Should I use POWER UP 100% for post reward?!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

TL;DR: No!

You get more with Default (50% / 50%) reward ratio. Read to find out why.

source - steemit shop

Lately i see some accounts that are picking Power up for post reward, and i wanted to explain to them, why they are loosing money by doing so.

Steemit rewards are calculated a bit different than most of us would imagine at first. And 50% STEEM POWER / 50% SBD actually is not 50% / 50% when you convert that in US Dollars.

For an example we'll take a post that rewarded the Author with 100$ (Steem token units or STU - thanks @fbslo for correction) (curators rewards are already taken out of this).

Current Steem price in US Dollars = 4.25
Current SBD price in US Dollars = 3.78

So let's assume Steemian A took 100% POWER UP and Steemian B took 50/50 reward distribution.

Steemian A's formula is simple. You take 100$ and divide it with current Steem price in US Dollars. So the STEEM POWER he received would be approx: 23.53 STEEM POWER. That is equal to 100 US Dollars.

But let's look at the Steemian B, who chooses 50/50.
His formula is a bit tricky. 50% is converted to STEEM POWER. This one is easy and the same formula as 100%, just for 50 dollars instead of 100. So his first 50% reward is approx: 11.76 STEEM POWER. The second part of reward is converted to SBD. But here is the most important difference. It does not calculate with actual SBD price! You get 50 SBD! And 50 SBD can be converted to 189 US Dollars. You can add 11.76 STEEM POWER to this calculation and you actually get a 238 US Dollars post reward. And that is more than twice of 100% reward!

Here is a quick table representing the above results


What should happen to be better with 100% POWER UP ?

The only time when you get more is if SBD is worth LESS than 1 USD. STEEM price is actually quite irrelevant for the calculation, the only difference is if SBD is less than 1 dollar. In that case you should use 100% POWER UP. But since I strongly believe that won't happen again ... :) You can just forget about it and convert your SBD to STEEM after you get reward payed out.

Or you just want to have a little steem icon next to your post to show how cool you are for losing money? =)

So my suggestion is, use 50/50 always if SBD > 1 USD. And use blocktrades (by @blocktrades) or Steemit internal market to convert that SBD -> STEEM -> STEEM POWER!

You have any thoughts or questions? Upvote and leave them in the comments bellow.

I'll upvote back every meaningful comment with few cents


če bi bili rewardi 50/50 potem bi ti dal prav :) pa žal že nekaj časa niso

Rewardi so še vedno 50/50 vendar je čudna logika zadaj. 50% Steem se gleda glede na trenutno vrednost steema na trgu. Od skupnega rewarda npr 10$ dobiš 5$ -> v steem po trenutni ceni na trgu cca 1.6 Steem power. ostalo 5$ pa se prenese 1=1 v SBD. Torej za 10$ reward dobiš 1.6 steem power in 5 SBD. Če vzameš 100% power up dobiš cca 3.2 Steem power celoten reward. 5 SBD pa lahko pretvoriš v vsaj 4 STEEM + 1.6. Kaj je torej boljše?

ok, to zdaj prvič berem, da je to v bistvu stvar trga (da so rewardi še vedno 50/50) in ne uravnovešanje inflacije. Kje si pa pobral podatke če smem vprašat? Dobro, bom pač ta post manj plačan. Malo me moti da je steem več vreden kot sd.

Dejansko mi ni bilo jasno in sem raziskoval.
Tukaj vidiš pod Steem info zavihek trenutno ceno Steema (ki je povprečje mislim, da 7 dni na trgu). Vidiš tudi natančne podatke za reward, ki si ga prejel.

Primer za en zadnjih komentarjev sem dobil 0.06$ nagrade, kar je prišlo 0.029 SBD in 0.007 SP. Od 0.06 gre polovica za SP -> 0.03 oz. bolj natančno 0.029 / X (vrednost steema) = 0.007 SP. Steem v mojem primeru je bil 4.14286

Vrednost STEEMa na Steemitu ob času pisanja tega komentarja:

Glede rewarda za en post gor ali dol, sem pa ravno zato ta post napisal, ker sem kar nekaj časa porabil, da sem dojel kako vse skupaj deluje in želim prikrajšati muke tistim, ki se še niso šli podrobno v to spuščat.

Ma jaz hodim redno na to stran, samo da vidim stats (vp, rep, rewards...) in acc details (če koga zanima). Sem pa čekiral zdaj pod steem info in ja, to je ta cena. Nikoli nisem čisto vedel čemu se tam nahaja. Hvala ti :)

Thanks for the useful information

Author with 100$ (Steem dollars)

Rewards are not in Steem dollars. They are in STU.
Read this post:

I agree that it's better to sell SBD for STEEM instead of Powering Up 100%.

never heard of STU either. :) what does it stand for?

As from the post. It's short for Steem Token Unit.
I guess it's a new name, because you can't call reward to be Steem and it's not Steem dollars also. So something in the middle and neutral? :D

Yeah i didn't know how to call it. Steem dollars seemed the most logical name even tho it's not. But i never heard of STU and there is no mention about it in FAQ? Don't know where that name came from? But it do seems like the most logical name for reward. Will edit post for a name change.

Thanks for info, very interesting post ;)
I don't remember when I post a post - 100% Steem Power
And after this info, I will probably never use again :)

Yeah i remember we were powering up, when SBD was bellow 1 USD, but i didn't actually knew why at that time =)

Yea, i remember, when whales have there post on 100 % ''Power-up'' and then I make it too :)

I use 50/50 as a default.

Yeah it's the best option and lets hope it stays that way (that means SBD > 1 USD) =)

I didn't realize that the SBD was always calculated at $1. That's good to know. Thanks!

Thank you for your information. It would be informative for starter like me.

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