
Making (mining) STEEM is becoming harder these days! Jerry is a full of sh!t, just forget him! But if you plan everything perfectly, STEEM might be a life changing blockchain!


I'm sorry that your introduction to this platform was via the likes of Jerry and Joe but am very glad that you eventually discovered the real Steemit.

This is a fantastic place once you understand where to look and find the good people to interact with. There are some fantastic communities to become a part of here. I'm glad you've found some of the good ones to spend time with. :)

Thank you for your kind words. I love some of the communities I have found here, and look forward to being able to support them more as I grow here.

Great progress.

You sure picked the worst of times - I made heaps on both cryptos and Steemit last year but have lost heaps since Feb.

But nevermind, these things are often cyclical...

Thanks. I do believe once the establishment fully has their regulations in place to make more than the sheeple that there will be a bull run the likes of which have never been seen.

This blew me away - Steemit was $1.02 on November 26, 2017. One month later it hit the all time high of $7.31 on January 3rd 2018.

Nice story @practicalthought, and well done for sticking with it! There really is a nice community here, once you cut through all the BS and just go about treating Steemit as a social content site (with benefits).

Here's wishing you a great next six months and beyond!

Here's wishing you a great next six months and beyond!

Thank you :)

Yeah, I try to avoid the BS and have lucked out so far once I saw things more clearly and tossed my preconceptions out the window.

This is a great #Steemstory! Thank you.

Thank you for coming up with the idea and reading it. :)

Great post, I kept hearing "Come for the Crypto and Stay for the community." It took me a little while to get to where I could see it.

@practicalthought I just read your post and you said everything! Well, I've never paid for bots because this isn't my character but if you get to know people and support each other it just brings us closer together and the real content, passion and thoughts are getting recognition! Everyone can do what they love where else no one would notice it on a different platform. It's like a huge family who cares about others! Giving and receiving gets important again!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

It's like a huge family who cares about others! Giving and receiving gets important again!

This sums it up so nicely. Thanks for reading and the nice words.

"Like" is now worth two cents here. :)

I've been in crypto since 2015. Began mining ltc and btc. Branched made few nodes that'd pickup passive income.

Disposed of passive income in trades "something like $20" grew that ten times. Split that in half, one went to PoS small cap that yields 117% annually. The rest to steemit to grow.

I find this article rather comforting then the news or etc.. i wish you'd do one again about spiritual forces. Always a favorite.

But alas glad youre here, glad you comment on my posts. Some interesting thoughts sometimes. Which also allow me to consider and grow.

glad you comment on my posts.

You are a treasure here despite

"Like" is now worth two cents here. :)

I appreciate what you share here, information that elsewhere scammers (scammers because they charge for it) charge hundreds and thousands of dollars for. You (and those like you) are exactly why I rent delegation. So many who joined when I did are gone now and I hope, small as it might be, that my support can help keep those like yourself who provide such value to stay.

i wish you'd do one again about spiritual forces. Always a favorite.

Thank you. I know it isn't quite the same, but my heart has drawn me into engaging in this form of writing via my VOP posts. I believe this is exposing for everyone the war taking place here right now in the battle of good and evil. Being from Tucson, it maybe a little more real for me than many as I know the area, know the players a little better than many. I am hopeful that I can help sustain the attention. So far, my posts on them have all (for at least a few days) made the first page of Google. I need to keep at this as many of the posts on the first page are defaming them and making it like the evidence isn't here.

Thank you so much for sharing your process with us!!

Thanks for stopping by. A nice surprise given how incredibly busy you are.

Aw, thanks. It has been a crazy busy period. I really want to step deeper into Steemit again, but for some reason I still have a hard time navigating certain parts. Sooner or later I will put my head into it and figure it out.

I feel like I should be saying, welcome to Steemit, @practicalthought!

I think when it's all said and done, STEEM is going to benefit from the jerry's and the haejin's and whoever else has been doing the shilling (and shystering) to get people here. Unfortunately, there's a negative net value there because a lot of other people who came in because of them are now gone because they were never able to get past the $$$$ or lack thereof and connect with people or a community.

I'm glad, though, that you were able to find those who make it worthwhile. And I'm glad to say that you are one of the reasons why I'm still here. I suppose it's meant to work to mutual benefit.

Here's to another six months. May it be more successful, less full of pitfalls and vipers, and increasingly more valuable than the last (however you want to quantify that last part).

And I'm glad to say that you are one of the reasons why I'm still here. I suppose it's meant to work to mutual benefit.

Thank you, I feel the same. I have always felt honored that I am one of the few you follow. I am pretty picky about my follow list, and was surprised to see you are more so. The fact that you do so well in that engagement league you participate in is a testament to the high regard the community has for your conduct and integrity.

I'd like to think that, and it's very kind of you to say, but I'm afraid that my main reason for any level of success with the engagement league is my wordiness. :)

I learned fairly early upon getting here that it wasn't going to do me much good to be following a thousand people (I actually figured that out after I did it on Twitter), so I've gone in and pruned it periodically, mostly as people have dropped out, but occasionally when people change what they're writing or their tone to something that I can't really engage with anymore.

I still need to up the amount a little, though, because I do run out of things to read on a regular basis. Right now I'm behind again, but I've spent most of the morning so far going through replies, which is great for engagement.

I'm glad we've been able to connect. There seems to be quite a few of us more seasoned folks ambling around here, and it definitely elevates the level of the conversation for me. Not that there aren't some good kids, too. There definitely are, and they are sorely needed. There's just a lot of them who aren't, or are still in the maturing stage, and it's kind of like listening to nails on a chalkboard at times. :)

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