MEOS ... June 1st ... The STEEM/Steemit Killer

in #steemit5 years ago (edited)

June 1st.

Something BIG is coming down the pipe from EOS. 

A BIG announcement. 

Speculation is rampant with various theories being proffered but the majority prophesize the launch of MEOS ... Steemit 2.0. In interviews and public communiques, @dan has repeatedly hinted at such an occurrence, perhaps most obviously in his recent, not-so-cryptic emoji-riddle:

Millennial techheads possess a unique sense of humor often lost on those of us from earlier generations. (@dan, next time DM me ... I'll write you a poetic riddle worthy of The Da Vinci Code.) Anyway, if you're curious to learn more, Google: "EOS June 1."

So, presuming @dan's not just screwing with our heads, what will this mean for STEEM/Steemit? Well, that depends on one critical factor: Will a MEOS prohibit cheating?

It's that simple.

STEEM/Steemit ... a Cheater's Paradise

Those who follow this blog even sporadically can attest to my never-ending harangue about the deleterious effects of the systemic cheating on STEEM/Steemit. I've argued that bidbots and multiple-account-self-upvoting are MASSIVELY misallocating scarce upvoting power (SP) away from it's intended purpose, curation ... and, as a result, destroying the very process upon which the entire endeavor is predicated.

I've further argued that such institutionalized corruption (the bidbots are owned by Whales and Witnesses) have created negative feedback loops and prevented the establishment of positive ones. I even published a series of articles specifically outlining HOW to reform the blockchain ... to counter the moronic claim that "banning bidbots was technically impossible."

Posts, comments and replies. I'd bet there's no rival to my wordcount on the subject.  

But it wasn't just me. There were countless others. 

To no avail. 

The Whales and Witnesses were profiting from their jury-rigging and had no intention of restraining their short-term self-interests in service of constructing a blockchain capable of long-term survival. And why not, they figured ... the core group of Plankton, Minnows and Dolphins, despite their incessant moaning and groaning, weren't leaving. 


And, so long as said core group remained, the pretense that "Steemit was a remunerative alternative to Facebook and YouTube" could be, at least superficially, maintained. Technology changes, people don't. Wherever there is a concentration of capital, there will be a concentration of crooks ... and STEEM/Steemit has become a Den of Thieves. 

My arguments, reflective of twenty years in High Finance, including as a hedge fund manager (one, a currency trading fund), were routinely ignored, and on occasion, vilified. One particularly dim bulb, notable for his obnoxiousness (but nevertheless part of a Witness Group), managed to call me a commie, a fascist and a dictator ... in the same sentence... demonstrating that his knowledge of political systems equaled his knowledge of economic ones.


The world is full of after-the-fact forecasters, people who claim, "Yeah, that's what I was saying all along." The world of cryptocurrencies seems particularly replete with such evidence-free tale-tellers. And so, for the record, I'm going to make a couple of straight-forward predictions based upon a couple of straight-forward predicates:

The Predicates

  1. On June 1, EOS announces the launch of MEOS (Steemit 2.0);
  2. Biometric Identification (limiting accounts to one per person and hence making multiple-account-self-upvoting impossible) is required to open a MEOS account; and
  3. MEOS officially bans bidbots, making their usage (or any other forms of vote-buying/selling) a violation of its Terms of Service and implements a mechanism for enforcement.

The Predictions

If the aforementioned predicates are met, my predictions are:

  1. STEEM/Steemit will die and its death will be swift and complete.
  2. As the value of STEEM approaches zero, STEEM Whales/Witnesses will, en masse, begin receiving epiphanies. Like Paul on the Road to Damascus, each in their turn will be suddenly stuck, as if by a bolt of Heavenly lightning, with the desire to enact reforms and the understanding of how precisely to implement them. 
  3. STEEM/Steemit will go down in history as an exemplar of strategic ineptness, the "Own Goal"par excellence." "How could they possibly have squandered a three year monopoly on what turned out to be cryptos' ultimate Killer App ... a Facebook/YouTube alternative where people get paid to create, comment and curate? God, these guys couldn't get laid in a whorehouse."     


Corrupted systems (political, cultural, economic) ALWAYS implode. 

The reason is simple: All complex systems create force-multiplying positive or negative feedback loops (sometimes both). STEEM/Steemit is a complex system that is corrupt to its core. The pretense of "quality mattering" is long dead. Notwithstanding a few notable exceptions, Orcas and Whales (85% of SP) aren't even pretending to care about quality or curation. Instead, they're leasing their SP to bidbots or DApp projects in which they have an interest so as to generate Passive Income in the form of interest ... instead of earning Curation Awards from their SP holdings as intended. 

