in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Some Whales have promoted a gang of SCAMARCHISTS as your de-facto spokespeople, and they have sucked up over $100 000 OF YOUR STEEM in a week!

Listen folks, we all love STEEMIT, we all want this to succeed, and if we are being honest we all want to make some money from our contributions - but something very sinister is happening here. Do not get me wrong, I am not calling this a PONZI, it is not a blatant SCAM, but anyone standing on the outside looking in, or someone who is in and has been posting-their-asses-off, but earned nothing, it definitely has that untrustworthy feeling - well, in the last few weeks that feeling has increased a great deal, as we have been taken over by people who are definitely of the scammy mindset.

For those of us who love this place, it is reflexive to want to smash anyone who is critical of it, but for those who really want this to succeed, everyone who posts and earns 10 cents for their work, should instead expect at least $1.00 - if you make $1.00 today, you should instead expect $10.00 .. otherwise this is not at all worthwhile. When Tone Vays says that 215 people control 85% of STEEM POWER, and that they will double that POWER each year - I think this is accurate, and it is obscene!!!.

With STEEMIT Gold Rush Fever in full-effect, there is no need for the WHALES to adjust their behaviour - EVERY ASPECT IS ALLLL GOOD FOR THEM .. BUT .. IT IS SERIOUSLY SHORT-SIGHTED

You see, the classic disclaimer of the SCAMMER is .. this is really risky, there are no guarantees, and if you put $ in (or time & energy .. same thing), you can not expect a return, but if you do hit .. you're going to hit BIG! The Mexican Scamarchists are expert at this shit, so they are really effective promoters .. BUT THEY ARE THE WRONG KIND - THE WHALES SHOULD NOT BE SUPPORTING AND PUMPING UP THESE PROFESSIONAL BULLSHITTERS!

If we want to attract normal people who wish to make 'real' investment in STEEM, STEEM DOLLARS, posting and interacting on STEEMIT, we can't make heroes of people who may have been involved in scams, have done time, who simply got lucky because they got into crypto early, or they have miraculously created a following by repeating the same shit over and over again on their shitty YOUTUBE shows.

This will not attract normal people, who actually have money and want to help turn this into a WIDELY used eco-system, that benefits a great many people, not just a few founding members.

Jeffrey Tucker (Beautiful Anarchy) wrote an article, "A Theory of the Scam", in which he explores why the crypto-currency landscape is so attractive to the scammer ..

But let’s ask a deeper question: why are scam artists so attracted to Bitcoin (or any crypto-currency)? The answer is actually flattering. Scam artists are the evil cousins of genuine entrepreneurs. They are alert to new opportunities. They are attracted to ventures that are popular among the smart set. They are profoundly aware of what people imagine to be the next big thing. Where there is opportunity and the prospect of high profits, there are scammers.

Well, that is very nice, we have to worry about "genuine entrepreneurs" as well, but the folks I am talking about are not that - they are borderline criminals or just desperate individuals, who are using anarchism the same way guys who got busted smoking weed used to try convince the cops they were rastafarians.

A quick rundown of your STEEMITs Scamarchist Public Relations Crew:

  • One was recently accused, in an article on STEEMIT, of bribing gov't officials to obtain travel /residency documents for people wishing to flee the United States
  • Some chick, no one has ever heard of before, suddenly declared a serious contributor to the anarchist movement!!??? She spent her time at a conference introducing the dumbfounded audience to video game archetypes as a way of 'educating people about anarchism'? .. holy shit, seriously messed!
  • One is a legit badass who teaches people how to get away with smoking weed in public ... that's great, and also something only punkass teenagers think is cool - he has very little else to offer.
  • Then there is this dude who everyone thinks is AWESOME .. he reminds me of guys I knew in high school - discovered these ideas, minds were blown and remained that way .. then they run around like excited bunny rabbits trying to freak-others-out with what they have learned, and no one gives a fuck. Contribution? Besides a lot of repetitive blah blah blah .. ??
  • Then there is the country guy .. who is so broke he cashed in his earnings from STEEMIT immediately, and will continue to do so .. see blah blah blah, above.


Demand change or this sinister shit is going to kill our beloved STEEMIT, faster than you can say .. "Woo! I made another 10 grand with that stupid video!"


and that they will double that POWER each year - I think this is accurate, and it is obscene!!!.

This is incorrect, most whales are losing power as we speak because they are powering down.
You can check the numbers here If you compare numbers from day to day you will see that whales's power influence is decreasing every day.
Also the lower the price of steem the faster power is being distributed so whales will stop selling at some point .
When whales create new whales like the people you mentionned it just means that it will take longer for the power to even out but it will inevitably happen
Although I didn't like the tone of your post I upvoted because I think it can bring some important discussion to the table.

those people got their 'fame' from the 'old' media, not steemit ... the scenery will change, just give it some time

I would upvote this post but it is far too opinionated and takes stabs at people who have worked very hard to gain any following outside Steemit.
They didn't just pop onto the scene yesterday. Unlike many of us.
@dollarvigilante @barrycooper @lukewearechange @larkenrose

All hale Sade. Amazing voice, amazing Everything!

I bet wales wont rewards this great post.

I agree with some points and have similar worries on some aspects like you, but I also agree with most of the comments.
If whales and creators of this destroy their own child it's their responsibility. With big power comes big responsibility.
What is fair or what is not, as I see that is main fuel of your disappointment and frustration. @dantheman had a nice post about it in last 24 hours.
For me, steemit is just a reflection of real world values and I believe it will continue to be so. To search for a value you have to look deep, not on the surface, also like in the real world. And that value isn't compensated accordingly​ just like in a real world.
To be happier don't worry and blame, try educating yourself and when sharing your thoughts try being constructive and not destructive.

instincts are to downvote this one.

why so dismissive of others?

To avoid disaster necessary changes must be made sooner than later is one of earnestness more than dismissivness. These people may be heroes to some .. to them I say take a closer look, and look around some more - there are higher-quality candidates.!

My main point is that these people, who have been selected to represent us, selected by a very small group of people ...should not have been!!

you're right and I'm here now ;-)

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