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RE: The Bane of Bidbots ... An Intelligent & Civil Discourse

in #steemit6 years ago


As usual, an thoughtful and well-articulated comment.

OK so that's the negatives, now to try and counter balance with the positives (yes there are some).

And there's the rub. The number of positives on Steemit, in spite of the negatives, is astonishing. And, it is the reason I continue to tilt at windmills. All of us can intuitively feel what this place could be. If one were inclined towards sentimentality, one might even say that the blockchain rises to the level of a noble endeavor.

But make no mistake, a teaspoon of arsenic once a day is enough to kill anyone or anything. Men of good conscience must rally together and insist upon reform because the toxic elements will, sooner or later, prove a fatal flaw.

BTW, has there been any improvement in how Jolly Ol' England is handling its 5-cm-of-snow-crisis? (As a Canadian, I'm having a hard time letting that go). :-)



For me, it was the first platform I came to in the crypto world that opened my eyes and made me want to get more involved with blogging (another positive). It is one step in the right direction but the steps back (from what we mentioned in the negatives) are more like giant double back flips with half-pike taking us to a place that was so far behind the first step in the right direction, we can barely see it!

Are you in the new Discord server (Steem Alliance or Steem Reform)? Think you'd do well to rip in to them about the bid bots there.

As for the great "Snow-gate" scandal of Jan 2019, I'm a survivor thank GOODNESS! It's over! Medals of Honour to be dished out to those who made it through one of the toughest ordeals since a dustbin was blown over in the street and had it's lid tortuously damaged 3 weeks ago in a "strong wind". I can share these tales of terror and bravery to my grandchildren if I fall in to the trap of getting married (which I won't) and have kids (which I won't) :)



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