Fair enough, it's their money. 

But as most people over 18 understand, nothing is life is free ... and actions have consequences. By seeking to maximize their own short-term profits, they knowingly destroyed the Central Premise upon which the entire blockchain was constructed (and yes, Steemit was/is the essence of STEEM), that: Content Shall Be Compensated Commensurate With Its Quality. 

And people like me ... the A-Team Content Creators ... are not happy about it.

And hence, my repeated admonitions that the moment a "viable alternative" to Steemit appeared, there would be a mass, and IMMEDIATE, exodus of the quality content producers and that STEEM's figment of legitimacy would evaporate.

"But STEEM Monsters will save us."  

Perhaps I could interest you in an investment.

MEOS as the "Viable Alternative"

Of course, all this begs the question: Will MEOS (assuming my predicates) be a "viable alternative" to Steemit? Let's run through what we know and what we could plausibly assume:

  1. @dan constructed STEEM/Steemit prior to constructing EOS/MEOS. Unless he has an IQ of 2, he will have thought long and hard about the problems that plague Steemit, his original social media creation. He has spoken frequently about Biometric Identification as a means of preventing people from opening multiple accounts so as to prevent spam and abusive self-upvoting.
  2. EVERY SINGLE PERSON outside of STEEM/Steemit (and a whole bunch inside it) describe the use of bidbots as "blatant cheating" ... not "marketing" as some of our august leaders (who, incidentally, own the bidbots) try to rhetorically re-frame the matter. It's hard to imagine that @dan would ignore this chorus of moral outrage. Moreover, EOS is surrounded by institutional investors and advisors ... the people who run Wall Street and Fortune 500 companies. It is inconceivable that any of them would countenance something as obviously disreputable and self-destructive as bidbots ... if not on moral grounds, then in objection to such self-evidently suicidal amateurishness.
  3. Block.One (@dan's development company) conducted a USD $4 billion ICO. EOS is up and well-functioning. It is ranked 5th or 6th (depending on the day) with a current market cap of USD $7 billion ... and is hiring like mad. And, it has USD $2.2 billion in cash and 140,000 Bitcoins. Hence, it is an army ... armed to the teeth. Contrast that with STEEM/Steemit's 58th place ranking, a market cap of USD $129 million and a development company (Steemit Inc.) that recently laid off 70% of its employees to remain solvent .
  4. A large percentage of Steemians (almost certainly a super-majority) are demoralized to the point of suffering from SID ... Steemit Induced Depression. I do not assert this in jest. One can only try and fail so many times before developing an aversion to the source of one's misery. Given the magnitude of the malfeasance and given that it is orchestrated by the very people charged with safeguarding the blockchain's integrity, such demoralization is predictably accompanied by a great deal of anger, and in many cases (mine included), disgust. Disgust is the most negative of the "Other-Judging Emotions" and once triggered, it creates a moral imperative to punish the wrong-doers (or less charitably, to "seek revenge"). Given the reasons discussed above, MEOS is logically a "viable alternative." Combine that with the emotional desire to ensure that the Whales and Witnesses "get what they deserve" ... potent mojo.
  5. There are hopeful indications that @dan is at least partially in control of the ideological delusion that infects the minds of so many cryptocurrency enthusiasts ... Anarchism. @dan's recent tweet, "Would you prefer a centralized heaven or a decentralized hell?" ... and the responses to it, speaks volumes. Many of the respondents weighed in for the latter. "Bring on the chaos, so sayeth the Messiah, Satoshi." Incumbent upon ideologues of all stripes is the necessity to suspend reality so as to prevent subjecting their Utopian visions to common sense scrutiny. Constructive criticism is blasphemy and the implementation of pragmatic solutions that deviate from the doctrine, heresy.

It's a beautiful song, so long as you don't think about the plausibility of the lyrics ... or try to figure out why that yak, Yoko, was included in the video.

Anarcho-Poetry ... FREEDOM!!! Unfettered by the chains that shackle the rest of us poets ... like words.


@dan ... Think Like Napoleon

I've long since concluded that STEEM/Steemit has no future. Due to ideology, greed, (or both), the powers-to-be cannot bring themselves to create a blockchain that elevates Merit over Manipulation. There are, of course, those who say that people like me are just not smart enough to grasp the Big Picture, a paradigm shift in which cheating is to be celebrated as it is an act of "Personal Freedom," irrespective of the chaos it creates. 

