
burn money.jpg

"That's not my dad, it's a cell phone!"

Hahahaha, to funny. An apt video to describe the exaggerations these people raging display.

There are a few times I wish I had a larger vote and this post is one of those times!

Also in a related story a witness that is spamming the blockchain as well as interfering with user-experience to use that story in his unrelated battle with another witness and large stake-holder.

There are times I find these dramas entertaining, but these aren't funny.

Thanks :)

It gets old seeing this play out, especially (which wasn't the case for me this time) when it involves someone you were supporting and they are screaming burn it to the ground. My brain screeches to a halt as it says "Mcscuse me Bitch.

Agreed, I lost a Steem friend in the last big battle, he was just done with it, had been around since the early days and he just powered down and left... Quietly.

I'm a big believer in live and let live, but also in exactly what you said... Cut the chain if you can't resolve your issues.

I'm sorry your friend left. I applaud his dignity at doing so quietly, although I wish he would have understood the chain and its potential is not this application built atop it. I believe one day he (and many others who make the same perception mistake) may regret his actions if (I believe when)Steem explodes in use/demand.

Unfortunately the worst case scenarios like the ones who don't leave and try to shit on everything they can, including those who may have been kind to them, are evident in society around us. Due to choices I have made in life (karma) I am stuck working a hard, labor intensive low wage job right now. There is lots of grumbling, lots of half assed effort by many of my coworkers who feel above what the job entails/pays. They don't seem to understand that everyday they clock in they are agreeing to perform certain duties for x amount of pay. It comes down to a misunderstanding on what is fair and its relation to agreements we make.

There are no perfect communities, never read of them either. The only thing we control is our conduct within them, and the scary part of all of that for many is the idea that the burden falls upon us to be for others what we wish someone could be for us. If everyone keeps waiting for someone else, or lashes out when others are not it speeds up the communities being the opposite of what we would have.

I really like that you make the point that MOST people here were probably treating these people in a reasonable manner. One or two unreasonable people treat them bad;y and they still try to harm everyone for the actions of a few. I wish that would sink in.

Nicely written and although I'm not familiar with the characters involved I am aware of the sense of entitlement some have. I've had to come to the conclusion that this isn't a Utopian social media site and it would be fantasy to think one existed. While steemit exists on planet earth there is always going to be an assortment of characters on here, some good and some bad. I've witnessed some shocking behaviour of late and some by high profile steemit profiles and instead of constantly getting frustrated I've learned to switch off and walk around the mess in the road.

Yeah, I get that it sucks to get caught in the hairs of someone deciding to down vote, but it really takes it to that next level to declare if you can't have fish, no one (including those who have never harmed you or worse, had been supporting you) is going to have any if you can help it.

there is always going to be an assortment of characters on here, some good and some bad.

Exactly. Everywhere people go, peoples tendencies will be. This system still offers so much and in many ways offsets some of that. Can you imagine the Federal Reserve (or whoever your central bank is) sending us all free fiat annually to offset annual inflation? Or being able to print your own by giving someone else a thumbs up, etc etc.

Some folk do like a good drama and I suppose these characters keep each other busy and out of my way ;)
No, I can't begin to imagine a UK bank giving away free cash, haha! That would be something, right?! Imperfection is OK with me and like you said, we still have plenty of positives to concentrate on around here.

Im tired of everyone being outraged by all these new apps and the changes they make. Im all for voicing your displeasure, but quit playing the victim. If they are really dissatisfied with whats going on pull out your money and delegation. Those both speak louder than any outrage post.

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thought you would really enjoy this from cooper quite long and many parts

part two

part three

and one final final part 4

i hope you enjoy it great stuff hes great and too bad no one defended this man when the cops murdered him but they did nothing to protect edward snowden either
americans have becone the most apathetic people on the planet and will dearly pay for it soon
weve been taught that liberty is given but thats the furthest thing from the truth liberty is always always taken
have a great day PT

great post sir and i know exactly who your talking about lol

but i would have to disagree with you about there are no perfect communities
cherin mexicono police no govt no drug cartels and no taxes and the worst crime there is kids might break a window
another perfect community is liberland no taxes and only three crimes destroying property stealing or hurting someone and another one that comes close is vanatuu if i spelt that right
im sure theres more but i dont know of anymore due to not enough research
have a great day practical thought and am looking forward to seeing what you thought about the book from cooper when your finished

if the indians killed his grandmother in the village there would have been no such thing as mr cooper
cheers sir and keep up the great articles

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