOL) $100 payout from AdSense (only took two years) he was mollified.

I completely agree with you - now being here on Steemit, I believe my writing future is brighter than before - who needs the New York Times anyway?! 😀

So very true! And $1 Steem Dollar sits at $15 right now :)

Wicked awesomesauce! It would be even more awesome if my brain could wrap around all the Steem/Steem Dollar/Steem Power stuff, but I'm slowly figuring it out.

Takes time - it took me a good while to understand it myself :)

Thanks for the encouragement. In the next few weeks or so, if you hear a loud, "Eureka!" coming from the direction of New England, you'll know it finally clicked for me. 😎

Haha - and another Eureka when it pays out ;)

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