Obviously, this is a chasm too wide to bridge. 

Given such reality, I proffer it is time for a divorce ... let the two camps separate and go their own ways. 

@dan, here's a suggestion I believe is well worth considering: 

  • Using a portion of EOS' marketing budget, offer to Swap Steemians' SP, up to a maximum of 5,000 SP per MEOS account, for a period of 30 days following MEOS' launch, and based upon the EOS/STEEM exchange rate on June 1.

What would this accomplish?

  1. Instant MEOS User Base. The en masse acquisition of Steemit's entire active-user base: Planktons, Minnows and Dolphins. In any system, the hardest users to acquire are the first ones and Steemians are the most committed (obsessed) crypto social media users on the planet. They would be the nodes of networks upon which the entire MEOS endeavor would be constructed. The only ones who would not substantially benefit from this arrangement would be STEEM Whales and Orcas (who own a lot more than 5,000 SP). But I'm sure this wouldn't be a problem. You see, if my writing poetry ought not be "about the money," (as I've been told a thousand times), then neither ought their writing Python. Creating content or creating code ... we'll all just "do it for the community." Sarcasm aside, the Whales and Orcas would find themselves in a mess of their own making ... and paying the predictable price for their greed.
  2. Free Media Coverage. I own an advertising agency. The most potent thing any marketing initiative can hope to achieve is to spark widespread (and free) media coverage. Such an "EOS-for-SP Swap" would generate MASSIVE media coverage inside the cryptoworld and very substantial media coverage outside of it. This is to say nothing of the tens of thousands of grateful posts from MEOS users that would be all-but-guaranteed ... and shared on a host of other social media platforms. Such an initiative has ALL the hallmarks of a GREAT STORY ... and "word-of-mouth," the most effective form of advertising, is naught but the "telling of stories" (so make them good ones). What would the equivalent in advertising cost? Who knows, but I suspect a LOT more than the approximately USD $15 million (in EOS) cost of the swap (0.21% of the current market cap of EOS). [As the price of STEEM would likely drop to zero, such cost would have to be written-off.]
  3. Ferocious Loyalty. The announcement of an EOS-for-SP Swap, and the subsequent mass exodus out of STEEM/Steemit, would cause the price of STEEM to collapse, wiping out the capital of tens of thousands of Steemians who have spent years accumulating their meager post payouts. Powering Down requires 13 weeks so it's too late to liquidate one's holdings to prevent such a loss. An EOS-for-STEEM Swap would preserve the value of such holdings. This would engender a depth of gratitude that would be difficult to articulate. EOS, like every other corporate endeavor, WILL encounter problems in the future and its ability to weather such storms will be dependent upon the steadfastness of a core group of users. On more than one occasion, Apple was on the ropes and would have gone under but for the passions-beyond-reason of a small group of enthusiasts. Throughout history, stalwart rear-guard formations have saved countless armies from annihilation, allowing front-row troops to fall back, re-group and fight another day. Indeed, Roman Legions were organized around such a principle with the Triarii famously providing the last line of defense. Machiavelli was wrong ... name a Great General and you have named a General who was LOVED by his men. This is a potent strategic concept understood by few civilian business leaders.
  4. Mass Adoption and the Price of EOS. Every cryptocurrency's current price reflects the market's perception about whether it will, eventually, be widely adopted. Acquiring Steemit's entire user-base would dramatically augment such perception and would likely result in an immediate increase in EOS' price.                    


So there you have it ... Quill's prognostications and predictions. 

We won't have long to wait to see if they come true.



All images are linked to source, are QuillFire originals or are modifications of images in the public domain. Videos and images may also be parodies of original works, therefore relying upon applicable exemptions from copyright. 

You guys know the QuillDrill. Be verbose ... but articulate.

And remember ...

Go Love a Starving Poet

For God's sake ... they're starving!



This entire rant only applies to and not Steem itself. Your perspective is one of a blogger. Spoiler alert: blogs aren't that valuable. The people who bring real value are the ones who know javascript and Node.JS.

That being said Steemit is talking about massively altering inflation in four different ways:

  • increased curation to 50%
  • non-linear reward pool
  • separate flagging pool
  • funding development

Each of these changes by itself represents the gross power that Steemit Inc wields. All of them at the same time turns us into a central-banking joke.

At the same time, your faith in Dan is highly misplaced. He is a joke in the true decentralized community, and Steemit 2.0 isn't going to pick up as much traction as you think it will.

