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RE: Amazing...300 followers thank you Steemitizans! Crazy Japanese Candy Contest...

in #steemit7 years ago

Toilet candy? Well now it's decided. My wife and I are going to Japan! We're trying to decide where to go teach English next year and I think this just sealed the deal!

Strangest fast food? There was that time in Thailand when me and a mate snacked on some deep fried grasshoppers. They tasted like onion rings. The legs were especially crunchy.

Or the time my brother and I were in Malawi and we bought some chips (what the Yanks call fries) from an enterprising young chap at the side of the road. They were delicious but we later found out that more often than not it isn't vegetable oil that they are fried in but most likely some sort of automotive lubricant. Now I don't know if it's true but this is what we were told by a couple of expats living in Blantyre.


Absolutely I can recommend Japan for teaching English...OMG grasshoppers! I had bat in Vanuatu that was interesting... Bit worried about the auto lubricant though, hope your digestive system is holding up OK.

They had roaches as well but they looked boiled and not at all appetizing... We weren't THAT drunk. Later on, on the same trip I had a snake curry in the hills around Chiang Mai but it doesn't really count as fast food. Hottest curry I've ever had, also very chewy.
We both survived the Malawi trip in good health and it's been 8 years without any complications so I think we're good!
Bat does sound interesting... I heard they do giant fried spiders in Vietnam that I'd like to try. Doubt the Mrs will though...

Sure you weren't THAT drunk lol... and glad to hear your still digesting... Funny you should mention the spiders in Vietnam someone posted on this but I was scrolling and couldn't find my way back to it...I'm with the Mrs!

Bleh. Lightweights. I'd try it. Why not? If nothing else it's a great story: "There was this one time in Vietnam when..."

Strangest thing I've ever eaten was probably a goat's eye. A mate and I went to a restaurant in Pretoria where we had goat's head stew. Isi-ewu I think it was called. Billed as a Nigerian delicacy. It was pretty good. Especially the cheeks. The eye was just... chewy... Plus you're pretty much just thinking, "I'm eating an eye... I'm eating an eye..."

Yep...I can't imagine you would be thinking about anything else OMG chewy...LMFAO!

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