Hey Steemers! Here is why we think Steemit will take over Facebook, Twitter and other social networks within this year.

in #steemit8 years ago

source of the picture: https://steemit.com/steemit/@clains/how-i-earned-usd100-000-with-steemit

Hey Steemers! We hope you are all going well!

In this post we are going to tell you why we think Steemit will take over Facebook, Twitter and other social networks within this year! :)

First, we think that as a Steemit user we can all see the number of users and the variety of users from all around the world growing up and up, each and every day. If you ask yourself what is so good or so different on Steemit that people really connect with the project, we think we found the answer.

Steemit is (as long as your puting your own content) an uncensored social network where anyone can post about anything he likes and get rewarded for this. Basically, this is the catch!
But there are also many people that were already earning money for what they were doing for example on Youtube or other platform.
So now, what it is that made these people coming on Steemit instead of just keep doing what they were doing and earning money elsewhere?
Once again, I feel that the answer is about censorship. Censorship can have many levels. For example, people can not put anything they want on Youtube, even if it is their own content. This is a form of censorship.
But there is also people on Facebook, that were earning money through their page and then one day got snab in the back by Facebook. What I mean by "snab in the back" is that they avoid you, at a certain number of follower, of getting new followers. No matter what if your page is still getting exposure or not. They put some Facebook's ads which says and expect from you to give them some money in exchange of more exposure that maybe you do not need, so you can have more followers. That's what it is, unfortunately.. :/

So now let's say every other social networks were doing the same thing to everybody. They will make money from contents that are not their own, OUR contents, and expect us to pay them so they can continue to make money from us. What is going on?

In our opinion, everybody would be ok to give a part of their cake if they are in control of the products and the benefits they are earning. And we think that's exactly what Steemit is doing. Everybody can have a part of the cake as long as they are participating in the progression, the exposure or the evolution of the product, and we don't have to pay the platform for this. Our contents make the payment.

And here, guys, is why Steemit will take over Facebook, Twitter and other social networks within this year!

Thanks for reading our post! Have a nice day! More coming soon.

source of the picture: https://steemit.com/steemit/@rok-sivante/what-is-steemit-and-why-may-you-be-wise-to-join-the-party-an-open-invitation-to-particpating-and-profiting-in-a-social-media


Cocky you fool! In this network, millions of problems and every day they increase. Gradually the network becomes a community of nerds! Who says there's no censorship? There it is.

@individ Not true at all! Check out how well the people posting smoothie recipes are doing. :)

What is the problem with nerds? Everyone has his place on Steemit, in our opinion. And I said there is no censorship as long as you put your own content, something you wrote or did yourself. I agree that the platform is not perfect but it is only the Beta version. We will see how it goes in the next few months. ;)

Your reputation is 14 for a reason.

I have commented on a couple of similar posts but I really feel that at the rate Steemit is growing we have a very long way to go to catch Facebook and I think Twitter is a different beast and can be used as a great cross promotional platform with Steemit.. However the other blogging type platforms such as Medium are in for a real challenge unless they can start rewarding their active users financially as well as emotionally .

We agree with you. But yeah what we're saying is that the financial part of the platform can't put the other platform that ask you for money in some real difficult moments.

This is a good thought provoking post.

However, I don't think steemit is going to overtake Facebook or twitter within the year unless within the year we branched out to another steem platform.

That's because the ordinary people using Facebook don't really see these problems of today's "social" networks. Steemit needs to use another platform, not for blogging, but for something more like Amazon, for buying and selling. People on steemit are already selling off the platform, but their post about what steem related merchandise they're selling often gets washed down the new page and people only see it moments after it's posted unless the post becomes really popular.

A platform for merchandise would take off very quickly and our use of the steem dollar would increase its value. Before long people will be using the website to buy more than just merchandise but anything at all like any other online shopping website. This is something the outside world of Facebookers would notice. And that's when they'll see the real money people are getting from social networking on steemit.

Very nice comment. We will see how Steemit evolves in the next few months. But your idea is great.

I hope you are right, but it seems like it would have to offer multiple feeds -- an articles to read feed, a FB-like friends and family feed for baby pictures and people talking about what they had for dinner, etc. and a Twittery feed.

Well said, and I love this about Steemit: "everybody would be ok to give a part of their cake if they are in control of the products and the benefits they are earning"

Thank you. I agree with you, it still have to evolve to be as perfect as we expect it to be, but I believe it will.

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