StInc has been shuffling chairs on the Titanic for years now.

I certainly would not want to underestimate Dan. If I were a betting man, I would say Steem(it) will be on the morphine drip before too long.

I underestimate Dan by just seeing how he flailed up with STEEMIT! LOL he could have figured out a better way to do all this! Some genius, I am doubting him all the way, until he proves me wrong and I use EOS fopr something I need! We'll see, I tried to buy some morte EOS last night but the block trades was down. LOL why is eos always down?? Most likely it will be some beefed up clone of steem, another clone they reworked a bit, call eos now! lol Except for the who.e scam/ram issue! Dan does not really use crack does he, or were those just rumors! All that money he has now he have time to code, I'd just be partying! lol

Maybe he learned something. People who make mistakes early and learn from the experience succeed later. And I wouldn't exactly call Steemit a failure.

You are right, it takes trial and error until you get it right! Hopefully EOS will work with Steem! Steemit is a success for sure, just bumpy times!


I think giving 50% curation rewards is a terrible idea Just gives more incentive for people with lots of money to just buy in and participate in a bid bot upvoting system.

But we shouldn't have to wait 13 weeks to power down either which is stupid.

Spoiler alert: blogs aren't that valuable. The people who bring real value are the ones who know javascript and Node.JS.

Ha! You're fu*king funny.

this is what i am saying

Dan is a joke, spoken on the deck of a ship he engineered and built, which is exactly like a tiny dingy compared to the ocean liner he's created last.

Posted using Partiko Android

Quillington, you know my stance on bbs and it is so painful to see the trending feed sometimes (well, all the time) but as others have alluded to in the comments section, steemit isn't steem. It's just one of the ways you can "tap in to the blockchain". But there's still a bigger issue outside all of this (Steem, eos etc).

The question is, the cryptocurrency blogging/content creation arena is so small, will getting the users of the steem blockchain and move to EOS make any difference to mass adoption of crypto in general? In a month? A year? 10 years? I doubt it.

“Using a portion of EOS' marketing budget, offer to Swap Steemians' SP, up to a maximum of 5,000 SP per MEOS account, for a period of 30 days following MEOS' launch, and based upon the EOS/STEEM exchange rate on June 1"

And then what? We have a smaller user base as 100% of users will not move over. Half might, or the majority might for a month or two but it involves starting everything from scratch, and then KYC type checks to get a blog profile? You don't have to do that with Facebook or Twitter, just 2fa and away you go.

And with Facebook launching its own coin in a couple of years time, can you honestly say this small fraction of the online world in steem and eos is going to compete with that?

I have barely touched narrative since that launched and whaleshares I hardly check because those sites aren't as developed for mobile as steem is. I've met all friends on steem and after our DM rants, I stuck around and glad I have.

It's the first blog platform I've used and there's some loyalty there, plus first mover advantage. There's more positives to think about despite the elephant in the room.


And with Facebook launching its own coin in a couple of years time, can you honestly say this small fraction of the online world in steem and eos is going to compete with that?

Next year actually.

You so had me(NOT) at biometric verification. Defeats the whole purpose of cryptocurrencies and privacy which is all the more important when it comes to social media. Good luck to you and Dan...


I recommend you read @lauch3d comments (there are several throughout). I'm not certain most people understand what is involved with Biometric ID. It does not appear to be nearly as nefarious as some are asserting.

EDIT: Actually, he just wrote a whole post on the subject. Highly recommended.


This post makes me feel dumb for how much faith I still have in steem.

I hear and see and generally agree with much of what you say.
Reading it actually gave me nervous pangs.

I have no specific argument. I just hope you are wrong.
I have put a lot of love and passion into steem..(and for me a decent amount of coin)
So the thought that everyone would just jump ship truly saddens me.

I do appreciate your well thought out and well written opinions.
It felt like a wake up slap.

Now the Butt must go dig a new hole for head in sand placement.


I love Steemit as much as anyone and no one has begged, pleaded and cajoled for reform more than I. But the reality is the reality. The Whales won't change things. So, you have to ask yourself, is this sustainable? Will people continue to work their asses off for $1.00, while $100 payouts are auctioned off to the highest bidder?

Technology is not in the least bit relevant when answering that question. You've been a human being for a long time. How do human beings act in such circumstances?


