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RE: Quick Message For @joanaltres

in #steemit7 years ago

Isn't the thing being done just a form of advertisement though? Just unfollow if you don't like the persons posts? I can see that it probaby isnt the best strategy but how is it harmful if it promotes content on steemit?


You don't know what you are talking about. You can't hide wallet spam. Also annoying people is harmful in itself and particularly if it is being used to promote crappy schemes.

Thats why i was asking... but still not really a straight answer. Im just wondering what the actual harm is? I never found it annoying that i was being given free steem but i do agree its not the best marketing strategy.

I already explained the harm it just seems you don't get it. Why is email spam bad? What harm does it do?

All these things waste time and are distractions from what you are actually trying to do.

I never found it annoying that i was being given free steem but i do agree its not the best marketing strategy.

That's great for you if you are happy to be inconvenienced for a fraction of a penny, I value my time more.

I guess its just a matter of personal opinion then. I never once felt inconvienenced. I do see that the incentive to create fake accounts is a bad thing though. I was really just wondering if there was a real harm being done that you saw which i didnt. Not trying to get into an argument or defend anybody.

No and please don't take my words too harshly it is just something that I feel very strongly about - to be honest spam in general really annoys me because it steals our most valuable asset - time which we can never get back.

Thats a good point. Maybe there is something about this within some rules on steemit.

I think that is part of the problem with decentralised platforms. The only rules are the ones coded into the blockchain. The rest is basically community consensus.

It is a good thing to practice responsibility. :) lol

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