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RE: 🏆 The Villan's Comps - Adopt a Minnow for a Month

in #steemit6 years ago

Great program, some of you steemit folks are really helping out the small folks. that encouragement of someone pushing you to grow means a lot. easy for minnows to get swollowed up, fishermans term lol. thank you for helping someone out. even an upvote and a little comment from a bigger or well know steemian is a good motovater, when you have just a hand full of followers, some days its hard to get see the purpose of making that post.


Thanks for entering, have marked your entry as valid.
Yeah it's tough starting out on steemit, and it can really drive people away from the platform. I would like to see it surpass facebook, so I do what I can ;)
I have followed you and will check out your stuff :)

You came runner up in the comp, and get constellation prize :)
Well done @possumworks

wow, thank you so much for showing interest, the winner I am following, was a great choice. Hope you keep reading my adventures at Toads, think Uncle Vil will be visiting pretty soon. Thanks again Sir and Congrats to all the other folks.

Thanks and thats great your following the winner :)
I'm looking forward to more stories, and who knows if Steem price hit's $100 I could be coming fishing with you :D

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