I guess I’m weird.
I keep making videos and learning editing. I get joy and fulfillment out of it. The money is a factor.... but I’m much less driven by it.
I find I surround myself by other creators and so my reality is one of sharing skills, jokes, ideas and activated engagement.
It’s easy to lose track of the politics and whale string pulling.
I won’t deny the reality you speak of. It’s just not mine.
If I was not gaining value to my life... I wouldn’t be here.
I guess I’m the one taking a nap on the Titanic in complete oblivion.

Posted using Partiko iOS


I'm waiting, excited, waiting, excited... 😜😁

BTW, what do you think about the new "idea" of Steemit to implement a downvote reward pool?

Thanks in advance for your opinion.
Have a great day

Posted using Partiko Android


Tom, i'm for the down vote pool. from my perspective i will downvote those i have respect for but know can do better. ie some may need to change their current steem stacking business model. A lot of smaller accounts are afraid of it, for me i can't see downvoting them unless i know the person and its for the fun of it.


Micheal, I'm not familiar with the particulars of this proposal. How does it intend to protect against retaliatory downvoting?


here is a good post to read, EDIT: as far as personal vendetta's think i read on another post about some sort of tribunal set up?? not sure yet

So, then start downvoting some whales,
you will see what happens
Many of them can do better 😅
Have a great day

Posted using Partiko Android

i do Tom. but it really makes no sense until it is free.

And all your posts will go down to 0

Posted using Partiko Android

It's a belated step in the right direction. Abuse will be deslt with.

Posted using Partiko Android


I love it.

Posted using Partiko iOS


Ahhh ... Dramatoken, my favorite altcoin. :-) Thanks for the reckoning.


Biometric Identification <<< Hahahahaha! Who is going to do that in order to post online?

Sooner or later you will have it everywhere...
Your identity they have anyway already, so what?

Posted using Partiko Android

It's an unnecessary step to post on social media in today's world. Sooner or later - maybe. Today when the crypto space is so small - ridiculous.

Can you explain how secure enclave and unique user identification works? It does not compare your fingerprint with a central server, nor does it care who you are. Your fingerprint is the input for your private key, like your password your bitcoin password public? You swap one string of information against another. It does not matter if who user the names of your family members or if you user your biometrics. As long as another person doesnt own your face, NOBODY can lock in. But anyway its not about the log in. Its about preventing abuse with multiple accounts. You can still have 1000 accounts for trolling or what ever reason but what you cant is bullshiting us, selfvoting with hundret different accounts and raping the reward pool is not possible.

your online identity (which still is "anonymous") is the sum of the interactions (YOUR interactions) with devices and the sum of interactions with other users. This is what makes you human and not a silly bot.


Mate, you might want to consider doing a post on Biometric ID. It's obviously a hot button issue (I find this surprising) and it seems as if there's substantial misunderstanding about its intended use.

If you do, please tag me in your post.

Good comments.


EDIT: And so ... he did. Highly recommended:



I see two tiers developing, verified and unverified. The latter will just get worse and worse. We should be more concerned with how they use the data.

Posted using Partiko Android

Cool article. I just helped it get a massive upvote from @theycallmedan. I guess he also liked it.

Posted using Partiko Android


Good job, mate. We've all got to start talking about how realistically to fix our problems. There are people on STEEM/Steemit with thousands of accounts. This creates havoc ... as @theycallmedan discovered in his recent STEEM Delegation contests (dPoll manipulations). At some point, real world ID's are going to have to be attached to each one so as to eliminate the abuse.

There's a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding about Biometric ID's ... yet more uninformed assertions about Big Brother tyranny. Articles like the one cited help to clear the air.

BTW, I'll be posting a follow-on article regarding the MEOS ("Voice") launch later today (I wasn't impressed). Stay tuned.

@theycallmedan ... welcome back from your honeymoon. No more playing. Grindstone. :-)


Very nice article, thanks for the link. I had a feeling this is how it could work. I just didn'trealize this is how it works. We still run into the issue if issuig proofs for people without fingerprints.

Posted using Partiko Android

I travel and get checked by immigration many times a year. My fingerprints don't read and they have to get a supervisor. Does this dan guy want to read my eyeball or what? And why does he need this info for me to blog with his new baby?

What are you afraid will happen if you do not know the identity of someone who blogs? Do you know the identity of most of the people on STEEM? Why is this even an issue? It will be a HUGE barrier to entry I think. At least bernie will not be able to get over there into the club, lol.

