How to get success in life?

in #steemit6 years ago

 “Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.” ~ John R. Wooden 

 So here are the keys you got to have to be successful in life; plus the practical steps that lead to success when followed.  It still seems to be the #1 thing people desire most. And I can’t say I’m different. It is very important for me to be the most successful I could possibly be. I believe being ambitious is a very good thing; not blindly, but intelligently.

Many people are looking for a quick way to be successful. This is not what this post is about (although we will come to the techniques to get successful later in this post). I want to look more at the mindset that will get you success – on the long run. I think this is the most valuable approach, one that hopefully you would end up on anyway. Maybe after you went for what you think means success only to see that this isn’t it really (as I did before too!). 

 What is Success to You?

What makes you to say “I am successful” to yourself?
Is it a lot of money?
Is it recognition, fame or praise?
Is it a feeling, of fulfillment?
Is it happiness?

 Someone once said: “Success without fulfillment is failure!” And this is the way I would suggest you to look at it. Eventually it’s just not enough to have “external” success. When we are miserable on the inside, what good is it for then? So I like to bring both ideas, external and internal success together, to define real success. 

 I think eventually success is about people. More precisely, it is about you as an individual and people. You really want to satisfy the needs of people, to help and to genuinely care about others.So to me, success means contributing my personal gifts in something that I really love in the best possible way, being of use for others and getting the appropriate reward for that. 



Passion is the first personal key which makes sure that you are truly fulfilled with what you do. It just makes you happy when you can do what you truly love.This also ensures that you stay with it for long enough for success showing up. This is because when you do what you love, you don’t need external motivations or too much self-discipline to get things going. You are naturally driven to just do it. 



Your skills are the second personal key for success. In order to really succeed you have to have something special, something unique and that comes from being really good, better than most other people. Then success comes naturally to you, but you have to know what it is that you are naturally great at.Btw. to answer the question before you can ask it: It is not certain that you love that where your abilities are. It is likely, but not a given. For instance you could have great talent as a computer programmer but totally hate sitting in front of a computer for hours every day. Or you could really like to sing but somehow you miss every single note. You get the idea… So since we need both personal keys matching for success, you need to make sure you really can do what you love and vice versa. 



The final and third key are the people. This is where the money is, and hopefully a lot of it. It doesn’t work if you are not creating value for others. In business terms you would say there is a market. People need and want what you are offering. And, since we are talking about LASTING success here, people also need to really like what you are sharing with them. They have to get real value out of your work! You genuinely care for others.So to repeat: you love what you do, you can do it exceptionally well, and people really want what you do. If you match those 3 keys together you will unlock the doorway to your personal success for sure! So think about matching those 3 factors together. 


Come from Real Understanding

Many of my own personal successes came when I understood something on such a level that it made a huge difference. A difference compared to what others were doing and to what I did before. When you want to master something you have to know it inside-out!So invest the time and stay curious about what makes the people and the field you are in tick. Research until you really get things. This makes all the difference between you being a leader or a follower. 


Commitment = Patience + Consistency + Quality

“I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” ~ Michael Jordan

Success does not come over night. It is not one big step. Although there are bigger steps and smaller steps of course, what really ensures success is patient consistency: all the right but mostly small steps taken day by day.Of course you have to have the potential to be successful, so you are not going blindly after something that is just not for you. This is probably one of the most difficult things to decide: Can you be successful at what you envision for yourself – or maybe not? It brings me right back to the 3 keys. Ask yourself:1. Do I really love it; for a long time ahead?
2. Am I naturally good at it? Do I have the potential to be outstanding, the best?
3. Do people like it and want more of what I provide?If no, keep looking! Adjust using the 3 questions as a guide and find your way. If your answer to those questions is yes, you are good to go for sure.


You have a nice day! Follow? Vote? :*

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Very interesting post @rahukoshti.
Keep it up😊

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