What is good STEEMIT Etiquette?

in #steemit7 years ago

Is it because HF19? Here lately there seems to be alot of issues when it comes to upvotes. I am not to for sure what the standard is but I felt the need to explain how I handle it.

2017-05-16 06.24.49.png

If I make a post and you comment on it, i will upvote your comment, according to the comment it may be from 1% upvote to 50% upvote. Now I may not respond to every comment but you will get an upvote for your comment.

Now what I cant seem to wrap my mind around is someone who upvotes there comment but not your post. This does not make any sense to me. I mean do you like your comment better than the post you are commenting on?

I have seen some comments get more money on an upvote then the post they are commenting on. This one really doesnt make any sense to me.

2017-06-11 07.58.15.png

Now going forward I can't see myself upvoting a comment, when they didnt upvote my post.

Please feel free to tell me how you feel about this topic and if you agree or disagree or even if you are experiencing this same sort of conduct.

Follow me @raybrockman

Upvotes and resteems are appreciated


Thank you for posting @raybrockman.

Appreciate you opening the door to dialogue concerning the dilema Steemit is experiencing......which would happen at any party when a busload of the uniniciated are dropped off.

It would be lovely to have some sort of unspoken agreement of what protocal to use when certain actions are taken that do not conform to the Steemit way.

It stands to reason that we have had such a sudden and large influx of newcomers that Steemit may be changed going forward.......if there is not some sort of protocal set for standard operating procedure.

The HF itself has presented some very interesting dynamics.

Thank you for the opportunity to think on these things. Cheers.

Thank you for the visit and comment. I agree it may be changed, I also agree that there should be some standard operating procedures to maintain an equal but fair balance. I also agree to the large influx of new members that with out some standards there will be a high number that leave.Thanks again for the comment. Full steem ahead my friend.

I agree with this man. I have seen this too and sometimes after I've already upvoted someone's comment, I will see that they haven't upvoted my post and it's kind of weird to me lol they spend the time to write a nice post but don't upvote it. I guess the only thing I can think of is that they wanted to give their 2 cents (not literally) but maybe didn't feel like they could give you enough $ as an upvote? I don't know, that actually sounds like a cop-out. Good post man, like the discussion around etiquette here; raises awareness.

Appreciate the comment and visit my friend, it has really gotten kinda weird with all the influx of new members, I dont understand not upvoting but commenting.

I agree with @uvas, I am just happy when someone has taken the time to upvote. It means that it was read, at least. (Or mostly, I guess.)

I still don't understand some of the things on this platform.

You will figure it all out, we have all been right where you are. You do not have to open a post to upvote it, so do not think that the uovote means a read. The oval symbol that looks like an eye, this is how many people opened your post. Thanks for the comment.

Greed is an ugly thing! I guess you could flag someone for doing that. The good thing is its became such an issue I can see an update to adress it.

I am not to for sure flagging would help, that would probably start a bad situation. I hope that we can develop a update that would atleast limit the situation some. Don't get me wrong I think the HF19 will help people out who are just starting on the platform but there needs to be some limitations to the abuse. Thanks for the visit and comment.

No problem! I've been here almost a year, and I see this as a issue. Glad others share that.

I have noticed that too but that is because people with higher steem power give them self more money when they upvote there comment.

I understand that, but shouldnt they at least upvote the post?

They would rather keep there voting power high!

You just said it yourself. If you are going to upvote all posts you see then you won't have any vote power left to upvote your followers comments. Sadly this is the cold truth. You are not alone in this. Now everyone including me think same way. If a new Steemian like me will upvote at 10-50% this will be worthless, say about $0.01 so I would rather upvote at 100%.
In return I will need about 4-5 days to recover to 100% again.
So this need to be solved from steemit side.

Once you get above 500 steem power, you will be able to adjust the upvote % , if youbdo this correctly you can preserve your strength. Thanks for the comment.

You are welcome. Thank you for the information. Hopefully I will get there in about 4-6 month by investing about $150/month in steem power. I am about 93 steem power in my first week.

Good luck, here's a little help

Thank you :)

Yes and here's the page I use to monitor that......https://steemdb.com

Seems like with HF 19 there are some selfish people out there who are doing this more often. Of course, they have every right to do it but it is getting more and more frowned upon as people are realizing this.

I dont really care if people upvote themselves, what concerns me is upvoting your comment and not the post. Thanks for the comment and visit.

I've been loving the HF since I waited a few days for my vote to go up! Now with a 5% to 100% vote I can conserve nicely! Good post @raybrockman!

Thanks my friend, yes once you get over the trigger shock and let it build back up, it is controllable if you are conservative.

I agree with you. Upvoting one's own comment and not upvoting the post they replied to seems odd....maybe selfish? Or maybe the person didn't like the post but liked their own comment in response to it? Or, maybe they thought they already upvoted the post? I don't know.

Personally, I hate playing games with upvoting. If I happen to be on Steemit and read something that I like, then I want to upvote it and usually reply to it. I don't want to hold back because I'm worried about losing voting power. I understand that some people abuse voting and that is why the "rules" are in place.

Thanks for the visit and comment my friend. I agree vote what you like.

I think since the HF people are still searching around for a formula for upvoting. I know I've had some issues myself. I like upvoting people 100% but obviously that's no longer possible if I wish to support more than 10 people (and I have a lot I like to support)

I think it will sort itself out. I'm still playing with the numbers that will allow me to give the most support and still let me spread things out.

Agree @richq11 , I have learned that keeping most upvotes at 5% or lower with the occasional 100% will preserve it pretty well. Thanks for the comment

You bet... I'm trying to be democratic with 25% for good posts and 10% for comments!

That could work if it was spread out, with no 100%

Yup, that's what I try to do!

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