Anonyminity is a trade off for other things with more value. I can have a real profle on some sites and a secretive profile on others.
I remember everyone saying Monero would be huge because it was private. However it is like 1% of the total crypto market cap.

idk - I think this is a non-issue except for cyrpto-nerds. Never heard of monero myself. I am a weight loss coach content creator and have no thoughts for following dan anywhere. steem has people and dApps I like. Maybe some flood of people will go to this new place and get scanned to do it, but why?


There is going to be a lot more of it flowing around the verified kyc blockchains and social media networks.
It's centralized and you lose privacy, but hey, money.

Posted using Partiko Android

I live off what I earn from my blogs at steem so it is all about the money for me. Since dan would only let me have one blog, I am still saying a big NO to his new project.

Living off Steem is pretty cool. I hope the changes don't hurt your income.

Maybe it will be like google where you have 1 real account but can have multiple profiles and emails to keep your various interests and communitues separate. I prefer this to alts especially if it is secure.

Posted using Partiko Android

Anonyminity is a trade off for other things w0ith more value. I can have a real profle on some sites and a secretive profile on others.
I remember everyone saying Monero would be huge because it was private. However it is like 1% of the total crypto market cap.

Posted using Partiko Android

Anonyminity is a trade off for other things. I can have a real and a secretive profile.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm off this topic, and doing other things, but thanks.

I travel as a lifestyle, and my fingerprints do not read for Immigration Checkpoints. So I guess it will be the eyeball scan for me.

Here are the top paying steem dApps if you will still be posting here and want to do better:

Is this a good time to talk about when I first started getting EOS and how it is was only $0.85? Before I forget, check this out:

...each in their turn will be suddenly stuck, as if by a bolt of Heavenly lightening...

It’s one of those typos that works either way, I’m sure you meant to do that. But just in case you missed it, look, that’s how cool you are. By the way, I’m a proud member of that #original-content badmofo #club. Get it, “club?”

Eh, but really, Mr. Savage, this was a very well written article. Thanks for putting this much dedication into it, that was a well thought out piece—much appreciated sir!

See you on the next one, sir—don’t forget my Christmas card: dandays#6299


Thanks for kudos, greatly appreciated.

It’s one of those typos that works either way, I’m sure you meant to do that.

I didn't ... it was a typo. :-) No matter how many times you edit, you can still miss one. Thanks for the heads up. Already changed.

Is this a good time to talk about when I first started getting EOS and how it is was only $0.85?

Nice. If a cheat-free MEOS emerges, I predict the price will go a lot higher still. Indeed, I would not be surprised to see it decouple from Bitcoin and trade upon its own merits. That would be a huge development and one being awaited by many professional money managers.


I am not so sure anyone is going to use an EOS styled steemit/steem. We are already entrenched here and most EOS users already were Steemians to begin with. Either way good luck to Dan


Before Facebook, people were entrenched at MySpace. Before Internet Explorer, they were entrenched at Netscape. I could go on.

People WILL gravitate to (and perhaps stampede to) the blockchain that best serves their interests.

A Facebook/YouTube alternative where you get paid to (legitimately) create, (legitimately) comment and (legitimately) curate.

As I said in my article, my predictions assume my predicates. MEOS would have to be cheat-free. If it is, why would any serious content creator prefer STEEM/Steemit's game-rigged environment where they are the perpetual losers?

And once the A-Team leaves, STEEM/Steemit won't even be able to maintain the pretense that it is anything other than what it has become: A mechanism for fat wallets and Dev's to self-deal.


Incited an interesting debate on the matter having read all the comments Quill, well done, whether in agreement or not, it is good to discuss.

Bots may not be good, however many of us have learned a lot more about them being present, not my favourite. In hindsight, new technology (as with anything) will always opens itself to the good, the bad and the ugly.

Biometrics authentication: I totally disagree with this method to enter a social media platform. Having been stung by scammers using full photographic identification, with an up to date drivers license, view of your face, dated stamp sent in USI-Tech still scammed, where are those records now, after stealing from everyone on the platform. If there was recourse to the law they would be in jail not driving fancy cars in foreign countries? Does Dan have an international system to identify, patrol "would be scammers" using this method, or is it new fancy dress for tech minded?


Hi Joan.

I don't know much about the current state of Biometric Identification other than a lot of companies have spent a ton of time and money attempting to perfect the system. Admittedly, I'm surprised by the negativity towards the idea. To me, it just seems like one of the many technology-related adjustments that are re-engineering society.

In any event, we'll soon get more details respecting the EOS Biometric ID program and if these comments are indicative, there will be lots of discussion and analysis.


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